

单词 带球者
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔block〕Football Legal interference with an opposing player to clear the path of the ball carrier.【橄榄球】 阻挡:干扰对方队员为带球者开道的合乎规定的阻止美国传统〔flag football〕A type of football in which the advancement of the ball is stopped by removing a flag attached to the ball carrier's clothing.夺旗足球:以去除带球者衣物上黏贴旗帜为得分标的的一种美式足球赛美国传统〔runner〕Football One who carries the ball.【橄榄球】 带球者美国传统〔touch football〕A variety of football played without protective clothing usually on an improvised field, in which ball carriers are downed by touching instead of tackling.触身式橄榄球:一种通常在临时场地上进行的不穿防护衣的橄榄球运动,其中不是用扭抱而是通过碰触带球者来阻止对方并自己得球美国传统




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