

单词 往昔
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔ago〕long, long ago 往昔文馨英汉〔bygone〕the bygone days of our ancestors 我们先辈的往昔岁月韦氏高阶〔by〕in days gone by 在已逝的岁月中,在昔日[往昔]文馨英汉〔catalogue〕a catalogue of past achievements 往昔业绩的记载英汉大词典〔colonialism〕the colonialist past 殖民主义的往昔韦氏高阶〔day〕in days gone by [to come] 在从前[将来];往昔[后世]文馨英汉〔day〕in olden days=in days of old 往昔,从前文馨英汉〔erstwhile〕one's erstwhile friends and allies 往昔的朋友与伙伴英汉大词典〔far-off〕memories of those far-off days 久远往昔的回忆牛津高阶〔former〕in former days [times, years] 从前,往昔文馨英汉〔glorification〕a glorification of the past. 对往昔的颂扬柯林斯高阶〔gone〕memories of gone summers 往昔夏日的回忆英汉大词典〔haze〕asking people to recollect a vanished past through a nostalgic haze. 让大家根据对过去的模糊印象忆起逝去的往昔。柯林斯高阶〔haze〕asking people to recollect a vanished past through a nostalgic haze让人们透过朦胧的思乡之情重拾逝去的往昔外研社新世纪〔king〕back in the days when jazz was king 在往昔爵士乐极为盛行的年代朗文当代〔longing〕a wistful longing for the past 对往昔岁月的怀念牛津搭配〔olden〕in the olden days=in olden times 往昔,昔日文馨英汉〔olden〕olden days. 往昔岁月美国传统〔pastness〕the pastness of the old life 往昔生活的不复存在英汉大词典〔past〕at some time in her past 她往昔岁月中的某个时候牛津搭配〔past〕great artists of the past 往昔伟大的艺术家牛津搭配〔past〕happy memories of the past 关于往昔的幸福记忆韦氏高阶〔past〕in past years=in years past 在过去,在往昔文馨英汉〔recapture〕recapture the past 回忆往昔英汉大词典〔relive〕relive old joys 重温往昔欢乐英汉大词典〔untrammel(l)ed〕the old untrammel(l)ed days 逍遥自在的往昔 英汉大词典〔yore〕days of yore 往昔的日子麦克米伦高阶〔yore〕in days of yore 在往昔的日子里英汉大词典




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