

单词 市价
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔estimate〕heroin with an estimated street value of £50,000 按黑市价格估计价值 5 万英镑的海洛因朗文当代〔introductory〕a special introductory price of just $10 仅 10 元的优惠上市价牛津高阶〔market〕the market price of cocoa. 可可的市价柯林斯高阶〔offer〕an offer subject to market fluctuation 按市价涨落而变动的报价英汉大词典〔rig〕rig prices (the stock market) 垄断市价(股票市场)英汉大词典〔shrinkage〕a shrinkage in market values 市价的低落英汉大词典〔street value〕cocaine with a street value of two million pounds. 黑市价格为 200 万英镑的可卡因柯林斯高阶〔street value〕drugs with a street value of over £1 million 黑市价值超过 100 万英镑的毒品牛津高阶〔street〕drugs with a street value of £5 million 街头黑市价值达 500 万英镑的毒品牛津搭配〔submarket〕submarket wages; submarket interest rates. 低于通常市价的工资;低于市价的利息率美国传统the spread between the list price and the market price of the car 汽车标价和市价的价差牛津商务




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