

单词 导向
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GAPA〕Ground-to-air pilotless aircraft.地对空导向飞弹:地对空无人驾驶飞行器,地对空无人驾驶截击机美国传统〔PERSUADE〕What we would like to see is more realistic policies and less Labour Party spin. 我们希望看到的是更多现实的政策,少些工党的舆论导向。朗文写作活用〔POLITICS〕The party spin doctors would like us to believe that the government is committed to improving the environment. 该党的舆论导向专家希望我们相信政府决心改善环境。朗文写作活用〔ballistic missile〕A projectile that assumes a free-falling trajectory after an internally guided, self-powered ascent.弹道导弹:在内部导向、自备动力的上升后假设为自由落体的弹道美国传统〔bite-sized〕The guides are produced in bite-sized sections.导向装置是用小零件制造的。麦克米伦高阶〔clever〕So clever are these spin-doctors that they manage to persuade us that the opposite is true.这些舆论导向专家老奸巨猾, 他们说服我们相信相反的东西是真实的。外研社新世纪〔director〕An electronic device that continually calculates and displays information used for firing weapons at moving targets, such as missiles or aircraft.导向器:一种电子装置,连续计算和显示的信息,用来使武器向移动目标开火,如导弹或飞行器美国传统〔elitist〕Many remember sport at school as elitist, focusing only on those who were good at it.在很多人的记忆中,学校体育的导向是精英主义的,被关注的仅仅是那些有特长的人。剑桥高阶〔fall〕Companies that are not market-driven risk falling behind the competition.不以市场为导向的公司有可能在竞争中落在后头。朗文当代〔flow〕The main flow of water has been diverted to a new course.主水流已被导向一个新的水道。牛津搭配〔gear〕Jobcentres are not geared to meet the needs of highly qualified people.就业服务中心并不是以高素质人才的需求为导向的。外研社新世纪〔guide〕A device, such as a ruler, tab, or bar, that serves as an indicator or acts to regulate a motion or operation.导向装置:用作指向物或用来调整运动方向或运行的装置,如尺子、调整片或栅栏美国传统〔home〕To be guided to a target automatically, as by means of radio waves.自动导向:通过无线电波被自动导向某一目标美国传统〔home〕To guide (a missile or an aircraft) to a target automatically.自动导向目标:把(飞弹或航天器)自动导向某一目标美国传统〔oriented〕It seems almost inevitable that North African economies will still be primarily oriented towards Europe.北非经济体仍将以欧洲为主要导向, 这看来几乎是不可避免的。外研社新世纪〔oriented〕The union is oriented towards welfare capitalism.该工会是以福利资本主义为导向的。外研社新世纪〔photomap〕A map made by superimposing orienting data and markings on an aerial photograph.照相地图:根据航空照片上附加的导向数据和标记而绘制成的地图美国传统〔piston rod〕A connecting rod that transmits power to or is powered by a piston.活塞杆:一个连接杆,能够将力量导向活塞或被活塞制动美国传统〔polar〕Serving as a guide, as a polestar or a pole of the earth.指示的;引导的:用作导向的,如一颗北极星或地球的一极美国传统〔redirect〕Visitors to the old Web site address are redirected automatically to the new one.旧网址的访客将被自动导向新网址。韦氏高阶〔spin doctor〕The spin doctors from both sides were already declaring victory for their candidates as soon as the debate ended.辩论一结束,双方的舆论导向专家就已经在宣布自己的候选人获胜了。韦氏高阶〔spin doctor〕White House spin doctors 白宫的舆论导向专家朗文当代〔spin〕No one could spin the story in the news.谁也别想对新闻报道做出导向。21世纪英汉〔spin〕They claim to report the news with no spin.他们声称对该新闻的报道不会带任何导向性。韦氏高阶〔target〕Can basic needs be measured and defined in a way that enables policies to be targeted on the needy?衡量并定义基本需求时, 能否采用将政策导向贫苦人群的方式?外研社新世纪〔torchère〕A usually tall floor lamp with a bowl-shaped part that diffuses the light or directs it upward.地灯:一种通常很高的地灯,其碗状部分能散射光线或将光线导向上部美国传统〔unpack〕A lot of ground has been covered in unpacking the issues central to achieving this market-led strategic change.在分析实现这个以市场为导向的战略转变的关键问题时,涉及了诸多领域。柯林斯高阶〔unreconstructed〕She is an unreconstructed supporter of the grammar-led approach to language learning.她是以语法为导向的语言教学法的顽固支持者。麦克米伦高阶〔vane〕One of the metal guidance or stabilizing fins attached to the tail of a bomb or other missile.舵:装在火弹或其他导弹尾部的金属导向器或稳定钉之一美国传统〔wrong〕In a wrong course or direction.错误导向地:错误的路线或方向地美国传统Our guide explained where the cathedral was. 我们的向导向我们讲解了大教堂的位置。剑桥国际The film traces the events leading up to the Russian Revolution in 1917.影片描述了导向1917年俄国大革命的事件。剑桥国际The industry has been dominated by product orientation rather than market orientation.这一行业受产品导向而非市场导向所支配。牛津商务The leader has been criticized for edging her party towards extremist right-wing policies.该领导人被谴责将其政党逐渐导向极右政策。剑桥国际The product-oriented approach seeks or creates markets for specific products.产品导向法为特定产品寻找或创建市场。牛津商务There has been a major change from product orientation to customer orientation.实现了从产品导向到顾客导向的重大转变。牛津商务They have changed from a sales-oriented to a customer-focused business.他们的经营理念已从销售导向改为顾客至上。牛津商务




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