

单词 对面
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CONVENIENT〕My new place is conveniently located across from a supermarket. 我的新居位置近便,就在一家超级市场对面。朗文写作活用〔Charybdis〕A whirlpool off the Sicilian coast, personified as a ship-devouring sea monster and located opposite the cave of Scylla.卡律布狄斯漩涡:西西里海岸附近的一个漩涡,位于希拉洞穴的对面,被拟人化为一个吞噬船只的海怪美国传统〔HELP〕She was very nervous about the interview, so I went along to give her some moral support. 她对面试非常紧张,所以我和她一起去,给她一些精神支持。朗文写作活用〔OPPOSITE〕Bill sat down across the desk from him. 比尔隔着桌子在他对面坐了下来。朗文写作活用〔OPPOSITE〕Pointing to the chair opposite, he said ‘Come and talk to me for a while.’ 他指着对面的椅子说:“来和我谈一会吧。”朗文写作活用〔OPPOSITE〕The seat facing mine was empty. 我对面的座位空着。朗文写作活用〔OPPOSITE〕We sat face to face across a narrow table. 我们面对面坐在一张窄窄的桌子旁。朗文写作活用〔OPPOSITE〕When you get off the bus, you'll see a grocery store on the opposite side of the street. 下车的时候,你会看到街对面有家杂货店。朗文写作活用〔SIT〕He sat facing her, straddling the small wooden chair. 他跨在小木椅上,坐在她的对面。朗文写作活用〔STICK OUT〕I looked across the street and saw Mike's head poking out above the fence. 我向街对面望去,只见迈克从篱笆的上面探出头来。朗文写作活用〔abaxial〕Located away from or on the opposite side of the axis, as of an organ or organism.离开轴心的,远轴的:远离或在轴对面的,如器官或有机体美国传统〔across〕The accident happened just across the state line.事故就发生在州界线对面。韦氏高阶〔across〕The statue is just across from the club.这座塑像就在那俱乐部对面。英汉大词典〔across〕There's a school just across from our house.有一所学校就在我们房子对面。牛津高阶〔bank〕A man was fishing on the opposite bank.一名男子在对面河岸上钓鱼。麦克米伦高阶〔beckon from〕Borrow beckoned to me from across the street.博罗从街对面向我招手。21世纪英汉〔between〕Charlie crossed between the traffic to the far side of the street.查利从车流中间穿过,到了街对面。柯林斯高阶〔complexion〕Drinking water is good for the complexion.喝水对面色有好处。朗文当代〔confront〕The candidates confronted each other during a televised debate.候选人在电视辩论中面对面交锋。外研社新世纪〔conversation〕He could hear snatches of conversation from across the room.他从房间对面听得到零星的对话。朗文当代〔country-dance〕A folk dance of English origin in which two lines of dancers face each other.乡村舞:源自英国的一种乡村舞蹈,舞者排成两行,面对面跳美国传统〔creep〕A little hand crept across the table and touched my arm.一只小手从桌子对面伸过来碰了碰我的手臂。麦克米伦高阶〔daunt〕She was a brave woman but she felt daunted by the task ahead.她是一个勇敢的女人,但对面前的任务却感到信心不足。牛津高阶〔diagonally〕He was seated diagonally opposite her.他坐在她斜对面。外研社新世纪〔directly〕The post office is directly opposite the town hall.邮局就在市政厅的正对面。麦克米伦高阶〔discuss〕The candidates agreed to debate the campaign issues face to face.候选人都同意就竞选问题进行面对面的辩论。美国传统〔eyeball〕When you have that many troops lined up eyeball to eyeball along a tense border, anything can happen.大量部队在形势紧张的边界地区面对面对峙时, 什么事都可能会发生。外研社新世纪〔eye〕Several men were giving her the eye across the bar.几个男人在吧台对面向她眉目传情。韦氏高阶〔face to face〕They were sitting face to face.他们正面对面坐着。韦氏高阶〔face〕The two men stood facing each other, smiling.那两个人笑嘻嘻地面对面站着。朗文当代〔fare〕Less expensive fare is available at the restaurant across the street.街对面的餐馆提供便宜一些的饭菜。韦氏高阶〔ferninst〕Their barn is ferninst the house.他们的谷仓在房子对面美国传统〔flat〕Children from the flats(= the block of flats)across the street were playing outside.街对面公寓楼里的儿童正在户外玩耍。牛津高阶〔full beam〕If your lights are on full beam, you may dazzle oncoming drivers.如果你开远光灯,你会让对面来车的司目眩。剑桥高阶〔glass〕The far wall was also glassed.对面的墙也装上了玻璃。外研社新世纪〔hail〕She hailed to me from across the street.她从那条街道的对面呼叫我。文馨英汉〔imperative〕It is imperative to meet face to face with the client.必须面对面接触客户。朗文当代〔landau〕A four-wheeled carriage with front and back passenger seats that face each other and a roof in two sections that can be lowered or detached.双排座活顶四轮马车:一种四轮马车,设有面对面的前后乘客座,两部分的顶棚可以下降或脱卸美国传统〔leaf〕The Japanese maple that stands across the drive had just come into leaf.车道对面那棵鸡爪枫刚吐新叶。柯林斯高阶〔lump〕He lumped his huge bulk down opposite.他拖着庞大身躯在对面重重坐下。英汉大词典〔manhandle〕They were trying to manhandle an old sofa across the road.他们正努力要把一张旧沙发搬到马路对面去。牛津高阶〔meanwhile〕Kate turned to beckon Peter across from the car, but Bill waved him back, meanwhile pushing Kate inside.凯特转身示意汽车对面的彼得过来,可是比尔却挥手示意他回去,同时把凯特推进车内。柯林斯高阶〔missionary position〕A position for sexual intercourse in which a woman and man lie facing each other, with the woman on the bottom and the man on the top.传教士式姿势:性交的一种姿势。男女面对面躺着,女在下,男在上美国传统〔mount〕A car suddenly mounted the pavement to avoid a vehicle coming in the opposite direction.有辆汽车为了躲避对面驶来的一辆车突然冲上了人行道。朗文当代〔munch〕Across the table, his son Benjie munched appreciatively.桌子对面,他儿子本吉有滋有味地吃着。柯林斯高阶〔nearside〕We hit the kerb on the nearside and skidded across the road.我们从左侧撞上了路缘, 滑到了路对面。外研社新世纪〔oppose〕To place opposite in contrast or counterbalance.相对:放在某事物对面以对比或平衡美国传统〔opposite〕Adam took the seat opposite her.亚当在她对面坐了下来。麦克米伦高阶〔opposite〕All the cars driving in the opposite direction had their headlights on.对面开来的车都打着头灯。柯林斯高阶〔opposite〕He lives in the house opposite to ours.他住在我们对面的那所房子里。英汉大词典〔opposite〕He sat opposite her.他坐在她的对面。英汉大词典〔opposite〕I could see smoke coming from the windows of the house directly opposite.我看到烟从正对面房子的窗户里冒出来。牛津高阶〔opposite〕If you want to buy tickets, you need to go to the counter opposite.如果想买票,你得去对面的柜台。剑桥高阶〔opposite〕Jennie had sat opposite her at breakfast.早饭时珍妮坐在她的对面。外研社新世纪〔opposite〕Jennie had sat opposite her at breakfast.珍妮吃早餐时坐在她对面。柯林斯高阶〔opposite〕The car smashed into a lorry coming in the opposite direction.汽车撞到了从对面开过来的卡车上。麦克米伦高阶〔opposite〕The house opposite is a new one.对面的房子是新的。英汉大词典〔opposite〕The people sitting opposite us looked very familiar.坐在我们对面的那些人看上去很面熟。朗文当代〔opposite〕The people who live opposite (= on the other side of the road) are always making a lot of noise.住在马路对面的人总是很闹腾。剑桥高阶〔opposite〕We live further down on the opposite side of the road.我们住在马路对面再远一点的地方。牛津高阶〔over〕I crossed over to the other side of the street.我走到街对面。麦克米伦高阶〔over〕I stopped and crossed over.我先停下来,然后走到对面。牛津高阶〔over〕They live over the river in Richmond.他们住在河对面的里士满区。朗文当代〔page〕Complete the booking form on the opposite page .请填写好对面页上的预订表。朗文当代〔parallelepiped〕A solid with six faces, each a parallelogram and each being parallel to the opposite face.平行六面体:一种有六个面且每一面都是平行四边形并与对面相平行的立方体美国传统〔park〕He parked himself in the chair opposite my desk.他在我书桌对面的椅子里坐下。英汉大词典〔pepper〕A burst of gunfire from inside the corridor peppered the wall opposite him.走廊里射来的一串子弹接连打中了他对面的墙壁。外研社新世纪〔rail〕Opposite its gates were the small, railed gardens.每扇大门对面都有一片装了围栏的小花园。外研社新世纪〔rap〕The clatter of the typewriter rapped sharply from the opposite room.从对面的房间传出尖锐刺耳的敲打打字机的哒哒声。21世纪英汉〔require〕Certain subjects absolutely require face-to-face communication.某些科目要求必须进行面对面的交流。牛津搭配〔road〕There's a coffee shop on the other side of the road.在马路对面有一家咖啡店。剑桥高阶〔seductive〕She smiled seductively at him across the table.她坐在桌子的对面向着他迷人地笑了笑。朗文当代〔sit〕She sat across from me during dinner.晚餐时她坐在我对面。韦氏高阶〔sow〕Yesterday the field opposite was sown with maize.昨天, 对面的那块地种上了玉米。外研社新世纪〔stand〕Stand the bookcase against the far wall.把书架靠着对面的墙壁放。麦克米伦高阶〔stoop〕I stooped down to put my face level with his.我俯下身去与他面对面。麦克米伦高阶〔that〕That's Eileen's house across the road.路对面就是艾琳的房子。朗文当代〔toward〕The mirrors are pointed toward each other.那些镜子面对面放着。韦氏高阶〔to〕They stood face to face, glaring at each other.面对面/背对背麦克米伦高阶〔vis-à-vis〕One that is face to face with or opposite to another.对面的人:与另外一个人面对面或相对的人美国传统〔way〕A big Mercedes was coming the other way (=from the opposite direction) .一辆很大的梅塞德斯汽车正从对面开来。朗文当代〔way〕There's a petrol station just across the way.在(街道等)对面麦克米伦高阶A thin, bearded (= with a beard) man sat opposite me on the train.火车上一个瘦瘦的留胡子的男人坐在我对面。剑桥国际An underground passage leads to the building across the street. 一条地下通道通到街对面的大楼。译典通He called to me from the other side of the street. 他从街对面喊我。译典通He lives in the house which is opposite ours. 他住在我们对面的那栋房子里。译典通He scared me out of my wits/witless (= made me extremely frightened) when he tried to overtake a car while a bus was coming in the opposite direction.当他想要超车而对面正好有一辆公交车驰来时,我被他吓得半死。剑桥国际I berthed opposite him. 我的舖位在他的对面。译典通I was rushing along with my head down when I cannoned into an old lady walking the other way.我正一路低头跑着,突然撞上对面来的老妇人。剑桥国际I'd like to talk to you face-to-face instead of on the phone.我想面对面地跟你谈话,而不是在电话里通话。剑桥国际Our daughter lives just across the street from us.我们的女儿就住在街对面。剑桥国际Someone was standing in the doorway, backlit from the other room.有人站在门口,正处于对面房间射出的逆光下。剑桥国际That badly parked red car on the other side of the street is mine.那辆乱停在马路对面的红车是我的。剑桥国际The fireplace flamed the opposite wall. 炉火照亮了对面的墙壁。译典通The post office is just across from the club. 邮局就在那俱乐部对面。译典通The post office is opposite the bank. 邮局在银行对面。译典通The waste ground opposite us is being redeveloped.我们对面的那块荒地正被重新开发。剑桥国际There was a garden on the opposite side of the street. 街的对面有个花园。译典通They fired a salvo and it was quickly returned by the enemy over the river.他们射出一阵炮弹,河对面的敌人很快就予以回击。剑桥国际Tom and Sally sat on opposite sides of the table.汤姆和萨莉面对面坐在桌子的两边。剑桥国际




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