

单词 很长
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔-lined〕a long tree-lined drive. 两旁绿树林立的一条很长的私人车道柯林斯高阶〔CONTINUE〕when something unpleasant continues for a long time 令人不快的事持续很长时间朗文写作活用〔GET〕to get more of something over a long period of time 在很长一段时间里得到的某物越来越多朗文写作活用〔LAUGH〕to laugh a lot or for a long time 笑得很多或很长时间朗文写作活用〔LONG〕continuing for a long time 持续很长时间朗文写作活用〔LONG〕when you need a lot of time in order to do something 需要很长时间做某事朗文写作活用〔LOOK〕to look for a long time 看很长时间朗文写作活用〔SLOW〕lasting or taking a long time 持续很长时间或需要很长时间朗文写作活用〔age〕ages Informal An extended period of time: ages 【非正式用语】 长时期,许多年:很长的一段时间:美国传统〔articulation〕a singer able to sustain a full tone and clear articulation over extremely long periods. 可以很长时间保持声音洪亮并且吐字清楚的歌手柯林斯高阶〔chatter〕chattered a long reply. 喋喋不休地做了一个很长的回复美国传统〔chronic〕a chronic smoker 烟龄很长的烟鬼朗文当代〔come〕a former drug addict who has come a long way. 一位过去很长一段时间吸毒的瘾君子美国传统〔flight〕a long flight of stone steps 很长的一段石阶英汉大词典〔gestation〕in gestation The report was a very long time in gestation. 这份报告酝酿了很长一段时间。朗文当代〔hour〕for hours (on end) It'll keep the children amused for hours on end. 这可以让孩子们开心很长时间。朗文当代〔hour〕the long hours worked by hospital doctors 医院医生很长的工作时间朗文当代〔lead-time〕a long lead-time in oil production because of the need for new exploration and drilling. 由于需要进行新的勘探和钻井,所以很长时间才可能产出原油美国传统〔length〕a considerable length of time 很长一段时间英汉大词典〔long drawn out〕a long drawn out election campaign. 拖得很长的选举活动柯林斯高阶〔long-limbed〕a long-limbed man 四肢很长的男人文馨英汉〔long〕a long performance 时间很长的演出英汉大词典〔long〕a long time. 很长的时间美国传统〔long〕a very long piece of string一段很长的细绳外研社新世纪〔mile〕had to walk for miles in the airport. 在机场得走很长的路美国传统〔pad〕padding the long road into town. 沿着很长的路步行去镇上美国传统〔prolonged〕a prolonged period of time 很长一段时间朗文当代〔section〕a long section of roadway 很长一段路牛津搭配〔sit〕have a long sit 坐很长时间英汉大词典〔slush〕a long walk through the snow and slush to see my doctor 走了很长一段雪泥路去看医生牛津搭配〔spatchcock〕spatchcock a long quotation into the text 把很长的一段引文插入文章英汉大词典〔standing〕a friend and colleague of long standing 一个交往很长时间的朋友兼同事麦克米伦高阶〔stitch〕a good stitch 一段很长的距离 (或路程、时间)英汉大词典〔tail〕write a “y” with a long tail 写一个尾巴拖得很长的y字母英汉大词典〔train〕a wedding dress with a long train 后摆很长的结婚礼服朗文当代〔up〕didn't feel up to a long drive. 觉得无法来开很长一段路的车美国传统〔wind〕took a long walk and wound up at the edge of town; overspent and wound up in debt. 走了很长一段路后到达小镇的边缘;花费过度,导致负债美国传统〔without〕without sleep for a long time 很长时间没睡觉英汉大词典〔year〕years An indefinitely long period of time: years 不确定的很长一段时间:美国传统bloated applications that take too long to download 需要花很长时间下载的臃肿应用程序牛津商务




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