

单词 崇高
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bathos〕An abrupt, unintended transition in style from the exalted to the commonplace, producing a ludicrous effect.突降法:一种突然的,意外的变化,在文体上从庄严崇高降至平庸可笑,能产生一种意想不到的效果美国传统〔cause〕Please give as much as you can: it's for a very worthy cause.请尽力捐赠:这是为了一项很崇高的事业。麦克米伦高阶〔credit〕I wonder why you can't credit him with the same generosity of spirit.我想知道你为什么不认为他具有同样崇高的思想境界。柯林斯高阶〔elevation〕Loftiness of thought or feeling.高尚,崇高:崇高的思想或情操美国传统〔empyreal〕Elevated; sublime.高尚的;崇高的美国传统〔exalted〕This exalted ideal showed up in the particulars of his daily life — his conservative dress, his habitually courteous manners.这种崇高的理想体现在他日常生活的点点滴滴中——他保守的衣着, 他一贯彬彬有礼的举止。外研社新世纪〔firefighting〕Firefighting is justifiably seen as a most honourable calling.消防工作被公认为最崇高的职业。外研社新世纪〔general〕She enjoys a sterling reputation in law-enforcement circles and among the community in general.她在司法界和全社会都享有崇高声誉。外研社新世纪〔generosity〕Nobility of thought or behavior; magnanimity.崇高:思想或行为的崇高;高尚美国传统〔genuflection〕Contemporary Hollywood movies often make subtle genuflections to the great film-makers of the past.当代的好莱坞电影经常委婉地表达对电影界伟大前辈们的崇高敬意。剑桥高阶〔give〕She has given money to many worthy/good causes.她已经为多项崇高的事业捐款。韦氏高阶〔grand〕Of a solemn, stately, or splendid nature.崇高的;庄严的;庄重的:有严肃、庄重或光彩照人的禀性的美国传统〔height〕Archaic Loftiness of mind.【古语】 精神的崇高美国传统〔high-minded〕The President's hopes for the country were high-minded, but too vague.总统对国家寄予崇高的期望, 不过太含糊了。外研社新世纪〔high〕He has high principles and a very caring nature.他有着崇高的道德准则, 还很有爱心。外研社新世纪〔high〕He was a man of the highest principles.他是个道德崇高的人。柯林斯高阶〔hold〕I hold you in high esteem.我对你有崇高的敬意美国传统〔hubris〕This is a tale of how an honourable man pursuing honourable goals was afflicted with hubris and led his nation towards catastrophe.这个故事讲述一个追求崇高目标的磊落君子是如何因自高自大而将自己的国家引向灾难。外研社新世纪〔ideal〕He has high ideals, but often fails to live up to them.他有崇高的理想,但常常难以遵循。麦克米伦高阶〔ideal〕Sam was a real leader who had high moral ideals.萨姆胸怀崇高的道德理想,是真正的领袖人物。牛津搭配〔immolate〕He would immolate himself for their noble cause.他愿意为他们的崇高事业牺牲自己。21世纪英汉〔implicit〕He had implicit faith in the noble intentions of the Emperor.他对皇帝的崇高意图深信不疑。外研社新世纪〔incarnate〕He is now respectability incarnate.现在他成了崇高品德的化身。朗文当代〔ivory tower〕A place or an attitude of retreat, especially preoccupation with lofty, remote, or intellectual considerations rather than practical everyday life.象牙塔:隐退的地方和态度,尤指致力于崇高的、深邃的或智慧的思考,而不是实际的日常生活美国传统〔lend〕I was more than happy to lend my support to such a good cause.我非常乐意给这样崇高的事业提供援助。牛津高阶〔lofty〕Amid the chaos, he had lofty aims.尽管身处混乱之中,他却怀有崇高的目标。柯林斯高阶〔lofty〕He set lofty goals for himself as a teacher.作为一名教师,他为自己设定了崇高的目标。韦氏高阶〔magnanimity〕A magnanimous act.崇高的行为美国传统〔magnanimity〕The quality of being magnanimous.崇高的性质美国传统〔magnificence〕Grand or imposing beauty.崇高的或者庄严的美美国传统〔magnificent〕Grand or noble in thought or deed; exalted.崇高的:在思想或行为上高贵或崇高的;崇高的美国传统〔militarism〕Glorification of the ideals of a professional military class.尚武精神:崇高职业军人阶层的理想美国传统〔nobility〕He acted with great nobility of purpose.他怀着崇高的目的行事。英汉大词典〔nobility〕The state or quality of being exalted in character.崇高:品格崇高的状态或性质美国传统〔noble〕He worked nobly in support of their efforts.他为支持他们的努力崇高地工作。韦氏高阶〔noble〕His followers believe they are fighting for a noble cause.他的追随者相信他们是在为一项崇高的事业而奋斗。剑桥高阶〔noble〕Their cause was noble.他们所进行的是崇高的事业。外研社新世纪〔noble〕Their cause was noble.他们所进行的是崇高的事业。柯林斯高阶〔personify〕Mars, a hero figure, personifies the loftiest of masculine virtues.英雄人物战神玛尔斯是最崇高的男子汉气概的象征。外研社新世纪〔pilgrimage〕A long journey or search, especially one of exalted purpose or moral significance.长途追寻:长途跋涉和追寻,尤指具有崇高目的或重要道德意义的美国传统〔possess〕Revolutionaries should possess the noble qualities of the proletariat.革命者应该具有无产阶级的崇高品质。21世纪英汉〔prestige〕A person's high standing among others; honor or esteem.威望:在其它人中所具有的崇高名望;尊重或敬佩美国传统〔quixotic〕Caught up in the romance of noble deeds and the pursuit of unreachable goals; idealistic without regard to practicality.堂吉珂德式的:沉湎于传奇故事中崇高业绩并追求无法实现的目标的;不考虑到实际的观念的美国传统〔radicate〕The high prestige of the premier is radicated in the hearts of the people.总理的崇高威信在人民的心中树立起来。21世纪英汉〔ranking〕Of the highest rank; preeminent.显赫的:最高职位的;显要崇高的美国传统〔rarefied〕Elevated in character or style; lofty.高尚的:特点或风格高雅的;崇高的美国传统〔record〕Given the patchy track record of previous international declarations, is it worthwhile to have such ambitious goals? 鉴于以前的国际宣言良莠不齐,树立这么崇高的目标值得吗?牛津搭配〔regard〕He is held in the highest regard by all his pupils.他享有所有学生最崇高的尊敬。英汉大词典〔reputation〕She is squandering her enormous reputation with the students.因为不珍惜自己在学生心目中的崇高威望,她正渐渐失去它。英汉大词典〔strength〕He showed great strength of character when he refused to accept the bribes.他拒绝接受贿赂,表现出崇高的人格。剑桥高阶〔sublime〕Characterized by nobility; majestic.崇高的:高尚的;令人崇敬的美国传统〔sublime〕Chemistry To cause to sublimate.【化学】 使崇高:使超群出众美国传统〔transfiguration〕A change that glorifies or exalts.美化:一种使美化或崇高的变化美国传统〔transfigure〕To exalt or glorify.美化:使变得崇高或更美美国传统〔worthy〕The money we raise will be going to a very worthy cause.我们筹集的钱款将用于非常崇高的事业。牛津高阶〔worthy〕We thought it was a worthy enough objective.我们认为这绝对是个崇高的目标。牛津搭配He brought wide scholarship and deep spirituality (= understanding of the religious and not material parts of life) to his post as Bishop of Bath.作为巴思的主教,他具有广泛的学识和崇高的宗教灵性。剑桥国际He is a man of lofty ideals. 他是一个有崇高理想的人。译典通He is a man with great strength of spirit and purpose, a man of great courage.他这个人有强大的精神力量,有崇高的奋斗目标,还有足够的勇气。剑桥国际His followers believe they are fighting for a noble cause.他的追随者们相信他们是为崇高的事业而奋斗。剑桥国际His magnificent ideas had a great influence on me. 他崇高的思想对我有过巨大的影响。译典通It remains to be seen whether his lofty/worthy sentiments will be put into action.他崇高的/有价值的想法是否能变成实际行动,人们还将拭目以待。剑桥国际The film is the ultimate sentimental journey, a trip back to the days when the sun seemed to shine all the time and family quarrels were unknown.这部电影是最崇高的感情历程,回到了似乎整日阳光灿烂,没有家庭争吵的日子。剑桥国际There is nobility in her writing, an honest caring for the well-being of others.在她的作品中有一种崇高的东西,有对于他人的幸福的由衷的关怀。剑桥国际What they did showed the greatest humaneness. 他们的行为显示了最崇高的人道。译典通




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