

单词 弱者
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔admiration〕I have nothing but admiration for the way she tackled those bullies.她对付那些恃强凌弱者的方法令我叹服。牛津搭配〔bar〕Everyone is leaving the village, bar the very old and ill.除了年老体弱者,其他人都要离开村庄。剑桥高阶〔befriend〕We are willing to befriend the weak and the poor.我们愿意扶助弱者与穷人。21世纪英汉〔bullying〕He's a coward and a bully who confuses physical strength with manhood.他是一个懦夫,一个分不清蛮力和大丈夫气概的恃强凌弱者。柯林斯高阶〔crock〕One that is worn-out, decrepit, or impaired; a wreck.病弱者:破旧、残缺或受到伤害的东西;病弱者美国传统〔grit〕It takes true (= real) grit to stand up to a bully.面对一个恃强凌弱者奋起反抗确实需要勇气。剑桥高阶〔hell〕Bullies can make your life hell.恃强凌弱者能使你的生活如地狱一般。外研社新世纪〔hell〕Bullies can make your life hell.恃强欺弱者能让你的日子像活地狱。柯林斯高阶〔impotent〕The aggression of a bully leaves people feeling hurt, angry and impotent.恃强凌弱者的侵犯行为令人感觉痛苦、气愤而又无奈。外研社新世纪〔infirmity〕We are here to protect and assist the weak and infirm.我们来这里保护、帮助年迈体弱者。柯林斯高阶〔infirm〕The old and the infirm are the most susceptible to this disease.年老体弱者最容易得这种病。剑桥高阶〔intimidate〕The strong often intimidate the weak.强者常常恫吓弱者。牛津同义词〔invalid〕I hate being treated as an invalid.我讨厌被当作病弱者对待。外研社新世纪〔jellyfish〕Informal One who lacks force of character; a weakling.【非正式用语】 弱者:缺乏性格力量的人;孱弱的人美国传统〔mission〕He viewed his mission in life as protecting the weak from the evil.他认为自己毕生的使命就是保护弱者不受邪恶势力的欺凌。柯林斯高阶〔mission〕He viewed his mission in life as protecting the weak.他认为自己的天职就是保护弱者。外研社新世纪〔necessity〕Culling of the animals was born out of the necessity for successful conservation.宰杀动物中的弱者是保护自然的必要措施。牛津搭配〔needy〕Let us pray for those who are not so fortunate as ourselves - the sick, the old, and the needy.让我们为那些比我们不幸的病弱者、老人和穷人祈祷吧。剑桥高阶〔pluck〕It takes a lot of pluck to stand up to a bully.不向恃强凌弱者屈服需要很大勇气。朗文当代〔pull for〕She nearly always pulls for the underdog.他几乎总是同情弱者。21世纪英汉〔rarity〕The rarity of the air in the mountains is bad for people with weak hearts.山区稀薄的空气对心脏衰弱者是有害的。英汉大词典〔rest home〕An establishment where the elderly or frail are housed and cared for.养老院:向老人或体弱者提供住所和照顾的机构美国传统〔sex〕They tend to consider women as the weaker sex in need of care and protection.他们往往认为女性是弱者,需要照顾和保护。牛津搭配〔shorn〕God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb.【谚】对被剪过毛的绵羊(弱者)上帝会缓和风力。文馨英汉〔strong〕It is surely the duty of the stronger members in a society to help those who are weak.任何社会中帮助弱者都是强者不可推卸的责任。剑桥高阶〔tyrannize〕The strong should not tyrannize the weak.强者不该欺压弱者。21世纪英汉〔underdog〕As a lawyer, she consistently represented the underdog.作为律师,她一贯坚持替弱者辩护。韦氏高阶〔weak sister〕The company is no longer a/the weak sister among auto producers.这家公司不再是汽车生产商中的弱者。韦氏高阶〔weak〕Workplace bullies pick on weak and vulnerable colleagues.职场中的恃强凌弱者总欺负那些软弱的同事。麦克米伦高阶He was one of those school bullies who tyrannized the whole playground.他是学校里那些恃强凌弱者之一,在整个操场上称王霸道。剑桥国际It is surely the duty of the stronger members in a society to help those who are weak.在任何社会中强者帮助弱者都是不容怀疑的责任。剑桥国际It would need more than a few exercises to turn a seven-stone weakling into a heavyweight boxer.将一个98磅重的瘦弱者变成一个重量级拳击运动员不是做一些练习就可以的。剑桥国际Let us pray for those who are not so fortunate as ourselves-the sick, the old and the needy.让我们为那些不如我们幸运的病弱者、老人和穷人祈祷。剑桥国际Teachers usually know who the bullies are in a class.教师们通常知道谁是班里的恃强凌弱者。剑桥国际The new President said she would dedicate herself to protecting the rights of the old, the sick and the homeless.新任总统说她会献身于保护老年人、病弱者和无家可归者的权利。剑桥国际The severe cold had claimed many victims amongst the old and infirm.这次严寒夺走了许多年老体弱者的生命。剑桥国际To hit a weaker person is a sign of cruelty. 殴打弱者是残忍的表现。译典通We must care for the weak who would otherwise fall by the wayside. 我们要关心那些弱者,不然他们会因失败而放弃努力的。译典通




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