

单词 平滑
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔American foxhound〕Any of an American breed of foxhounds having drooping ears and a smooth, glossy coat that is usually black, tan, and white.美国猎狐犬:一种美国培育出的猎狐犬品种,有低垂的耳朵,通常为黑色、褐色和白色的平滑且有光泽的皮毛美国传统〔Cheddar〕Any of several types of smooth, hard cheese varying in flavor from mild to extra sharp.切德奶酪:几种平滑、质硬的有从温和至极刺激的不同口味的干酪美国传统〔FLAT/NOT FLAT〕She sanded the edge of the board and rubbed her hand against it to test its smoothness. 她用砂纸把板边磨光,然后用手摸着看是否平滑了。朗文写作活用〔UP〕A stream of water rose into the air, arched smoothly, and fell back into the pool. 一股水流射向空中,形成一道平滑的弧线,然后落回池子里。朗文写作活用〔adenomyosis〕A form of endometriosis characterized by the invasive, usually benign growth of tissue into smooth muscle such as the uterus.子宫内膜异位形成:子宫内膜异位的形态,症状为良性组织扩散性地生长在子宫的平滑肌上美国传统〔adhere〕A smooth, dry surface helps the tiles adhere to the wall.平滑、干燥的墙面有助于瓷砖粘在墙上。剑桥高阶〔antialiasing〕In computer graphics, the process of removing or reducing the jagged distortions in curves and diagonal lines so that the lines appear smooth or smoother.反图像失真,反锯齿现象:计算机绘图中清除或减少曲线或斜线参差不齐的失真现象,使线条平滑或更加平滑美国传统〔antispasmodic〕Relieving or preventing spasms, especially of smooth muscle.减轻痉挛的,防止痉挛的:减轻或防止痉挛的,尤指平滑肌的美国传统〔as〕A flat stone was used as a table.一块平滑的石头用作了桌子。朗文当代〔beagle〕One of a breed of small hounds having short legs, drooping ears, and a smooth coat with white, black, and tan markings.毕尔格猎犬:一种小型猎犬,短腿、耳朵下垂且平滑的皮毛上带有白色、黑色和褐色斑纹美国传统〔bronchodilator〕A drug that widens the air passages of the lungs and eases breathing by relaxing bronchial smooth muscle.支气管扩张剂:一种可加宽肺里空气通道的药物,并通过放松支气管的平滑肌来使呼吸轻松美国传统〔cantabile〕In a smooth, lyrical, flowing style. Used chiefly as a direction.如歌地(的):以一种平滑、抒情、流畅的风格的。主要用作演奏演唱指示美国传统〔cantilena〕A sustained, smooth-flowing melodic line.坎蒂列那:一个持续、平滑流畅的旋律的优美乐段美国传统〔cardioid〕A heart-shaped plane curve, the locus of a fixed point on a circle that rolls on the circumference of another circle with the same radius.心脏线:一种心形的平滑曲线,圆周上一固定点绕另一具有相同半径的圆的圆周转动的轨迹美国传统〔chalkboard〕A smooth, hard panel, usually green or black, for writing on with chalk; a blackboard.黑板:一种供写粉笔字的通常为绿色或黑色的平滑硬板;黑板美国传统〔chimaera〕A deep-sea cartilaginous fish of the family Chimaeridae, having a smooth-skinned tapering body and a whiplike tail.银鲛:银鲛科的一种深海软骨鱼,有平滑表皮、锥形身体和鞭状尾巴美国传统〔contrast〕The marble is smooth and polished, making a strong contrast with the worn stonework around it.大理石平滑光洁,和周围破旧的石造部分形成了强烈的对比。朗文当代〔corner〕Smooth rounded corners make cleaning easier.平滑的圆角清洁起来比较容易。牛津搭配〔creamy〕Beat the mixture until smooth and creamy.把混合物搅拌到均匀平滑为止。朗文当代〔curve〕A relatively smooth bend in a road or other course.转弯:一条道路或其它通路的相对平滑的弯曲处美国传统〔double Gloucester〕A smooth, firm, mild yellow cheese.格洛斯特硬干酪:平滑、坚实、淡黄色的一种奶酪美国传统〔even〕To make or become even.使成为平滑、平坦或相等美国传统〔finish〕Completeness, thoroughness, refinement, or smoothness of execution; polish.平滑,光亮:完全、彻底、精致或平滑的完成;光泽美国传统〔flat〕Tiles can be fixed to any surface as long as it's flat, firm and dry.只要表面平滑、坚固而且干燥, 瓷砖就能贴住。外研社新世纪〔flat〕We found a large flat rock to sit on.我们找了一块可以坐的大而平滑的石头。牛津高阶〔gloss〕Polished furniture has a gloss.上蜡家具的表面光亮平滑。英汉大词典〔grainy〕Having sharp divisions between light and dark patches; not smooth. Used of photographs and film.粒面的:在明暗区间有显著分界的;不平滑的。用于相片和电影胶片美国传统〔hand〕The fabric has a satin-like smooth hand.这种织物摸上去如缎子一般平滑。英汉大词典〔ketchup〕A condiment consisting of a thick, smooth-textured, spicy sauce usually made from tomatoes.调味番茄酱:含有粘稠且质地平滑的辛辣酱的调味品,通常用番茄制成美国传统〔kinin〕Any of various structurally related polypeptides, such as bradykinin, that act locally to induce vasodilation and contraction of smooth muscle.激肽:一种结构上相关的多肽,例如缓激肽,能够局部地导致血管扩张和平滑肌的收缩美国传统〔knead〕They massaged his body, kneading the knotted muscles into smoothness.他们给他推拿,把收紧的肌肉按摩得平滑舒松。英汉大词典〔land〕The raised portion of a grooved surface, as on a phonograph record.槽脊:平滑表面凸起的部分,如留声机唱片上的槽脊美国传统〔level〕If the surface isn't level, the ball won't roll properly.如果表面不平滑,球就不能正常滚动。麦克米伦高阶〔level〕The water in the pool is as even as a mirror.池中的水面象镜子一样平滑。美国传统〔lubricious〕Having a slippery or smooth quality.质地平滑的:有滑或光滑的品质的美国传统〔mango〕The ovoid fruit of this tree, having a smooth rind, sweet juicy flesh, and a flat one-seeded stone. It is eaten ripe or pickled when green.芒果:这种乔木的卵形的果实,壳平滑、果肉甜且多汁,中间有一个平的单种果核。成熟时可食用,也可在青绿时加工美国传统〔ninon〕A sheer fabric of silk, rayon, or nylon made in a variety of tight smooth weaves or open lacy patterns.尼龙绸:用丝、粘胶或尼龙制成的平滑的绸,有多种紧密光滑的编织或稀疏的花边图案美国传统〔panne〕A special finish for velvet and satin that produces a high luster.平绒:对丝绒和丝缎的特殊加工处理使之产生平滑的光面美国传统〔plaster down〕During that period, the style for men was to wear their hair plastered down on their heads.在那个时期,男人们的时尚是留平滑头发。21世纪英汉〔polished〕Made shiny and smooth by or as if by rubbing or chemical action.磨光的,擦亮的:因为或仿佛因为磨擦或化学反应而变得光亮而平滑的美国传统〔polished〕Naturally shiny and smooth.有光泽的:天然光亮而平滑的美国传统〔portamento〕A smooth, uninterrupted glide in passing from one tone to another, especially with the voice or a bowed stringed instrument.滑音:尤指嗓音发出的或一弓弦乐器奏出的从一个音调到另一个音调的平滑连续的滑动音美国传统〔roche moutonnée〕An elongate mound of bedrock worn smooth and rounded by glacial abrasion.羊背石:一种由于冰川的磨损而变得平滑且呈圆形的由基岩构成的细长小丘美国传统〔roller〕A heavy, revolving cylinder that is used to level, crush, or smooth.轧辊,滚轧机:一种用于辗平、压碎或弄平滑其它物体的可旋转的笨重圆筒状物美国传统〔rolling pin〕A smooth cylinder, usually of wood, with a handle at each end, used for rolling out dough.擀面杖:一种用于擀生面团的两端有把的平滑木质圆筒状物美国传统〔rough〕Having a surface marked by irregularities, protuberances, or ridges; not smooth.不光滑的:表面不平整、隆起或突起的;不平滑的美国传统〔round〕With her fingers she smoothed the clay and rounded the bottom of the bowl.她用手指把黏土弄平滑, 又把碗底修出圆形。外研社新世纪〔rub down〕They were settling to their work, rubbing down the woodwork with sandpaper.他们开始工作,用砂纸把木制品打磨平滑。柯林斯高阶〔saltatory〕Proceeding by leaps rather than by smooth, gradual transitions.跳跃前进的,而非平滑、渐渐过渡的美国传统〔satin〕Glossy, sleek, and smooth.光亮的、光滑的或平滑的美国传统〔sectile〕Of or relating to a mineral that can be cut or severed smoothly by a knife but cannot withstand pulverization.可截断的:可以用小刀切断或平滑切开,但不能经受滚辗的矿物的,或与之有关的美国传统〔semigloss〕A paint that dries with a finish that is between gloss and flat.半光泽漆:一种干后光亮度介于光亮平滑和无光泽之间的油漆美国传统〔skin〕His skin is clear and smooth.他的皮肤光洁平滑。柯林斯高阶〔sleek back/down〕Before going to the party, he sleeked back his hair with hair gel.去参加聚会前,他用发乳将头发梳理得平滑光亮。剑桥高阶〔sleek〕His hair was sleeked back with oil.他的头发用发油向后梳理得平滑光亮。朗文当代〔slick〕The logs slicked along.圆木平滑地向前滚动。英汉大词典〔slick〕The mountains were slicked smooth with snow.群山因大雪覆盖而变得光洁平滑。英汉大词典〔slick〕To make smooth, glossy, or oily.使光滑:使光滑、平滑或成油状美国传统〔slide〕These verbs mean to move smoothly and continuously over or as if over a slippery surface.这些动词的意思是在或象在一个很滑的平面上平滑、连续地移动。美国传统〔slide〕To move over a surface while maintaining smooth, continuous contact.滑:在一个平面上移动,同时保持平滑的、连续的接触美国传统〔slip〕A smooth crack at which rock strata have moved on each other.平滑裂隙:一种平滑的裂缝,岩层沿其错开美国传统〔slip〕The yacht slipped through the waves.那艘游艇在波涛中平滑地驶过。文馨英汉〔smooth〕They groomed the ski trail so it was smooth.他们修整了滑雪赛道,把它弄得很平滑。韦氏高阶〔smooth〕To make (something) even, level, or unwrinkled.使平滑:使(某物)平坦、齐平或无皱纹美国传统〔squeegee〕To wipe or smooth with a squeegee.用一个橡皮刷擦或弄平滑美国传统〔striated muscle〕Skeletal, voluntary, and cardiac muscle, distinguished from smooth muscle by transverse striations of the fibers.横纹肌:骨骼肌肉、自由肌肉和心脏肌肉,以纤维的横切条纹区别于平滑肌美国传统〔strike-slip fault〕A fault in which surfaces on opposite sides of the fault plane have moved horizontally and parallel to the strike of the fault.挤滑断层:断层面反表面向断层撞击处水平滑动并与之平行的断层现象美国传统〔tarmacadam〕A pavement consisting of layers of crushed stone with a tar binder pressed to a smooth surface.柏油碎石路(面):一种由若干层碎石和柏油粘合剂压紧而铺成的平滑路面美国传统〔tattoo〕To beat out an even rhythm, as with the fingers.敲打出一段平滑的节奏,如用手指美国传统〔try〕To smooth, fit, or align accurately.校准,加工:使平滑,适合或精确地调整美国传统〔undulate〕To cause to move in a smooth wavelike motion.使波动;使起伏:引起以平滑波样动作移动美国传统〔unrifled〕Having a smooth bore. Use of a gun barrel.具有一个平滑的枪膛。用来指一支枪的枪管美国传统〔unruffled〕Regular and smooth, as the surface of water.平静:有规律的和平滑的,比如水平面美国传统〔unstriated〕Lacking striations; smooth-textured.缺乏横纹的;肌质平滑的美国传统〔upsweep〕A hairdo that is smoothed upward in the back and piled on top of the head.上卷发式:在头后部将头发平滑地向上梳,并盘在头顶上美国传统〔waft〕To cause to go gently and smoothly through the air or over water.使飘荡:使在空气中或水上轻柔平滑地前进美国传统〔wear〕The cathedral steps were polished smooth by centuries of wear.大教堂的台阶经过几个世纪的使用已磨得平滑了。牛津搭配〔wrinkle〕A small furrow, ridge, or crease on a normally smooth surface, caused by crumpling, folding, or shrinking.细纹:由于压皱、折叠或压缩,在平滑的表面造成的细沟、小脊或摺痕美国传统According to the advertisement, this new razor will give you an extra smooth shave.据广告讲,这种新的刮胡刀会使你刮胡子额外平滑。剑桥国际He ground down the sharp metal edges to make them smooth.他磨掉金属锋利的边来使它们平滑。剑桥国际We resurfaced the kitchen floor because it wasn't even enough for Dad's wheelchair.我们重铺了厨房地面,因为父亲的轮椅走在上面不够平滑。剑桥国际




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