

单词 我的父亲
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bounce〕My father would burst into the kitchen bouncing a football.我的父亲会颠着足球冲进厨房。柯林斯高阶〔bow〕My father was walking along slowly, shoulders bowed.我的父亲驼着背慢慢向前走。麦克米伦高阶〔bring〕My father brought home a book for me.我的父亲给我带回家一本书。柯林斯高阶〔channel〕She said that she was channeling my father and that he had a message for me.她说她刚才与我的父亲通灵了,他给我留了话。韦氏高阶〔compassionate〕My father was a deeply compassionate man.我的父亲是一个极具同情心的人。外研社新世纪〔contributable〕My father often contributes to a literary journal.我的父亲常在一个文学刊物上投稿。21世纪英汉〔dedication〕The dedication at the front of the book read "For my Father".书前面的献词中写道:“献给我的父亲”。剑桥高阶〔deny〕I denied my father for years.多年来, 我一直不认我的父亲。外研社新世纪〔father-in-law〕Both my father and father-in-law were on the beaches on D-Day.在盟军反攻日那一天, 我的父亲和岳父都在诺曼底海滩作战。外研社新世纪〔father〕I always thought of you as a second father.我总是想起你,觉得你就像我的父亲。牛津搭配〔flat〕My father told me flat that I could not go abroad.我的父亲断然跟我说:我不能出国。文馨英汉〔footstep〕My father is extremely proud that I followed in his footsteps and became a doctor.我的父亲非常自豪,因为我继承他的事业,成为了一名医生。柯林斯高阶〔he〕He is my father.他是我的父亲。英汉大词典〔he〕He is my father.他是我的父亲。韦氏高阶〔intently〕To all intents and purposes he was my father.他几乎可以称得上是我的父亲。柯林斯高阶〔kind〕My father was one of a kind—I'll never be like him.我的父亲很独特,我决不会像他的。牛津高阶〔know〕You know something, Mary? Mr. Harris is the nicest man I knew, except for my father. 我来告诉你吧,玛丽,哈里斯先生是除了我的父亲之外我所认识的最好的人。英汉大词典〔live〕My father died ten years ago, but he lived to see his first grandson.我的父亲十年前去世了, 但是他活到看见了第一个孙子。外研社新世纪〔meet〕Lili and my father met me off the boat.莉莉和我的父亲来接我下船。外研社新世纪〔note〕If I may end on a personal note, I'd like to wish my father a happy 85th birthday! 如果允许我个人讲几句作为结语,我想祝愿我的父亲85岁生日快乐!韦氏高阶〔opposed〕My father was violently opposed to my going abroad.我的父亲极力反对我出国。文馨英汉〔outfit〕His father and mine were in the same outfit during the war.他的父亲和我的父亲战争时期在同一单位。英汉大词典〔panic〕I looked at my father in panic.我惊恐地看着我的父亲。英汉大词典〔pillar〕My father had been a pillar of the community.我的父亲一直是社区的顶梁柱。外研社新世纪〔printing〕My father headed up the family printing business.我的父亲负责管理家族的印刷产业。外研社新世纪〔rather〕My father, or rather, my stepfather, will be visiting soon.我的父亲,更确切地说,我的继父,不久将到这里来做客。韦氏高阶〔repository〕My father is a repository of family history.我的父亲对家族史无所不知。牛津高阶〔retired〕My father's retired now.我的父亲现在已经退休。麦克米伦高阶〔soul〕My father, God rest his soul, died here at Vernison Hall.我的父亲,愿上帝保佑他的灵魂安息,是在韦尔尼森庄园这里去世的。朗文当代〔speciality〕My father was a historian of repute. His speciality was the history of Germany.我的父亲是一名颇有名气的历史学家,他专门研究德国历史。柯林斯高阶〔start〕My father gave him his start in life.我的父亲帮他开创了事业。英汉大词典〔very〕The men were very much like my father.那些人很像我的父亲。柯林斯高阶〔weigh in〕My father weighed in, writing a letter to The Times.我的父亲也参与进来, 给《泰晤士报》写了一封信。外研社新世纪Before I went off to university my father gave me a few words of wisdom.在我去上大学之前,我的父亲给了我一些至理名言。剑桥国际He has published his remembrances of the general in a memoir entitled ‘My Father’.他在一部题为《我的父亲》的回忆录中发表了对将军的回忆。剑桥国际He was a man of few words, my father, but when he spoke it was worth listening to.我的父亲是个少言寡语的人,但他说话时是值得听听的。剑桥国际I'm working on my father to get him to take me to the airport.我正在努力说服我的父亲,让他带我去机场。剑桥国际Luckily my father wired me two hundred bucks.幸运的是,我的父亲电汇给我200元钱。剑桥国际My father becomes a couch potato during football season. 在足球赛季我的父亲成天坐在沙发上看电视。译典通My father gloried in my success. 我的父亲为我的成功而骄傲。译典通My father is a very calm person, but my mother is just the opposite.我的父亲是一个非常镇静的人,而我的母亲正相反。剑桥国际My father is fifty years old. 我的父亲五十岁了。译典通My father is in the kitchen conducting his morning ritual -- reading the newspaper and sipping his coffee.我的父亲正在厨房里做他早晨的例行公事----读报纸,喝咖啡。剑桥国际My father tore his Achilles tendon while playing squash.我的父亲在打墙网球的时候拉伤了跟腱。剑桥国际My father wants an antique globe for his birthday.我的父亲在他生日时想要一个旧式的地球仪。剑桥国际The dedication at the front of the book read “For my Father.” 书的扉页上写着献词“献给我的父亲”。剑桥国际




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