单词 | 往往 |
释义 | DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AVOID〕Parents often shy away from discussing sex with their children. 父母往往羞于和孩子讨论性的问题。朗文写作活用〔IN GENERAL〕It tends to be the brighter kids who get all the teacher's attention. 老师的全部注意力往往都放在较聪明的学生身上。朗文写作活用〔INDEPENDENT〕Many youngsters who've been brought up in care are often incapable of looking after themselves when they leave. 许多由福利院扶养大的小孩子离开后往往不能自己料理生活。朗文写作活用〔LOOK AFTER〕Teenagers who discover they were adopted often search for their biological parents when they are old enough. 有的十几岁的青少年在发现自己是领养的孩子之后,往往会在长大以后去寻找自己的亲生父母。朗文写作活用〔POSITION/RANK〕Women who have been harassed by male superiors often don't complain because they are afraid of losing their jobs. 受到过男性上司骚扰的女性往往不会去投诉,因为她们害怕失去工作。朗文写作活用〔SAD〕Mild symptoms of anxiety and depression are often associated with social difficulties. 轻度的焦虑和抑郁往往和社交困难有关。朗文写作活用〔SECRET〕Operating in secrecy, intelligence agencies are often seen as mysterious and unaccountable for their actions. 由于行事秘密,情报机构在人们眼里往往显得很神秘,他们的行动也令人费解。朗文写作活用〔SEX〕Most doctors agree that a suppressed libido is often associated with emotional and psychological problems. 大多数医生都认为性压抑往往与情绪问题和心理问题有关。朗文写作活用〔START〕Low achievement at school often arises from poverty and bad social conditions. 在学校里成绩不好往往是贫困和不良社会环境造成的。朗文写作活用〔WOMAN〕Women drivers tend to be much more careful than men. 女司机往往比男司机小心得多。朗文写作活用〔aggression〕Aggression by one nationality against another often leads to war.一个民族对另一民族的挑衅往往会导致战争。牛津搭配〔anorexic〕Anorexics tend to be obsessional and perfectionist.厌食症患者往往有强迫症,且是完美主义者。剑桥高阶〔answer up to〕Little Tom could always answer up to every question.小汤姆对每个问题往往都能对答如流。21世纪英汉〔augur〕This award often seems to augur misfortune for the recipient.这个奖项对获奖者似乎往往意味着厄运。外研社新世纪〔bellwether〕University campuses are often the bellwether of change.大学校园往往引领变革的新潮。牛津高阶〔blind〕International companies are all too often blind to local needs.一些跨国公司往往不了解本地的需求。朗文当代〔boxy〕The trouble with many small houses is that they tend to be boxy.许多小房子的问题是它们往往是四四方方的。剑桥高阶〔breed〕Rumours like this tend to breed suspicion.这种传闻往往会引起怀疑。外研社新世纪〔build sth in/into sth〕Inequalities are often built into (= cannot be separated from) society.社会中往往会存在不平等现象。剑桥高阶〔case〕We tend to think of these people as untrustworthy, but that is not the case.我们往往会认为这些人不可靠,但事实并非如此。朗文当代〔coincident〕The culture areas would be essentially coincident with language areas.文化区与语言区往往大体上相重合。英汉大词典〔coming〕It's hard to keep track of the children's comings and goings.这些孩子来来往往,很难跟得上他们的行踪。牛津高阶〔concentrate〕The Irish tended to concentrate in Boston and New York.爱尔兰人往往聚居在波士顿和纽约。外研社新世纪〔crossfire〕Kids often get caught in the crossfire when parents are divorcing.孩子们在父母离婚时往往会被卷入到他们的争吵中。麦克米伦高阶〔customer〕We like to think that we have satisfied customers.我们往往认为我们的客户都很满意。牛津搭配〔defence mechanism〕Arrogance is often a defence mechanism.傲慢往往是一种防卫表现。剑桥高阶〔devalue〕History has tended to devalue the contributions of women.历史往往贬低女性的贡献。朗文当代〔equate〕He complained that there was a tendency to equate right-wing politics with self-interest.他抱怨说,人们往往会把右翼政见和自私自利混为一谈。剑桥高阶〔famine〕When famine strikes, it is often women and children who suffer the most.发生饥荒时,受害最深的往往是妇女和儿童。牛津搭配〔firstborn〕Parents often spoil their firstborns.父母往往都溺爱他们的长子/女。韦氏高阶〔format〕When text is saved from a Web page, it is often very badly formatted with many short lines.从网页上转存文本时,往往会出现许多短行,格式也乱了。柯林斯高阶〔fritter sth away〕If I've got money in my pocket, I tend to fritter it away.如果口袋里有点钱,我往往就挥霍一空。剑桥高阶〔god〕The people in the gods can be the hardest to please.剧院顶层楼座的观众往往最难伺候。韦氏高阶〔handy〕A few more travellers' cheques may come in handy on holiday.度假时多带些旅行支票往往派得上用场。英汉大词典〔heart〕Her novels tend to deal with affairs of the heart.她的小说往往是有关爱情故事的。牛津高阶〔heavy-handed〕In fact she tends to be a little heavy-handed when she wears make-up.实际上她的妆往往化得有点过浓。柯林斯高阶〔house〕He benefited greatly from the constant flow of visitors, as his father kept open house.他的父亲非常好客, 他从来来往往的客人那里受益颇深。外研社新世纪〔impulse〕He tends to act on impulse.他往往凭一时冲动行事。牛津高阶〔independence〕Economic aid tends to undermine the national independence of Third-World countries.经济援助往往会削弱第三世界国家的独立性。牛津搭配〔intermarry〕Deaf-mutes are likely to intermarry.聋哑人往往是相互通婚的。英汉大词典〔kick〕He tends to deal with disputes by kicking them into the long grass.他处理争议的方法往往是置之不理。牛津高阶〔label〕Fancy designer labels tend to come with fancy price tags to match.高级的名牌服饰往往都挂配高昂的价格牌。朗文当代〔leap〕Oil prices are prone to leap up overnight.石油价格往往一夜之间就会上涨。英汉大词典〔least〕He had a way of throwing her off guard with his charm when she least expected it.他往往趁她最没有心理准备时发动魅力攻势,令她措手不及。柯林斯高阶〔lie〕Statistics can often lie.统计数字往往会造成一种假象。朗文当代〔localize〕Iodine tends to localize in the thyroid.碘往往会积聚在甲状腺内。英汉大词典〔long-lived〕Optimistic people tend to be happier, healthier and longer-lived than pessimists.乐观的人往往会比悲观的人更快乐、更健康、更长寿。外研社新世纪〔lump〕Oatmeal sometimes lumps when it cools.燕麦粥变冷时往往会结块。英汉大词典〔make〕It is often the little things that make or break a hotel.关系到旅馆经营成败的往往是一些小事。英汉大词典〔marasmus〕A progressive wasting of the body, occurring chiefly in young children and associated with insufficient intake or malabsorption of food.消瘦:身体逐渐变瘦,主要见于儿童,往往与食物摄入不足或消化不良有关美国传统〔match〕Fancy designer labels tend to come with fancy price tags to match.高档的名牌服饰往往都挂配高昂的价格。朗文当代〔mellow〕Some bosses tend to mellow with lunch and are at their most approachable in the afternoon.有些老板往往一吃午饭情绪变好,在下午显得最为平易近人。英汉大词典〔mislead〕Advertisements of that kind are apt to mislead.那种广告往往使人上当受骗。英汉大词典〔mosaic〕Mixed farms often provide the mosaic of different habitats that wildlife needs to thrive.混合式农场往往能为野生动物的繁荣生长提供各种不同的栖息地。外研社新世纪〔obtuse〕One's hearing often becomes obtuse in old age.人到老年往往听觉变得不灵。英汉大词典〔often〕Christmas is often mild in this country.在这个国家,圣诞节时的气候往往很暖和。剑桥高阶〔only〕Children can be difficult as we know only too well.小孩子往往很难对付,对此我们都非常清楚。牛津高阶〔part-timer〕Customer service departments are often staffed by part-timers.客户服务部的员工往往是兼职者。柯林斯高阶〔pattern〕Adult behaviour is often patterned by childhood experiences.成年人的行为模式往往是童年经历造成的。牛津高阶〔perceive〕Often what is perceived to be aggression is simply fear.往往看来气势汹汹的表现不过是害怕而已。朗文当代〔preserve〕Boxing and greyhound racing tend to be seen as working class preserves.拳击和赛狗往往被视为工人阶级的专属领域。外研社新世纪〔regulated〕As we get older the temperature-regulating mechanisms in the body tend to become a little less efficient.随着年龄的增长,人体体温调节机制的功能往往会有所弱化。柯林斯高阶〔rubber-stamp〕They are inclined to rubber-stamp his views rather than present him with independent estimates.他们往往是唯他的意见是从,而不向他提出有独立见解的评价。英汉大词典〔safe〕Bigger cars tend to be safer than smaller ones.大轿车往往比小轿车更加安全。韦氏高阶〔sag〕His head would sag, and soon he would be fast asleep again.往往是他的头一垂,便又很快睡着了。英汉大词典〔seize up〕We are all born flexible but as we grow older, we tend to seize up a little.我们出生时身体都很灵活, 但随着年龄的增长, 手脚往往会变得有些僵硬。外研社新世纪〔self-inflicted〕Stress is often self-inflicted.压力往往是自己造成的。朗文当代〔sin〕These textbooks tend to sin by omission rather than admission.这类课本往往失之于过简而不是过繁。英汉大词典〔socioeconomic〕Suicide is often connected with socio-economic deprivation.自杀往往与社会经济权利丧失有关。外研社新世纪〔so〕Frescoes are so familiar a feature of Italian churches that it is easy to take them for granted.壁画在意大利教堂里是司空见惯的,以至于人们往往会视而不见。柯林斯高阶〔stress〕Private schools tend to stress the more academic subjects.私立学校往往注重学术性较强的科目。牛津搭配〔tearjerker〕Films about children and animals are often tearjerkers.关于儿童和动物的电影往往是使人挥泪的片子。英汉大词典〔term〕She tends to perceive herself in purely negative terms.她往往从完全消极的角度看自己。牛津搭配〔tingly〕These lotions tend to give the skin a tingly sensation.这些润肤乳往往会使皮肤有种微微刺痛的感觉。外研社新世纪〔touched〕In my job one tends to lose touch with friends.干我这行,往往会与朋友失去联系。柯林斯高阶〔trend〕In these negotiations, other traders tended to follow the trend set by the strong.在这些谈判中,商家往往按照实力雄厚者定下的一般做法行事。英汉大词典〔undifferentiated〕Colonial officials tended to see Indian society as an undifferentiated whole.殖民地官员往往把印度社会看成是与自己没有差别的一个整体。朗文当代〔unmanageable〕The signs are that indulged children tend to become unmanageable when they reach their teens.这些迹象表明被宠坏的孩子在十几岁的时候往往会变得难以管教。柯林斯高阶〔unrestrained〕His campaign has been unrestrained and often vulgar.他的宣传活动毫无底线, 内容往往很低俗。外研社新世纪〔variable〕The quality of pork is often less variable than beef.猪肉质量往往比牛肉稳定。朗文当代〔verbose〕Legal writing is often unclear and verbose.法律文书往往含糊冗长。朗文当代〔wake〕She did not often recall dreams on waking.她醒来时往往记不起所做的梦。英汉大词典〔will〕He would spend hours on the telephone.他一打电话往往就是几个小时。牛津高阶〔wisdom〕Consultants are too often seen as the source of all wisdom.咨询人员往往被看成是无所不知的智者。牛津搭配〔would〕He would sit for hours daydreaming.他常常[往往]坐上好几个小时在做白日梦。文馨英汉Companies that take empowerment and training seriously tend to perform better.认真对待员工自主权和培训的公司往往营运得更好。牛津商务Developing countries which are anxious for (=want very much) hard currency can rarely afford to protect the environment.急切想要获得硬通货的发展中国家往往很难顾得上保护环境。剑桥国际His books tend to be rather densely written (= contain a lot of information and ideas and are difficult to understand).他的书往往写得相当深奥。剑桥国际I think you tend to eat more in the winter.我想你在冬天往往会吃得多一些。剑桥国际In general, inbred animals tend to suffer from reduced fertility.一般来说,近亲繁殖的动物往往生殖力变弱。剑桥国际Interpretation is often as important as the text itself.表演往往和剧本本身一样重要。剑桥国际Meteorites striking land usually vaporize instantly.陨石撞到地面往往立即汽化。剑桥国际Meteors usually blaze for only a few seconds. 流星往往只闪亮几秒钟。译典通Most heavy metal fans are under 20 --this is at variance with the age of the bands themselves, who are often on the wrong side of 40.大多数“重金属”摇滚乐迷都在20岁以下----这和乐队成员自己的年龄大相径庭,他们往往都年过45。剑桥国际Natural fibres, such as cotton, tend to be used in sportswear because they are cooler.天然的纤维物质,如棉花,往往用来做运动衫,因为它比较凉爽。剑桥国际People are often naive because they are young and/or have not had much experience of life.人们往往轻信,因为他们太年轻或没有生活经验。剑桥国际Psychological profiling is often more helpful to detectives than statements from eye-witnesses.对侦探来说,罪犯的心理档案往往比目击证人的证词更有帮助。剑桥国际Sometimes the child doesn't want to go back to the parent. In such cases the situation is almost impossible to resolve.有时候孩子不愿意回到父母身边。这种情况往往很难对付。剑桥国际Syntactic differences between languages often present the learner with difficulties.语言之间句法的不同往往给语言学习者带来困难。剑桥国际When soldiers are on leave, they tend to wear civilian clothes rather than their military uniforms.士兵休假时往往穿便服而不是穿军装。剑桥国际 |
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