

单词 导线
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔burn〕The short circuit burned out the fuse.短路烧坏了导线美国传统〔bus bar〕A conducting bar that carries heavy currents to supply several electric circuits.汇流线,母线:为支持多条电子线路而运载强大电流的导线美国传统〔bushing〕An adapter threaded to permit joining of pipes with different diameters.导线套管:允许不同直径的导线形成的导线束通过的衬套美国传统〔cable〕Electricity A bound or sheathed group of mutually insulated conductors.【电学】 电缆:包在一起的相互绝缘的导线美国传统〔catalyse〕The wires do not have a large enough surface to catalyse a big explosion.导线表面积不够大, 不足以引发大爆炸。外研社新世纪〔catalyse〕The wires do not have a large enough surface to catalyse a big explosion.这些导线覆盖的面积不够大,不足以引发大爆炸。柯林斯高阶〔coil〕A wound spiral of two or more turns of insulated wire, used to introduce inductance into a circuit.线圈:两圈或两圈以上的绝缘导线绕成的螺旋线,用于产生电路的电感美国传统〔contact〕When you contact these two wires, the machine will start at once.当你使这两条导线一接触,这台机器就会立刻开始运转。21世纪英汉〔convey〕A wire conveys an electric current.导线输送电流。英汉大词典〔drop〕Electronics A connection made available for an input or output unit on a transmission line.【电子学】 传输线:可用于联接输入或输出元件的导线美国传统〔extension〕This lead isn't long enough – do you have an extension? 这根导线不够长,你有延长线吗?麦克米伦高阶〔feeder〕A transmission line between an antenna and a transmitter.传导线:天线和传导器之间的传导线美国传统〔feeder〕Any of the medium-voltage lines used to distribute electric power from a substation to consumers or to smaller substations.馈电线:任何用来将电力从变电站分送到用户或更小的变电站的电压导线美国传统〔firecracker〕A small explosive charge and a fuse in a heavy paper casing, exploded to make noise, as at celebrations.爆竹,鞭炮:一种包在厚厚纸层里的少量炸药和导线,爆炸后发出响声,用于庆祝活动中美国传统〔inductance〕A circuit element, typically a conducting coil, in which electromotive force is generated by electromagnetic induction.电感线圈:环绕着的东西,通常是导线,由于电磁感应的原因,线圈可产生电动势能美国传统〔lead〕Electronics A conductor by which one circuit element is electrically connected to another.【电子学】 导线:将一电路元件与另一个连接通电的导线美国传统〔line〕An electric-power transmission cable.电缆:传送电流的导线美国传统〔loading〕Electricity The addition of inductance to a transmission line to improve its transmission characteristics.【电学】 加感:给导线增加传感以提高其传导性美国传统〔match up to〕I'm sure that yellow lead matched up to that yellow socket.我确定那根黄色导线应该接那个黄色插口。外研社新世纪〔radiotelegraphy〕Telegraphy in which messages are transmitted by radio instead of wire.无线电报:不借助导线而用无线电传送信息的电报美国传统〔torsion balance〕An instrument with which small forces, as of electricity or magnetism, are measured by means of the torsion they produce in a wire or slender rod.扭秤:测量如电子或电磁之间等极微小的力的仪器,使用的方法是测量它们在导线或细杆上产生的扭曲美国传统〔trigger〕The one thousand pound bomb was triggered by a wire.那颗重达 1,000 磅的炸弹是由一根导线引爆的。柯林斯高阶〔trigger〕The one-thousand pound bomb was triggered by a wire.这颗千磅炸弹由一根导线引爆。外研社新世纪〔unifilar〕Having or using only one filament, such as a thread or wire.单线的:仅有或用一根丝,例如纤维或导线美国传统〔wire〕Don't touch those wires whatever you do.无论如何都别碰那些导线。剑桥高阶Ah yes, now I see what's wrong--the wires have come loose.啊,是的,现在我知道什么出毛病了----是导线松了。剑桥国际Along either side of these conduits, lie the cultivated districts. 在这些导线管的两边是被耕耘了的地区。译典通Connect one wire to the positive terminal and one to the negative terminal on the battery.把一根导线接电池的正极,一根导线接负极。剑桥国际Connect these wires to the leads of the battery. 将这些导线接到电池的引线上。译典通




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