

单词 尸骨
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔burial〕Her body was sent home for burial.她的尸骨已运回家乡安葬。牛津高阶〔charnel house〕A building, room, or vault in which the bones or bodies of the dead are placed; a charnel.藏骸所:放置尸骨或骨骸的建筑物、房间或储藏室;藏骸所美国传统〔charnel〕A repository for the bones or bodies of the dead; a charnel house.藏骸所:藏尸骨或尸体的灵堂;藏骸所美国传统〔consecrate〕The bones are buried in consecrated ground.尸骨被安葬在圣地。韦氏高阶〔deep〕Some bones were hidden deep beneath the ground.一些尸骨深埋在地下。朗文当代〔disinter〕The bones were disinterred and moved to a burial site.尸骨被刨出,移到了墓地。柯林斯高阶〔disinter〕The bones were disinterred and moved to a burial site.尸骨被掘出, 移葬到了墓地。外研社新世纪〔excavator〕Excavators uncovered the bones of a Viking warrior.考古发掘者发现了维金勇士的尸骨。外研社新世纪〔fall〕Within days of his death those same people were falling over themselves to denounce him.他尸骨未寒, 还是那群人又大肆谴责起他来。外研社新世纪〔fall〕Within days of his death those same people were falling over themselves to denounce him.他尸骨未寒,还是那些人又大肆谴责起他来。柯林斯高阶〔ossuary〕A container or receptacle, such as an urn or a vault, for holding the bones of the dead.尸骨存放处:装死人骨头的容器或贮藏所,如瓮或储藏室美国传统〔powder〕Two skeletons powdered upon exposure.两具尸骨一出土即化为粉末。英汉大词典〔skeletal〕Police discovered the skeletal remains of a corpse buried near the river.警方发现了埋在河边的一具尸骨。朗文当代〔skull〕The soldiers discovered a pile of human skulls and bones.士兵们发现了一堆人的头盖骨和尸骨。剑桥高阶〔stomach〕Human remains were found among the stomach contents of the shark.在鲨鱼胃内发现了人的尸骨。牛津搭配By looking at the bones of this animal, we can discover quite a lot about the kind of musculature (= structure and position of the muscles) it had when it was alive.观察这只动物的尸骨,我们可以充分了解它活着时肌肉系统是什么样的。剑桥国际The soldiers discovered piles of human skulls and bones.士兵们发现了成堆的人的头盖骨和尸骨。剑桥国际




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