

单词 尺度
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔absolute pitch〕The precise pitch of an isolated tone, as established by its rate of vibration measured on a standard scale.绝对音高:一单独音的确切音高,由可按标准尺度测定的振动频率来决定美国传统〔benchmark〕They used economic criteria as the sole benchmark for establishing success.他们把经济指标作为实现成功的唯一衡量尺度。外研社新世纪〔board measure〕Measurement in board feet.板尺度量制美国传统〔compassionate〕One measure of a civilized and compassionate society is how well it treats its prison population.衡量一个文明和有同情心社会的尺度之一,就是看它是如何对待犯人的。朗文当代〔deal〕A fir or pine board cut to standard dimensions.松木板或冷杉木板:按标准尺度切成的冷杉木板或松木板美国传统〔divide〕To sector into units of measurement; graduate.刻尺度:将计量单位标以刻度;划分度数美国传统〔envelope〕There's a valuable place for fashion and design that pushes the envelope a bit.在原有尺度上有所突破的时尚和设计受到人们的重视。柯林斯高阶〔fee〕Many doctors have a standard scale of fees.许多医生都有收费的标准尺度。麦克米伦高阶〔fiduciary〕Of, relating to, or being a system of marking in the field of view of an optical instrument that is used as a reference point or measuring scale.参照的:属于、关于或作为光学仪器视野中的标点系统的,该系统用作参照点或衡量尺度美国传统〔gauge〕A standard dimension, quantity, or capacity.尺度,标准:标准的体积、数量或容积美国传统〔gauge〕Home sales provide a useful way of gauging the overall state of the economy.住宅销量是衡量总体经济状况的一个很好的尺度。韦氏高阶〔gauge〕New orders are a gauge of how well manufacturers are doing.新订单是衡量厂商经营状况的一个尺度。麦克米伦高阶〔gauge〕Retail sales are a gauge of consumer spending.零售额是衡量消费支出的一个尺度。朗文当代〔gauge〕The tests will give parents a gauge of how their children are doing.这些考试可以让家长对孩子的学习状况有一个衡量的尺度。朗文当代〔incommensurable〕Mathematics Having no common measure or number of which all the given lengths or measures are integral multiples.【数学】 不可通约的,无共同尺度的:没有一个公约数或一个数值能使所有给出的长度或度量成为其整数倍数美国传统〔incommensurable〕Money and human life are incommensurable.金钱和人的生命无共同的衡量尺度。英汉大词典〔index〕The test provides parents with a reliable index of their child's progress.该项测试向家长们提供了一个可靠的尺度来衡量孩子们的进步。麦克米伦高阶〔metric〕No metric exists that can be applied directly to happiness.能直接用来衡量幸福的尺度是不存在的。英汉大词典〔shorty〕A thing of less than average size, length, extension, or duration.特别短的东西:一件尺寸、尺度范围或延续时间比一般的要小或少的事物美国传统〔small〕Being below the average in size or magnitude.小的:尺寸或大小在平均尺度之下美国传统〔sounding board〕A person or group whose reactions to an idea, opinion, or point of view will serve as a measure of its effectiveness or acceptability.被咨询的人:一个或一群人,其关于思想、看法或观点的反应将被作为它们是否有效或能否被接受的尺度美国传统〔temperature〕A specific degree of hotness or coldness as indicated on or referred to a standard scale.标准温度:用一个标准尺度指示冷热的特定程度美国传统〔touchstone〕Labour productivity, the touchstone for new growth, remains low.作为衡量经济新增长尺度的劳动生产率仍然是低的。英汉大词典Revenue per available room is the key benchmark in the hotels sector.每间可供入住房间的收入是酒店业的基准尺度。牛津商务The generous donations were a measure of the high esteem in which they were held.慷慨的捐款是衡量他们所受到的高度尊重的一个尺度。剑桥国际The rate of new incorporations is a good measure of business activity.新注册公司的速度是商业活动的一个很好的衡量尺度。牛津商务




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