

单词 就读
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ACCEPT〕The president refused to accept the authority of the state court when it tried to keep black students out of the University of Alabama. 州法院试图将黑人学生拒之门外,不让他们就读亚拉巴马州大学,但总统拒绝承认州法院的这个权力。朗文写作活用〔CLASS〕She went to a posh girls’ school in Switzerland. 她曾在瑞士一所女子贵族学校就读。朗文写作活用〔DIFFERENT〕The music college aims to encourage talents as diverse as members of symphony orchestras and pop groups. 这所音乐学院旨在鼓励来自交响乐团和流行乐队等的各种各样的音乐人才就读。朗文写作活用〔GET〕Sarah was given the opportunity to study at the Cooper Union School of Art. 萨拉获得了就读库珀艺术联校的机会。朗文写作活用〔GO〕Mary is at Northwestern University. 玛丽就读于西北大学。朗文写作活用〔Oxbridge〕Many members of the British government went to Oxbridge (= a college at either Oxford or Cambridge).英国政府中的许多官员都曾就读于牛津或剑桥大学。剑桥高阶〔SHORT〕Please write a short paragraph explaining your reasons for applying to this college. 请写一段简短的文字,说明你申请就读本校的原因。朗文写作活用〔all walks of life〕Children of every walk of life attend this school.不同家庭背景的孩子就读这所学校。韦氏高阶〔also〕Jeremy is now at Dartmouth College, where his father also studied.杰里米现在就读于达特茅斯学院,他父亲也曾在那儿学习过。麦克米伦高阶〔attend〕They attended college together at the University of Pennsylvania.他们一起就读于宾夕法尼亚大学。柯林斯高阶〔attend〕Which school do your children attend? 你们家孩子就读哪所学校?剑桥高阶〔busing〕Many schools were in danger of closing because the children were bused out to other neighborhoods.很多学校面临倒闭的危险,因为学生被校车送到其他社区就读了。柯林斯高阶〔child〕What a precocious child-reading Jane Austen at the age of ten! 这孩子真是早慧 -10 岁就读简・奥斯丁的作品!牛津搭配〔co-ed〕He was educated at a co-ed comprehensive school.他就读于一所男女生同校的综合性学校。柯林斯高阶〔co-ed〕He was educated at a co-ed comprehensive school.他曾就读于一所男女同校的综合性学校。外研社新世纪〔college〕I attended the College of Arts and Sciences at New York University.我就读于纽约大学的文理学院。剑桥高阶〔college〕She attended a business college.她曾就读于一所商学院。韦氏高阶〔college〕She is attending fashion college.她就读于时装学院。韦氏高阶〔come〕The new finance minister was educated at Oxford and is as traditional as they come.新财政部长曾就读于牛津大学,是个极为传统的人。柯林斯高阶〔date〕It's going to date me now. I attended that school from 1969 to 1972.现在说起来我就显老了。我 1969至 1972 年就读于那所学校。柯林斯高阶〔deaf〕She goes to a school for the deaf.她就读于聋人学校。韦氏高阶〔enrol〕They want to enrol their children in their local school.他们想让自己的孩子去当地的学校就读。剑桥高阶〔female〕She attended a school where there were more males than females.她在一所男生多女生少的学校就读。韦氏高阶〔gap〕After a gap of two years, she went back to college.时隔两年, 她重返大学就读。外研社新世纪〔integrated〕We believe that pupils of integrated schools will have more tolerant attitudes.我们相信在取消种族隔离的学校就读的学生会有更宽容的态度。柯林斯高阶〔integrated〕We believe that pupils of integrated schools will have more tolerant attitudes.我们相信在取消种族隔离的学校中就读的学生会有更宽容的态度。外研社新世纪〔keen〕There is keen competition for places at the college.要在这所学院就读竞争是非常激烈的。牛津高阶〔kindergarten〕My daughter is in kindergarten now; next fall she'll enter the first grade.我女儿现在上幼儿园;来年秋天她就读一年级了。韦氏高阶〔local〕Our children go to the local school.我们的小孩在本地学校就读。牛津高阶〔mandate〕Quebec mandated that all immigrants send their children to French schools.魁北克省颁布法令,强制所有移民将子女送进法语学校就读。柯林斯高阶〔minority〕The college encouraged women and minorities to apply.那所大学鼓励女性和少数族裔提出就读申请。韦氏高阶〔monk〕In the high school I went to we were taught by Benedictine monks.在我就读的那所高中, 由本笃会僧侣向我们授课。外研社新世纪〔news〕My children's school is in the news again, but for all the wrong reasons.我的孩子们就读的学校又上新闻了, 不过都是负面报道。外研社新世纪〔on〕He studied at Oxford on a Rhodes scholarship.他靠罗兹奖学金在牛津就读。英汉大词典〔overachiever〕She is an overachiever who plans to attend a top college.她是特优生,打算就读一流大学。韦氏高阶〔possible〕I relax with a good book whenever possible.只要有可能我就读一本好书来放松自己。麦克米伦高阶〔preference〕Parents may be able to express a preference as to the school their child will attend.家长也许可以表明喜欢孩子就读哪所学校。朗文当代〔promising〕A school has honoured one of its brightest and most promising former pupils.一所学校给曾在这里就读的最聪明、最有前途的一位学生授予了荣誉头衔。柯林斯高阶〔prospective〕Prospective students are invited to attend the open day.有意前来就读的学生获邀参加开放日活动。外研社新世纪〔pupil〕Over a third of those now at secondary school in Wales attend schools with over 1,000 pupils.威尔士现在的初中生中有1/3以上的人就读的学校学生总数超过1,000人。柯林斯高阶〔race〕The school welcomes children of all races .本校欢迎各种族的学生前来就读。朗文当代〔read〕He is now reading for a maths degree at Surrey University.他现在就读于萨里大学,攻读数学学位。柯林斯高阶〔scholarship〕Sophie was awarded a scholarship to attend Bryn Mawr College.索菲得到了就读布林莫尔学院的奖学金。麦克米伦高阶〔school〕He went to school at Eton.他在伊顿就读。文馨英汉〔school〕Stella, 21, is at art school training to be a fashion designer.斯特拉,21 岁,就读于艺术系,正接受时装设计师的培训。柯林斯高阶〔take-up〕Fewer French classes are being offered due to low take-up.由于就读率低,法语课开得越来越少。韦氏高阶〔take-up〕Take-up for college places has been slow.大学的就读率很低。朗文当代〔transfer〕The children will transfer to a new school in September.孩子们将于9月份转到新的学校就读。麦克米伦高阶〔university〕He goes to Princeton University.他就读于普林斯顿大学。牛津搭配〔university〕He studied at Bristol University.他曾就读于布里斯托尔大学。麦克米伦高阶〔university〕Patrick is now at London University.帕特里克现在就读于伦敦大学。外研社新世纪〔university〕Patrick is now at London University.帕特里克现在就读于伦敦大学。柯林斯高阶〔university〕Which university did you go to/were you at (= did you study at)? 你曾就读于哪所大学?剑桥高阶〔uni〕Which uni was she at? 她就读于哪所大学?剑桥高阶〔up〕Their daughter is up at Oxford.他们的女儿在牛津大学就读。韦氏高阶〔used to〕He used to go to our school.他曾在我们学校就读。朗文当代〔vast〕The vast majority of children attend state schools.绝大部分学生就读于政府学校。剑桥高阶〔welcome〕The faculty welcomes prospective students wishing to visit departments.该学院欢迎想参观各系、有意前来就读的学生。麦克米伦高阶〔well-established〕The University has a well-established tradition of welcoming postgraduate students from overseas.这所大学有着欢迎海外研究生就读的悠久传统。外研社新世纪〔well-established〕The University has a well-established tradition of welcoming postgraduate students from overseas.这所大学有着欢迎海外研究生就读的悠久传统。柯林斯高阶〔where〕Iwas a teacher in the college where Khalil was studying.我是个老师,在哈利勒正在就读的那所学院教书。麦克米伦高阶〔whichever〕Read whichever books you please.你爱读哪些书就读那些书。英汉大词典〔yardstick〕There has been no yardstick by which potential students can assess individual schools before signing up for a course.有意就读的学生在报名参加一门课程前没有任何参照标准去衡量各个学校的水平。柯林斯高阶〔year〕Sheila enjoyed her years as a student in Oxford.希拉就读牛津大学的那几年很快乐。朗文当代He first dabbled in politics when he was at law school.他第一次涉足政治是当他在法律学校就读时。剑桥国际He rounded out his education by spending a year in Paris. 他在巴黎就读一年,完成了学业。译典通He should be able to read this without the aid of a dictionary. 他应当能够不用字典就读懂这个。译典通His father is worried that she will be a perpetual student and never get a proper job.她父亲担心她成了一个永久就读生,永远找不到一份正当的工作。剑桥国际I attended the College of Arts and Sciences at New York University.我入纽约大学的文理学院就读。剑桥国际My bank has agreed to defer the repayments on my loan while I'm still a student.银行同意在我在校就读期间推迟我的偿还贷款期限。剑桥国际She attended a school of dress design. 她就读于一所服装设计学校。译典通She coxed for her college for three seasons.她为她就读的大学做了三个赛季的舵手。剑桥国际She studies at a medical college in New York. 她在纽约医学院就读。译典通She was at art college but she dropped out of it (=stopped before the end of the course) last year.她曾在艺术学校就读,但去年退学了。剑桥国际She's in Mrs Leach's form next year.明年她在利奇夫人管的年级就读。剑桥国际The Queen has broken with precedent by sending her children to ordinary schools. 女王破例让自己的孩子去普通学校就读。译典通They entered their child at a private school. 他们让他们的孩子在一所私立学校就读。译典通They want to enrol their children in their local school.他们想给孩子注册就读当地学校。剑桥国际




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