

单词 寻找食物
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔THIN〕A few scrawny chickens were searching for scraps of food in the dry earth. 几只瘦巴巴的小鸡正在干旱的土地上寻找食物的零屑。朗文写作活用〔distance〕The people travel vast distances to find food.人们要走很远的路去寻找食物。牛津搭配〔echolocate〕A bat echolocates food.蝙蝠凭回声寻找食物。英汉大词典〔forage〕People are being forced to forage for food and fuel.人们只得四处寻找食物和汽油。朗文当代〔forage〕The cat forages for food.猫在寻找食物。柯林斯高阶〔forage〕To wander in search of food or provisions.搜索粮食:四处游荡以寻找食物或粮食美国传统〔hungry〕Hungry children search for food in the streets.饥饿的儿童在大街上寻找食物。麦克米伦高阶〔inland〕Seabirds often come inland to find food.海鸟经常到内陆寻找食物。剑桥高阶〔migrate〕These animals migrate annually in search of food.这些动物为寻找食物每年都迁徙。剑桥高阶〔mix〕We worked on finding the right mix of food, music, and decorations for the wedding.我们努力为这场婚礼寻找食物、音乐和装饰品的完美组合。韦氏高阶〔nomad〕A member of a group of people who have no fixed home and move according to the seasons from place to place in search of food, water, and grazing land.游牧部落一员:一群没有固定的家并随季节变换到处移动寻找食物、水和牧场的人中的一员美国传统〔parent〕Parent birds began to hunt for food for their young.亲鸟开始为幼鸟寻找食物。柯林斯高阶〔patter〕We could hear mice pattering about/around looking for food.我们能听见老鼠窸窸窣窣地四处寻找食物。剑桥高阶〔rasorial〕Characteristically scratching the ground for food. Used of chickens and similar birds.搔地觅食的:大肆啄食地面寻找食物的。用于鸡或相似的鸟类美国传统〔remedy〕Desperate remedies were resorted to in the search for food.为寻找食物采取了极端的做法。牛津搭配〔roam〕Hungry beggars roamed the streets in search of food.饥饿的乞丐在街上徘徊寻找食物。21世纪英汉〔scavenge〕Dogs and foxes scavenged through the trash cans for something to eat.狗和狐狸从垃圾箱里寻找食物。牛津高阶〔wander〕They wandered the jungle,searching for food.他们在丛林中走来走去,寻找食物。英汉大词典He went off in quest of food. 他外出寻找食物去了。译典通Seabirds often come inland to find food.海鸟经常来到内陆寻找食物。剑桥国际The flood has left villagers and animals desperately scavenging for food.洪水使村民们和牲畜不顾一切地寻找食物。剑桥国际These animals migrate annually in search of food.这些动物为了寻找食物每年迁徙。剑桥国际Thousands of refugees are walking over the vertiginous mountains in search of food.数千名难民走在让人头晕的山上寻找食物。剑桥国际




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