

单词 小鸡
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BITE〕It takes several pecks for the chick to make a hole in the eggshell. 小鸡要啄好几下才能在蛋壳上啄出个洞来。朗文写作活用〔GROW〕In less that 12 weeks the chicks will develop into adult birds. 不到12周,小鸡就会发育成熟。朗文写作活用〔Rous sarcoma〕A sarcoma produced in chickens by an RNA-containing virus.鲁斯氏肉瘤:产生于小鸡体内的由含核糖核酸的病毒引起的肉瘤美国传统〔SOFT〕After a few days, there would be dozens of fluffy little chicks hatching out. 过几天就会有许多毛茸茸的小鸡孵出来了。朗文写作活用〔THIN〕A few scrawny chickens were searching for scraps of food in the dry earth. 几只瘦巴巴的小鸡正在干旱的土地上寻找食物的零屑。朗文写作活用〔bantam〕A bantam hen and five chicks escaped the fire.一只矮脚母鸡和五只小鸡从火里逃了出来。外研社新世纪〔boiler〕These chickens are good boilers.这些小鸡很适宜于煮食。英汉大词典〔brood〕The hen gathered her brood under her wings.母鸡把小鸡聚集在翅膀下。英汉大词典〔chase〕As a child, I loved to chase the chickens barefoot round the yard.小时候, 我喜欢光着脚丫在院子里追赶小鸡。外研社新世纪〔chick〕A young chicken.小鸡美国传统〔cluck〕The characteristic sound made by a hen when brooding or calling its chicks.咯咯声:母鸡孵蛋或呼唤小鸡发出的有特色的声音美国传统〔cluck〕The hen clucked at her chicks.母鸡冲着小鸡咯咯叫。韦氏高阶〔clutch〕To hatch (chicks).孵化(小鸡)美国传统〔crack〕The egg cracked open and a little chick struggled out.蛋壳裂开了,一只小鸡挣扎了出来。麦克米伦高阶〔dish〕He was dishing out a chicken stew.他端上一盘煨小鸡。麦克米伦高阶〔domesticated〕He is thoroughly domesticated and cooks a delicious chicken casserole.他完全适应了家居生活,烹制的砂锅炖小鸡非常可口。牛津搭配〔feather〕The chicks have grown their adult feathers.这些小鸡已经长出了成年鸡的羽毛。牛津搭配〔fluff〕The chicks were just balls of yellow fluff.那些小鸡还只是一个个黄色的绒毛球。朗文当代〔fryer〕A small young chicken suitable for frying.适于油炸的小鸡美国传统〔hatch out〕The chickens have hatched out.小鸡已经孵出了。21世纪英汉〔hatch〕A hen hatches chickens.母鸡孵小鸡。文馨英汉〔hatch〕All the chicks have hatched out.小鸡都已破壳而出。朗文当代〔hatch〕Eleven chicks have been hatched since July.7月以来已经有11只小鸡孵出来了。麦克米伦高阶〔hatch〕She stays in the nest until the chicks hatch.她待在窝里, 直到小鸡们出壳。外研社新世纪〔hatch〕Ten chicks hatched (out) this morning.今早有十只小鸡出壳了。牛津高阶〔hatch〕To emerge from or break out of an egg.(小鸡等)出壳:从蛋壳里爬出或打碎蛋壳而出美国传统〔hatch〕Two chickens have hatched (out).两只小鸡已孵出。英汉大词典〔hatch〕We watched the chicks hatch.我们观察小鸡出壳。韦氏高阶〔joke〕Did I tell you the joke about the chicken crossing the road? 我跟你讲过小鸡过马路的笑话吗?剑桥高阶〔jump at〕The dog jumps at the kitchen.狗向小鸡扑过去。21世纪英汉〔man〕The chick initially has no fear of man.小鸡天生并不怕人。柯林斯高阶〔mature〕The eggs hatched and the chicks matured.小鸡破壳而出。柯林斯高阶〔mature〕The eggs hatched and the chicks matured.破卵而出的小鸡渐渐长大了。外研社新世纪〔maturity〕How long does it take for the chicks to grow to maturity? 小鸡多长时间才能长大?剑桥高阶〔mother〕If food is scarce, the mother will feed the smaller, weaker chicks.如果食物不多,鸡妈妈就喂较小较弱的小鸡。朗文当代〔mum〕The cat acted as a surrogate mum to the chicks.这只猫当起了小鸡的代理妈妈。牛津搭配〔nip〕A weasel nipped one of our chicks.黄鼠狼叼走了我家一只小鸡。英汉大词典〔one〕Have you heard the one about the chicken who tried to cross the road? 你听过那只小鸡想穿过马路的笑话了吗?朗文当代〔out〕The egg cracked open and out came a baby chick.蛋壳裂开了,一只小鸡钻出来。朗文当代〔parent〕The parent brings food to the chicks.母鸡啄食给小鸡。韦氏高阶〔peck out〕That chick pecks out an earthworm from the earth.那只小鸡从土里啄出一条蚯蚓。21世纪英汉〔peck up〕The chicken will peck up all the grain that you throw on the ground.小鸡会把你扔在地上的谷子全部啄起来吃掉。21世纪英汉〔peck〕A chicken pecked his leg.一只小鸡啄着他的腿。外研社新世纪〔peck〕Chickens pecked at the seeds which covered the ground.小鸡们啄食着撒在地上的种子。剑桥高阶〔peck〕The chicken pecked a hole in the sack.小鸡在布袋上啄了一个洞。21世纪英汉〔peck〕The chickens pecked the grains of corn.小鸡啄食谷粒。英汉大词典〔peck〕We watched the baby chicks peck their way out of their shells.我们看着小鸡啄破蛋壳而出。英汉大词典〔peep〕I heard a chick peep.我听到小鸡的唧唧声。韦氏高阶〔pip〕To break through (the shell) in hatching. Used of a chick.破壳而出:孵卵过程中破壳而出。指小鸡美国传统〔pip〕To peep or chirp, as a chick does.唧唧喳喳地叫:象小鸡那样喳喳地叫美国传统〔poultry〕Domestic fowls, such as chickens, turkeys, ducks, or geese, raised for meat or eggs.家禽:用作蛋品或肉类的家养禽类,如小鸡、火鸡、鸭或鹅美国传统〔poult〕A young fowl, especially a turkey, chicken, or pheasant.幼禽:年幼的家禽,尤指小火鸡、小鸡或小雉美国传统〔reptilian〕The chick is ugly and almost reptilian in its appearance.这只小鸡长得很丑,看起来几乎像个爬行动物。柯林斯高阶〔saying〕As the saying goes, "Don't count your chickens before they're hatched." 正如俗语所说:“蛋孵出来之前,不要先数小鸡。”剑桥高阶〔scratch〕A few chickens scratched around in the yard.几只小鸡在院子里抓抓刨刨。朗文当代〔sex〕To determine the sex of (an organism, especially a hatching chicken).辨识性别:决定(一个生物体,尤其是正在孵化中的小鸡)的性别美国传统〔smother〕The chick would smother in a box without air holes.小鸡在没有透气孔的盒子里会闷死的。英汉大词典〔spring chicken〕A young chicken, especially one from two to ten months old, having tender meat.雏鸡,童子鸡:小鸡,尤指二至十月大的小鸡,肉嫩美国传统〔survive〕Four of their five chickens survived to adulthood.他们的 5 只小鸡中有 4 只活到了成年。牛津搭配〔tinamou〕Any of various chickenlike or quaillike birds of the family Tinamidae, living in grasslands and jungles of Central and South America.:一种象小鸡和鹌鹑的科鸟类,生活在中南美洲的草原和林地美国传统〔yakitori〕A dish consisting of bite-sized marinated chicken pieces that are grilled on small skewers.烤鸡肉串:把用卤汁浸泡过的小鸡肉片串在串肉签上烧烤的一道菜美国传统A chicken crossed the road/street.一只小鸡蹦过街。剑桥国际As the fox came into the yard, the chickens began squawking in alarm.当狐狸闯进院子的时候,小鸡们惊恐地开始大声尖叫起来。剑桥国际As the saying goes, ‘Don't count your chickens before they're hatched’.正像俗话所说,‘不要蛋未孵化先数小鸡’。剑桥国际Chicken stock cubes are often made from pulverised remnants of unwanted day-old chicks.鸡肉饼经常是用不要的搁了好几天的小鸡肉磨碎做的。剑桥国际He spent the holidays cleaning out the pig stalls and feeding the chickens on his parents’farm.他假日中在他父母的农场清扫猪圈,喂小鸡。剑桥国际Mother hens protect their young by instinct. 母鸡保护小鸡出于本能。译典通Newly hatched chicks are like fluffy balls. 刚孵出的小鸡像绒毛球。译典通The chicks looked like little round balls of fluff. 小鸡们看上去像滚圆的小绒球。译典通The children hatched the eggs / the chickens in the warm kitchen.孩子们在温暖的厨房里孵鸡蛋 / 小鸡。剑桥国际The eggs which are not fertile are selected to be eaten.不能孵出小鸡的蛋被挑出来食用。剑桥国际The hen moved the chicks along with pecks (= bites with its beak) and flaps of her wings.母鸡用喙啄,用翅膀扇,赶着小鸡往前走。剑桥国际The little chick was covered in yellow fluff.小鸡长着一身黄黄的绒毛。剑桥国际The little chicks began to peep because they were hungry. 小鸡因为饿而开始吱吱叫。译典通There are twelve chickens in this hatch. 这一窝有十二只小鸡。译典通Three eggs have already hatched out. 三只小鸡已孵出。译典通We heard the chicks making tiny peeps.我们听到小鸡发出吱吱的叫声。剑桥国际




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