

单词 崇敬
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔Mother Earth〕to respect/worship Mother Earth 尊重/崇敬大地母亲韦氏高阶〔adoration〕the adoration of the Magi对东方三博士的崇敬外研社新世纪〔hold〕hold sb. in contempt (in great respect) 蔑视(非常崇敬)某人英汉大词典〔keen〕keen respect for sb. 对某人的极大崇敬英汉大词典〔parade〕war medals paraded for public admiration 为引起民众崇敬而展示的战争勋章朗文当代〔reverence〕a feeling of reverence for tradition 对传统的崇敬感韦氏高阶〔reverence〕a painting that inspires deep reverence for nature 激起对大自然深深崇敬之情的绘画牛津搭配〔reverence〕a reverence for tradition 对传统的崇敬麦克米伦高阶〔revere〕the country's most revered universities, Oxford and Cambridge 这个国家最受人崇敬的两所大学,牛津大学和剑桥大学麦克米伦高阶〔sacred〕the sacred teachings of the Buddha. 佛陀令人崇敬的教诲美国传统〔speechless〕speechless admiration. 无法用言语表达的崇敬之情美国传统〔venerable〕one of the world's most venerable institutions 世界上最令人崇敬的机构之一麦克米伦高阶〔veneration〕be held in veneration 受崇敬英汉大词典〔worship〕with worship in one's eyes 以崇敬的眼光英汉大词典




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