

单词 开始之前
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DISCUSS〕If that's going to cause you a problem, we'll have to thrash it out before we get started. 如果那样会给你带来问题,我们在开始之前得先讨论出个解决办法来。朗文写作活用〔ESCAPE〕Let's see if we can escape before the speeches start. 我们想想办法,看能不能在演讲开始之前溜出去。朗文写作活用〔EXAMINE〕Prior to the study all test subjects were given physical examinations. 研究开始之前,所有实验对象都接受了体检。朗文写作活用〔GAMBLING〕All bets must be placed before the start of the race. 所有赌注必须在比赛开始之前下押。朗文写作活用〔HAVE/NOT HAVE〕Before you begin make sure you have all the tools you need to hand. 开始之前一定要准备好所有要用的工具。朗文写作活用〔IMPORTANT〕It is important to read the instructions carefully before you start. 开始之前先仔细阅读一下说明书是很重要的。朗文写作活用〔PRACTISE/PRACTICE〕There are only three more practices before the concert. 音乐会开始之前只能再有三次练习机会。朗文写作活用〔READ〕Read the instructions carefully before you start. 开始之前先仔细阅读操作指南。朗文写作活用〔SIT〕We'd better hurry and get to our places before the show starts. 我们得赶快在节目开始之前坐到位子上去。朗文写作活用〔SUMMARIZE〕If you missed the previous episode, Alistair Cooke starts off each week by recapping the story so far. 如果你错过了上一集也没关系,每个星期,阿利斯泰尔·库克都会在节目开始之前简要重述剧情发展。朗文写作活用〔address〕Before the awards were given, the mayor addressed the crowd.颁奖开始之前市长向公众致辞。韦氏高阶〔background〕Students are expected to do some background reading before the course starts.学生们应该在课程开始之前进行一些相关阅读。剑桥高阶〔bite〕Will we have time to grab a bite before the show? 演出开始之前我们有时间吃点东西填填肚子吗?麦克米伦高阶〔buy in〕We bought in plenty of coal before the strike started.我们在罢工开始之前买进了足量的煤。外研社新世纪〔check〕Always check that the electricity is switched off before you start.每次开始之前都要确定电源已经切断。牛津搭配〔collect〕I got there early so I had a few minutes to collect my thoughts before the meeting began.我提前到达,这样在会议开始之前我有几分钟的时间可以整理一下自己的思绪。朗文当代〔defect〕He defected to the West before the war began.战争开始之前他就逃到了西方。韦氏高阶〔dummy run〕Before we started we did a dummy run.我们开始之前进行了一次演习。柯林斯高阶〔evacuate〕Ensure the patient has evacuated bowels and bladder just before the procedure.确保病人在手术开始之前排空大小便。外研社新世纪〔fateful〕He walked past the bar where Henri Paul was drinking before his fateful journey.他走过亨利•保罗在其致命之旅开始之前小酌过的酒吧。外研社新世纪〔front〕Before starting (NOT In front of starting), let's list what we have to do.在开始之前,我们先把要做的事列张清单吧。朗文当代〔gut〕The house had to be completely gutted before renovation work could start.翻新开始之前, 房子必须要全部腾空。外研社新世纪〔hospitality〕There was a reception in the hospitality suite before the game.比赛开始之前在迎宾套房内举行了一次招待会。朗文当代〔introductory〕I'd like to make some introductory remarks before beginning the lecture.我想在讲座正式开始之前说几句开场白。剑桥高阶〔inventory〕Before starting, he made an inventory of everything that was to stay.开始之前,他把所有要留下的东西列了详细的清单。柯林斯高阶〔just〕Could I just say a few words before we start? 开始之前,我能否说几句话?朗文当代〔neuter〕Their air force had been neutered before the work began.任务开始之前, 他们空军的战斗力就已经被削弱了。外研社新世纪〔neuter〕Their air force had been neutered before the work began.任务开始之前他们的空军就已经丧失了威力。柯林斯高阶〔plan〕We need to make a plan before we can start on the project.项目开始之前我们得拟定一个计划。麦克米伦高阶〔pre-Christian〕Of, relating to, or being the time before the beginning of the Christian era.基督(教)之前的:西历纪元开始之前的、与西历纪元开始之前相关的或属于西历纪元开始之前的美国传统〔preamble〕The delegation met the premier for dinner in the preamble to the long series of talks.代表团在漫长的一系列会谈开始之前会见了总理并共进晚餐。英汉大词典〔precede〕Lunch will be preceded by a short speech from the chairman.午餐开始之前主席会发表一段简短的讲话。朗文当代〔preliminary〕The chairman made a preliminary statement before beginning the main business of the meeting.在会议主要议程开始之前主席致了开幕词。英汉大词典〔preschool〕Of, relating to, intended for, or being the early years of childhood that precede the beginning of elementary school.学龄前的,入学前的:在小学教育开始之前即儿童时代早期的,与这有关的或为此服务的美国传统〔probe〕Small probes would give the allied armies some combat experience before the main battle started.小规模的试探可以使盟军在大战开始之前获得一些战斗经验。柯林斯高阶〔recap〕Before we start, let's recap the plot of the movie.在开始之前, 让我们回顾一下电影的情节。外研社新世纪〔rush〕The cafe is quiet until the lunchtime rush begins.这家小餐馆在午饭高峰时间开始之前都很清闲。朗文当代〔section〕Section off the room before you start.开始之前把房间分隔一下。麦克米伦高阶〔side〕The president displayed his lighter side before the press conference began.在新闻发布会开始之前,总统表现出的是他较随和的一面。麦克米伦高阶〔start〕He joined the team prior to the start of the season.他在本赛季开始之前就加入了这支队伍。牛津搭配〔statement〕An explicit statement of objectives is vital before the project begins.项目开始之前,确切地说明目标至关重要。牛津搭配〔swallow〕She swallowed nervously before beginning.开始之前她紧张地咽了一下口水。朗文当代〔time〕If we're out, we always make sure we're home in good time for the programme.如果外出,我们总是确保在节目开始之前赶回家。柯林斯高阶〔up to speed〕Before we start the meeting I'm going to bring you up to speed with the latest developments.在会议开始之前,我想先向大家介绍一下最新的进展。剑桥高阶〔vacancy〕School administrators are trying to fill vacancies before the beginning of the school year.校方正在想办法尽量在这个学年开始之前把空缺职位填满。韦氏高阶〔warm up〕The singer warmed up her voice before the concert.音乐会开始之前,女歌手练了练嗓音。韦氏高阶〔warm〕The singers are warming up before the concert.歌手们在作音乐会开始之前的练唱。英汉大词典〔wisely〕Sienna had very wisely left the party before all the trouble started.西恩娜很明智地在一切麻烦开始之前就离开了那个聚会。剑桥高阶〔with〕All of their games begin with the singing of the national anthem.他们在所有比赛开始之前都要唱国歌。韦氏高阶〔word〕Before we begin, I'd like to say a few words about who I am.在开始之前,我想先自我介绍一下。牛津搭配〔year〕Every detail of the school curriculum is determined before the year starts in September.学校课程的所有细节都会在9月份学年开始之前确定下来。外研社新世纪A challenge to a member of the jury should be made before the trial begins.对陪审团的某个成员的要求回避要在审判开始之前宣布。剑桥国际Even before the beginning of the concert the fans were screaming and shouting out the names of the band members.音乐会开始之前,歌迷们就尖叫、高呼着乐队成员的名字。剑桥国际He spends hours rolling the grass before a cricket match.在板球比赛开始之前,他用好几个小时将草地压滚平。剑桥国际Sian had very wisely left the party before all the trouble started.赛恩在所有的麻烦开始之前就非常明智地离开了聚会。剑桥国际Students are expected to do some background reading before the course starts.在课程开始之前学生们必须预读有关背景资料。剑桥国际The company was formed in the early 1990s, before the technology boom took off.这家公司成立于技术繁荣期开始之前的 20 世纪 90 年代早期。牛津商务The idea was to keep the enemy guessing until the attack had actually begun.这个主意是让敌人在攻击真的开始之前只能乱猜剑桥国际The negotiators have given up hope of signing a peace settlement before the onset of winter.谈判人员已放弃在冬天开始之前签署和平协议的希望。剑桥国际The sales manager gave the salesmen a rousing pep talk before the sale. 减价开始之前,业务经理向售货员讲话,激励士气。译典通The trial was a mockery--the judge had decided the verdict before it began.这次审判被人耻笑,那个法官在审判开始之前就决定了判决。剑桥国际There are several legal hurdles to overcome before the merger can go ahead.在合并开始之前,要克服几个法律障碍。牛津商务To the mortification of the show's organizers, the top performers withdrew just before due to start.使表演的组织者窘迫的是主要演员在预定开始之前退出了。剑桥国际




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