

单词 废料
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AMOUNT〕An enormous quantity of chemical waste has been dumped in the river. 大量的化学废料倾倒到河里去了。朗文写作活用〔CLEAR/NOT CLEAR〕The new law expressly forbids the importation of radioactive waste. 新颁布的法律明确禁止进口放射性废料。朗文写作活用〔DEAL WITH〕No country has really got to grips with the problem of nuclear waste. 没有一个国家真正认真地解决过核废料的问题。朗文写作活用〔FIGHT〕Clark's vigorous campaign against the dumping of nuclear waste will continue. 克拉克坚决反对倾倒核废料的运动将继续进行。朗文写作活用〔GET RID OF〕We need new legislation to ensure the safe disposal of nuclear waste. 我们需要新的法规来保证核废料的安全处置。朗文写作活用〔HARM〕Radioactive waste needs to be stored for 25,000 years before it is harmless. 放射性废料需要存放25,000年以后才不会有害。朗文写作活用〔HARM〕The protests were aimed at ending the dumping of harmful industrial waste at sea. 这些抗议行动的目的是为了阻止向海里倾倒有害的工业废料。朗文写作活用〔HARM〕We need more installations for the disposal of toxic waste. 我们需要更多的设备来处理有毒废料。朗文写作活用〔HIDE〕A Greenpeace spokesperson described the official report on nuclear waste disposal as a whitewash. 绿色和平组织发言人称官方有关核废料处置的报告是隐瞒事实,粉饰太平。朗文写作活用〔KEEP〕The government plans to store the nuclear waste at a site in Nevada. 政府打算把核废料存放在内华达州的某个地方。朗文写作活用〔MAKE〕We were always searching for bits of junk we could cobble together into something artistic. 我们一直在搜寻可以拼搭成艺术品的小块废料。朗文写作活用〔PROBLEM〕Scientists still have not solved the problem of what to do with nuclear waste. 科学家仍旧无法解决处理核废料的问题。朗文写作活用〔PROTEST〕Over 3,000 people took part in a demonstration against the dumping of nuclear waste at sea. 三千多名民众参加游行示威,抗议将核废料倾入海中。朗文写作活用〔RUBBISH/GARBAGE〕Industrial waste had leaked into the water supply. 工业废料已经渗入了水源中。朗文写作活用〔RUBBISH/GARBAGE〕The government has announced a ban on all imports of toxic waste from abroad. 政府已宣布禁止从国外进口有毒废料。朗文写作活用〔SHUT〕Sealed nuclear waste containers are then enclosed in concrete. 密封的核废料容器然后就被埋在混凝土里。朗文写作活用〔SOLVE〕European governments are working together to find a solution to the problem of nuclear waste. 欧洲各国政府正在联手寻求解决核废料问题的方案。朗文写作活用〔STOP〕Companies must call a halt to the dumping of toxic waste at sea. 所有公司必须停止倾倒有毒废料入海的行为。朗文写作活用〔THROW〕Nuclear waste can cause serious damage to the environment if not disposed of properly. 如果核废料得不到妥善处理就会对环境造成严重破坏。朗文写作活用〔UNDER/BELOW〕The nuclear waste is buried a half-mile underground. 核废料被埋在地下半英里处。朗文写作活用〔WANT/NOT WANT〕Environmentalists had been drawing unwelcome attention to the discharge of radioactive waste from nuclear power-stations. 环保主义者呼吁人们关注核电站放射性废料排放的问题,这是有些人不想看到的。朗文写作活用〔clean〕We need a systematic plan for identifying and cleaning up waste sites.我们需要一个系统的计划来确认并清理堆放废料的场所。麦克米伦高阶〔co-author〕He is co-author, with Andrew Blowers, of 'The International Politics of Nuclear Waste'.他与安德鲁·布洛尔斯合著了《国际政治视角下的核废料》一书。柯林斯高阶〔coal tar〕Between June 2002 and February 2003, Australian Waste Recyclers received more than 200 separate loads of coal tar waste.在2002年6月至2003年2月期间, 澳大利亚废物回收公司回收了200多车煤焦油废料。外研社新世纪〔consignment〕Another consignment of nuclear waste is due to arrive tomorrow.明天又有一批核废料要运来。麦克米伦高阶〔contaminate〕Much of the coast has been contaminated by nuclear waste.大部分海岸已受到核废料污染。剑桥高阶〔depository〕The government is having difficulty finding a safe depository for nuclear waste.政府在寻找核废料安全存放地点时遇到了困难。剑桥高阶〔discharge〕All discharges and disposals of radioactive waste from Springfields were within relevant limits.斯普林菲尔德所有放射性废料的排放和处理都在限定的范围之内。柯林斯高阶〔dross〕A waste product or an impurity, especially an oxide, formed on the surface of molten metal.废料或混杂物,尤指在融化金属表面形成的氧化物美国传统〔dumping〕German law forbids the dumping of hazardous waste on German soil.德国法律禁止在德国本土倾倒有害废料。柯林斯高阶〔dumping〕The government declared that it did not dump radioactive waste at sea.政府宣称并未将放射性废料倾倒在海里。柯林斯高阶〔elusive〕A solution to the problem of toxic waste is proving elusive.有毒废料这个问题日见难以解决。牛津高阶〔empty〕Many factories emptied their waste into the river.许多工厂都将废料倒进了这条河里。牛津高阶〔encase〕The nuclear waste is encased in concrete before being sent for storage in disused mines.核废料在送往废弃的矿井中存放之前,先用混凝土密封起来。剑桥高阶〔flask〕Flasks for the transport of spent fuel are extremely strong containers made of steel or steel and lead.运输核废料的容器用钢或钢铅合金制成, 极其坚固。外研社新世纪〔junk art〕Three-dimensional art made from junked materials, such as metal, glass, or wood.废料艺术:用废弃的材料,如金属、玻璃或木料等物,构成的立体艺术品美国传统〔kibble〕An iron bucket used in wells or mines for hoisting water, ore, or refuse to the surface.吊桶:井或矿井里用来把水、矿石或废料吊到地面上的一种铁桶美国传统〔kill〕The factory dumped poisonous wastes into the river and killed off the fish. 工厂把有毒的废料倒入河中,把鱼都杀死了。英汉大词典〔landfill〕To dispose of (waste material) in a landfill.在垃圾填筑地上处理(废料)美国传统〔material〕All waste material is recycled where possible.所有的废料都尽可能回收利用。麦克米伦高阶〔muck〕To remove muck or dirt from (a mine, for example).清除:从…除去污物或废料(例如在矿井中)美国传统〔offal〕Refuse; rubbish.废料;渣滓美国传统〔pokable〕The old man poked among the waste materials with a stick.老人在废料堆中东翻西戳。21世纪英汉〔pollute〕The river has been polluted by waste products from the factory.这条河已经受到工厂排放的废料所污染。21世纪英汉〔radioactive〕The government has been storing radioactive waste at Fernald for 50 years.政府在弗纳德存放放射性废料已达50年之久。柯林斯高阶〔rationale〕The rationale of reprocessing spent nuclear fuel is inevitably being questioned.对核废料进行再加工的理由不可避免地受到了质疑。柯林斯高阶〔react〕They produced ethylchloride by reacting chloride with waste.他们使氯和废料相互作用而产生氯乙烷。21世纪英汉〔reclaim〕The factory reclaims fibers from textile wastes.工厂从纺织品废料中回收纤维。韦氏高阶〔recover〕To procure (usable substances, such as metal) from unusable substances, such as ore or waste.使重新有用:从诸如矿床或废料垃圾这样没有用的东西中获取(有用的物质,如金属)美国传统〔retention〕This facility will be used for the retention of hazardous waste.这处设施用于存放危险性的废料。麦克米伦高阶〔rework〕Some of the waste material can be reworked for reuse.有些废料可以重新加工再次利用。21世纪英汉〔rid〕The problem is getting rid of nuclear waste.问题是如何处理核废料。牛津高阶〔rubbish〕They had piled most of their rubbish into yellow skips.他们把大多数的垃圾堆到了黄色的废料桶里。柯林斯高阶〔safely〕The waste is safely locked away until it is no longer radioactive.废料被安全储存起来,直到其不再有辐射性。柯林斯高阶〔scrapheap〕Thousands of Europe's tanks and guns are going to the scrapheap.欧洲成千上万的坦克和枪炮将被丢进废料堆。外研社新世纪〔scrap〕Discarded waste material, especially metal suitable for reprocessing.废料:被丢弃的废物,尤指可以回收的废金属美国传统〔scrap〕It's nothing but a bundle of scrap material.这只是一堆废料而已。外研社新世纪〔scrap〕Thousands of tanks and armoured vehicles will be cut up for scrap.数千辆坦克和装甲车将被拆解成废料。外研社新世纪〔separate out〕The ability to separate out reusable elements from other waste is crucial.能从其他废料中分离出可重复利用成分是很关键的。柯林斯高阶〔solidify〕The Energy Department plans to solidify the deadly waste in a high-tech billion-dollar factory.能源部计划在造价几十亿美元的高科技工厂里将那些致命的废料固态化。柯林斯高阶〔spun silk〕A yarn made from short-fibered silk and silk waste.绢丝:人短纤维丝和棉纱废料中提取的纺丝美国传统〔standard〕These are standard procedures for handling radioactive waste.这些是处理放射性废料的标准程序。剑桥高阶〔stink〕Activists have raised a stink about the shipments of nuclear waste.积极分子就运输核废料一事大闹了一场。朗文当代〔store〕Nuclear waste is currently being stored close to the town.核废料现在贮存在离那个镇很近的地方。麦克米伦高阶〔tail〕The refuse or dross remaining from processes such as distilling or milling.渣滓:酿酒或磨面等过程余留下来的废料或残渣美国传统〔tip〕Chiefly British An area or a place for dumping something, such as rubbish or refuse, as from a mine.【多用于英国】 垃圾倾倒场:倾倒某物,比如垃圾或废料(如从一个矿井中)的地区或地方美国传统〔transpire〕To give off (vapor containing waste products) through the pores of the skin or the stomata of plant tissue.蒸发:通过皮肤毛孔或植物组织的气孔散发(含有废料的气体)美国传统〔transpire〕To give off vapor containing waste products, as through animal or plant pores.蒸发:散发含有废料的蒸气,如通过动物或植物的毛孔美国传统〔trash〕The refuse of sugar cane after extraction of the juice.甘蔗渣:在汁液被榨完以后剩下的甘蔗废料美国传统〔trash〕Worthless or discarded material or objects; refuse or rubbish.垃圾:无价值的或被丢弃的材料或物品;废料或废物美国传统〔underground〕Solid low-level waste will be disposed of deep underground.低放射性固体废料将作深埋处理。外研社新世纪〔underground〕Solid low-level waste will be disposed of deep underground.放射性水平低的固体废料将做地下深埋处理。柯林斯高阶〔waste product〕Useless or worthless debris produced during or as a result of a manufacturing or other process.工业垃圾:在制造或其它过程中产生或作为结果出现的无用或无价值的废料美国传统〔waste〕Abill was introduced to clean up toxic wastes from local factories.已经提出了一项清除当地工厂排放的有毒废料的议案。麦克米伦高阶〔waste〕He opposes any kind of nuclear waste being dumped at sea.他反对将任何一种核废料倾倒入海中。剑桥高阶〔waste〕Oil spills are common, as is the dumping of toxic industrial wastes.溢油现象很常见,就像倾倒有毒工业废料一样。剑桥高阶〔weigh〕Economic benefits must be carefully weighed against the possible dangers of handling radioactive waste.考虑经济收益时,必须衡量处理放射性核废料可能出现的危险。剑桥高阶A lot of poisonous waste from the chemical works polluted the river. 化工厂的许多有毒废料污染这条河。译典通Davis has earned a reputation as an outspoken opponent of any kind of nuclear waste dumping at sea.戴维斯以直言反对往海里倾到任何一种核废料而闻名。剑桥国际Disposal of industrial waste is a serious problem.工业废料的清理是一个严重的问题。牛津商务It is proposed to dump nuclear waste down shafts that have been sunk into the sea bed.有人建议把核废料倒在海底内凿开的井穴里。剑桥国际Much of the coast has been contaminated by nuclear waste.大部分海岸已被核废料污染。剑桥国际No one has yet solved the problem of how to get rid of nuclear waste (= unwanted, dangerously RADIOACTIVE material made when producing nuclear power).还没有人有办法解决如何处置核废料的问题。剑桥国际Nuclear waste is often disposed of under the sea.核废料经常用放入深海的方法来处理。剑桥国际Oil spills are common, as is the dumping of toxic industrial wastes.石油溢漏颇为常见,就如倾倒有毒工业废料一样。剑桥国际So much of what's on TV is pure dross.电视上许多的内容都是废料。剑桥国际Synthetic materials derived from petroleum do not self-destruct and are producing mountains of waste.石油衍生的合成材料无法自毁,形成了大量的废料。剑桥国际The barrels of nuclear waste fell off the ship and are now lying at the bottom of the sea.装着核废料的桶从船上落下,现在沉在海底。剑桥国际The commission lays down strict guidelines for the disposal of hazardous waste.该委员会对危险废料的处理作了严格的规定。剑桥国际The company is accused of incinerating hazardous waste without the required licence.这家公司被指控没有必要的执照焚烧危险废料。剑桥国际The factory has been merrily pumping chemical waste into the river for the past ten years and no one has done anything to stop them.这家工厂在过去十年中不顾后果地向那条河排放化学废料,也没有人来阻止他们。剑桥国际The nuclear waste has been entombed in concrete many metres under the ground.核废料已被用混凝土埋在地下许多米的深处。剑桥国际The nuclear waste is encased in concrete before being sent for storage in disused mines.核废料在被送到废矿储存之前,先用混凝土封起来。剑桥国际The production and storage of radioactive waste is a major international environmental issue.放射性废料的产生和储存是个国际性环境大问题。剑桥国际The residents are clamouring against the dumping of chemical waste near their houses.居民们抗议将化学废料倾倒在他们的房屋附近。剑桥国际These are standard procedures for handling radioactive waste.这些是处理放射性废料的标准程序。剑桥国际They have signed a four billion euro contract to process nuclear waste.他们已签署价值四十亿欧元的处理核废料合同。牛津商务Three levels of waste are produced :low, intermediate and high.产生了三级不同废料: 低级的、中级和高级。剑桥国际Union leaders are advising their members not to handle any more nuclear waste.工会领导建议会员们不要再去接触核废料。剑桥国际We need to reduce the amount of toxic waste disposed of in landfill sites.我们必须减少扔在垃圾场的有毒废料的数量。牛津商务




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