

单词 平等
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔EQUAL/NOT EQUAL〕having equal rights 有平等的权利朗文写作活用〔UNFAIR〕signs of economic inequality 经济不平等的迹象朗文写作活用〔affirm〕laws affirming the racial equality of all peoples 矢志维护所有民族种族平等的法律韦氏高阶〔campaign〕the campaign for racial equality 争取种族平等的运动牛津搭配〔coequal〕coequal branches of government 彼此平等的政府分支机构韦氏高阶〔crusade〕a crusade for equal rights 争取平等权利的运动麦克米伦高阶〔democratic〕have a democratic attitude towards one's fellow workers 待同事抱平等的态度英汉大词典〔egalitarian〕an egalitarian society 人人平等的社会朗文当代〔enjoyment〕the enjoyment of equal rights 平等权利的享有牛津高阶〔equality〕equality between men and women 男女平等朗文当代〔equality〕international equality 国际平等英汉大词典〔equality〕racial/gender equality 种族/性别平等韦氏高阶〔equality〕the principle of equality before the law(= the law treats everyone the same) 法律面前人人平等的原则牛津高阶〔equality〕the task of achieving equality for gay men 为男同性恋者争取平等的这项任务牛津搭配〔equal〕equal rights/pay 平等的权利;同酬牛津高阶〔fairness〕issues of economic fairness and personal equality 经济公平与个人平等的问题牛津搭配〔found〕a society founded on the belief that all men are equal 建立在人人平等这一信仰基础上的社会麦克米伦高阶〔fraternity〕liberty, equality, and fraternity自由、平等与博爱外研社新世纪〔fundamental〕the fundamental principles of liberty and equality 自由和平等这两个基本原则朗文当代〔inequality〕gender inequality in education 教育方面的男女不平等牛津搭配〔inequality〕inequalities between men and women 男女的不平等朗文当代〔inequality〕inequality of treatment 待遇上的不平等英汉大词典〔inequality〕sexual inequality 性别不平等剑桥高阶〔institutionalize〕the struggle to institutionalize equality for women 把妇女平等制度化的斗争朗文当代〔irrespective〕their commitment to a society based on equality for all citizens irrespective of ethnic origin. 他们承诺建立一个不分种族出身、全民平等的社会柯林斯高阶〔notion〕a political system based on the notions of equality and liberty 建立在自由平等观念基础上的政治体系牛津高阶〔phantasm〕the phantasm of equality 关于平等的幻想韦氏高阶〔precept〕an electoral process based on the precept that all men are born equal. 以所有人生而平等这一准则为基础的选举程序柯林斯高阶〔precept〕an electoral process based on the precept that all men are born equal建立在人人生而平等信条上的选举程序外研社新世纪〔public service〕an egalitarian society based on cooperation and public service建立在合作和公益活动基础上的平等社会外研社新世纪〔racial〕the campaign for racial equality 争取种族平等的运动朗文当代〔reconciliation〕the ideal of democracy based upon a reconciliation of the values of equality and liberty. 建立在平等和自由两种价值观和谐统一基础上的民主理想柯林斯高阶〔right〕equal rights for all 人人平等的权利牛津搭配〔sexual〕sexual and racial equal opportunities不同性别、不同种族的人机会平等外研社新世纪〔sexual〕sexual equality 男女平等英汉大词典〔sparkplug〕to sparkplug the movement of equality of the sexes发起男女平等运动21世纪英汉〔talk〕arms/pay/peace, etc. talks 军备、工资、和平等谈判牛津高阶〔unequal〕an unequal trade treaty 不平等贸易条约 英汉大词典〔unshakable〕our unshakable belief in equal treatment 我们对平等待遇的坚定信念韦氏高阶egalitarian companies/workplaces 主张平等的公司/工作场所牛津商务




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