

单词 幽灵
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Beelzebub〕An evil spirit; a demon.邪恶的幽灵;恶魔美国传统〔Creüsa〕The wife of Aeneas, who was lost while fleeing from Troy but came back as a ghost to warn Aeneas of his future.克瑞乌萨:希腊神话中埃涅阿斯的妻子,在逃离特洛伊城时失踪,后来又以幽灵身份回来警告埃涅阿斯关于他的未来美国传统〔GHOST〕She felt the touch of a ghostly hand on her shoulder. 她感到像是幽灵的一只手触摸着她的肩。朗文写作活用〔GHOST〕Suddenly a phantom appeared out of the mist, terrifying the hikers. 突然,薄雾中出现一个幽灵,吓坏了远足的人。朗文写作活用〔GHOST〕The apparition ran silently across the lobby and disappeared through a window. 那幽灵悄无声息地跑过大厅,穿过一扇窗户就消失了。朗文写作活用〔GHOST〕The ghost of the murdered prince still haunts the castle. 被害王子的幽灵还时常在城堡中出现。朗文写作活用〔GHOST〕The women said they saw an apparition in the church, next to the altar. 那些女人说她们在教堂里看到一个幽灵,就在祭坛旁边。朗文写作活用〔Hades〕This netherworld kingdom, the abode of the shades of the dead.冥府:冥界的王国,死人幽灵的居所美国传统〔Hel〕The Norse underworld of the dead not killed in battle.冥界:北欧神话中非战死者幽灵所去之处美国传统〔MIND〕Our subconscious plays tricks with us sometimes and we may imagine that we are seeing things such as ghosts. 潜意识有时会和我们开玩笑,我们会以为自己看见了幽灵等等。朗文写作活用〔PART〕The ghost appears in Act 2, Scene 1. 幽灵在第二幕第一场中出现。朗文写作活用〔act〕She was acting as if she'd seen a ghost.她的行为举止像是见到幽灵一般。牛津高阶〔and the like〕They told stories about ghosts and vampires and the like.他们讲了一些关于幽灵、吸血鬼之类的故事。韦氏高阶〔apparition〕A ghostly figure; a specter.幽灵;幻影美国传统〔apparition〕He stared at the strange apparition before him.他盯着面前那个古怪的幽灵。朗文当代〔apparition〕The patient recognized one of the women as the apparition she had seen.病人认出其中一个女人是她曾经见过的幽灵。外研社新世纪〔apparition〕The patient recognized one of the women as the apparition she had seen.病人认出其中一个女的是她曾见过的幽灵。柯林斯高阶〔beware〕A ghostly voice cried “Beware!” 一个幽灵般的声音喊道:“当心!”韦氏高阶〔chthonic〕Of or relating to the gods and spirits of the underworld.阴间的,冥府的:有关地狱中的神和幽灵的美国传统〔corporeal〕A ghost has no corporeal existence.幽灵没有肉体的存在。文馨英汉〔disembody〕To free (the soul or spirit) from the body.使(灵魂或幽灵)脱离躯壳美国传统〔doppelgänger〕A ghostly double of a living person, especially one that haunts its fleshly counterpart.幽灵:尤指缠住肉身不放的附于活人的幽灵美国传统〔doppelgänger〕In the story, the character is haunted by a doppelgänger.故事里的那个人物被一个幽灵缠身。韦氏高阶〔double〕An apparition; a wraith.幽灵;生魂美国传统〔droid〕She provided the voice of evil droid TC-14 in the movie Star Wars: The Phantom Menace.她在电影《星球大战:幽灵的威胁》中为邪恶机器人TC-14配音。剑桥高阶〔ectoplasm〕An immaterial or ethereal substance, especially the transparent corporeal presence of a spirit or ghost.幽灵物质:非物质或轻飘的物质,尤指鬼魂或精灵的透明身躯美国传统〔fetch〕A ghost; an apparition.阴魂;幽灵美国传统〔ghost story〕A story having supernatural or frightening elements, especially a story featuring ghosts or spirits of the dead.鬼故事:有超自然力或恐怖成份的故事,尤指那种有鬼怪幽灵或死人灵魂特点的故事美国传统〔ghostlike〕Ghostlike in the moonlight, the boat glided across the bay.月光下幽灵似的小船滑过海湾。文馨英汉〔ghostlike〕Ghostlike in the moonlight, the boat glided across the bay.那只船乘着月光幽灵似地漂过海湾。英汉大词典〔ghostly〕A ghostly face appeared at the window.窗户上出现一张幽灵般的脸。外研社新世纪〔ghostly〕A ghostly figure appears in the house at night.房子夜里有幽灵似的身影出现。韦氏高阶〔ghostly〕Charles is haunted by ghostly children.孩子们的幽灵缠上了查尔斯。柯林斯高阶〔ghostly〕Of, relating to, or resembling a ghost, a wraith, or an apparition; spectral.幽灵的:幽灵的,有关鬼或幽灵的;鬼的美国传统〔ghost〕The gardens are said to be haunted by the ghost of a child who drowned in the river.据说一个溺死在河中的孩子的幽灵经常出现在这些花园中。剑桥高阶〔ghost〕The village is haunted by the ghosts of the dead children.死去的孩子们的幽灵常在该村出没。柯林斯高阶〔haunt〕A ghostly lady is said to haunt the stairway looking for her children.据说有一个幽灵似的女人经常出现在楼梯上寻找她的孩子。剑桥高阶〔idol〕A false god.幽灵,假神:虚幻中的神美国传统〔legend〕He told us the legend of the ghostly horseman.他给我们讲幽灵骑士的传说。牛津搭配〔lemures〕The spirits of the dead considered in ancient Rome as frightening specters and often exorcised from the homes in religious rituals.勒穆瑞斯:在古代罗马,死者的幽灵被认为是令人恐惧的鬼怪,而且常常要通过宗教仪式将它们从家中驱除出去美国传统〔loom ahead〕The specter of war loomed ahead.战争的幽灵逼近了。21世纪英汉〔mention〕Now that you come to mention it, he did say something about a ghost.经你这么一提,他确实说过幽灵什么的。牛津搭配〔phantom〕A number of ballots from phantom voters had to be thrown out.许多幽灵选民的选票必须废弃。韦氏高阶〔phantom〕A phantom army marched through the sky.一支幽灵部队在空中行进。外研社新世纪〔phantom〕A phantom coach is said to pass through the grounds of this house when there's a full moon.据说月圆时一辆幽灵马车就会从这座房子的庭院里驶过。剑桥高阶〔phantom〕People all stared at her as if she were a phantom.人们都盯着她看,好像她是一个幽灵。英汉大词典〔phantom〕People claim to have seen a phantom ship floating on the lake.人们声称看见过一艘幽灵船漂浮在湖面上。韦氏高阶〔phantom〕Something apparently seen, heard, or sensed, but having no physical reality; a ghost or an apparition.幻影;幽灵:可以明显地看到、听到或感觉到的,但没有物质实体;鬼怪或幽灵美国传统〔phantom〕The book is about the phantoms that are said to haunt the nation's cemeteries.这本书讲述了出没于国家公墓的幽灵鬼怪的故事。韦氏高阶〔phantom〕The phantom used to appear unexpectedly, but mostly during the winter.那个幽灵过去常常出人意料地出现,但是大多在冬季。柯林斯高阶〔phantom〕The phantom wine-drinker has been around (= an unknown person has been drinking the wine)! 附近一定有嗜酒幽灵出没!剑桥高阶〔phantom〕They disappeared down the stairs like two phantoms.他们像两个幽灵似的走下楼梯消失了。外研社新世纪〔phantom〕They vanished down the stairs like two phantoms.他们像两个幽灵似的消失在了楼下。柯林斯高阶〔presence〕I felt as though there was some ghostly presence.我觉得好像有个幽灵在场。牛津搭配〔presence〕The forest was dark and silent, haunted by shadows and unseen presences.这个森林黑暗寂静,经常有幽灵和看不见的鬼怪出没。柯林斯高阶〔reinforce〕The apparitional look of her face was reinforced by the waving tendrils of hair.一绺绺散乱颤动的头发使她那幽灵似的面容显得更加可怕。英汉大词典〔shade〕A disembodied spirit; a ghost.幽灵:虚幻的精灵;鬼怪美国传统〔shadow〕A phantom; a ghost.幽灵;鬼怪美国传统〔shaitan〕An evil spirit; a fiend.邪恶的幽灵;妖怪美国传统〔shape〕A ghostly form; a phantom.幻象:一种幽灵形式;幻象美国传统〔shape〕Ghostly shapes loomed out of the fog and then disappeared again.大雾中隐隐约约现出许多幽灵般的影子,接着又踪迹全无。麦克米伦高阶〔shape〕Strange shapes appeared from the shadows.奇形怪状的幽灵从阴影中显形。英汉大词典〔soul〕The disembodied spirit of a dead human being; a shade.幽灵:人类死亡后脱离人体躯壳的游魂;幽灵美国传统〔spectral〕Of or resembling a specter; ghostly.鬼怪的或鬼怪似的;幽灵似的美国传统〔spectre〕The grim spectre of terrorism cast its shadow.恐怖主义的可怕幽灵正在逼近。牛津搭配〔spectre〕Was he a spectre returning to haunt her? 是不是他的幽灵回来找她了?牛津高阶〔spiritual〕Relating to or having the nature of spirits or a spirit; supernatural.与幽灵有关的,具有幽灵性质的;超自然的美国传统〔spirit〕A being inhabiting or embodying a particular place, object, or natural phenomenon.幽灵:居于或附着于某一地方、物体或自然现象中的幽灵美国传统〔spirit〕The spirits of long-dead warriors seemed to haunt the area.死去很久的武士的幽灵似乎经常在这个地区出没。剑桥高阶〔spook〕Informal A ghost; a specter.【非正式用语】 鬼;幽灵美国传统〔sprite〕A small or elusive supernatural being; an elf or a pixy.小妖精:小的或隐秘的超自然存在物;鬼怪或幽灵美国传统〔sprite〕A specter or ghost.鬼怪,幽灵美国传统〔stalking〕The spectre of neo-fascism, as he put it, was stalking the streets of Sofia and other big cities.用他的话来说,新法西斯主义的幽灵正在索非亚和其他大城市中游荡。柯林斯高阶〔supernatural〕Ghosts and evil spirits are supernatural.幽灵和魔鬼都是超自然的。剑桥高阶〔superstition〕The phantom is just a local superstition.幽灵只不过是当地的一种迷信说法。外研社新世纪〔superstition〕The phantom of the merry-go-round is just a local superstition.旋转木马的幽灵只不过是当地的迷信说法。柯林斯高阶〔therein〕It is a thrilling tale of a haunted house and the ghosts therein.那是一个令人毛骨悚然的故事,讲的是一座凶宅还有里面的幽灵。剑桥高阶〔tour〕She takes tourists on ghost tours of Edinburgh.她负责带游客对爱丁堡进行幽灵之旅。牛津搭配〔visitant〕A supernatural being; a ghost or specter.下凡的神仙:超自然力的灵魂;鬼魂或幽灵美国传统〔walk〕The specter of famine walks through the land.饥饿的幽灵在这片土地上游荡美国传统〔wraith〕She moved through the soft light like a wraith.她像幽灵似地在柔和的灯光下走过。英汉大词典〔wraith〕That child flits about like a wraith.那个孩子像幽灵一样飞快地跑来跑去。柯林斯高阶〔wraith〕The ghost of a dead person.幽灵:死人的鬼魂美国传统A ghostly figure appeared on the stage. 一个幽灵的身影出现在舞台上。译典通As a child I was fascinated by the idea of ghosts and ghouls.童年时,我对幽灵和恶鬼非常着迷。剑桥国际Ghosts and evil spirits are supernatural.幽灵和恶鬼都是超自然的。剑桥国际Ghosts are just figments of the imagination.幽灵只是凭空想象出来的事物。剑桥国际He claimed to have seen strange apparitions at night.他说在晚上曾见过奇怪的幽灵。剑桥国际I found myself staring at her as if she were a phantom. 我不由自主地盯著她看,好像她是一个幽灵。译典通In tribal S America, the witchdoctor is responsible for healing people with herbal remedies and exorcising evil spirits using magic.在南美部落里,巫医负责用草药来为人们治病,并用魔法来驱逐邪恶的幽灵。剑桥国际Like a wraith in the night, he was there and then he was gone.像夜晚的幽灵那样,他出现在那里,接着又消失了。剑桥国际Over the years several phantoms have been sighted in the five-hundred-year-old cottage.在过去的几年里,那所500年的小屋里出现过几次幽灵。剑桥国际Seeing your doppelganger is said to be a sign that your death is imminent.看见自己的幽灵说明你离死神不远了。剑桥国际She claimed to have seen the apparition of her dead husband. 她声称看到过亡夫的幽灵。译典通She wore a pale, floating dress and looked wraith-like ( = thin and pale) and insubstantial.她穿着一件浅色的,飘动着的连衣裙,看上去像幽灵一样,虚无缥缈。剑桥国际The film was dreadful--all spooks and vampires.这部影片很可怕----全是幽灵和吸血鬼。剑桥国际The spirits of long-dead warriors seemed to haunt the area.死去很久的战士的幽灵似乎经常在这个地方出没。剑桥国际There was a man standing outside one of the booths at the fair encouraging people to have a ride on the ghost train.在集市上有一个小棚子外面站了一个男人,招徕人们去坐幽灵火车。剑桥国际




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