

单词 幽暗
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BRIGHT〕For our anniversary, let's go to a restaurant with low lights and soft music. 为庆祝我们的周年纪念日,我们去一家有幽暗灯光和轻柔音乐的餐厅吧。朗文写作活用〔BRIGHT〕It was a while before Samuel's eyes got used to the low lighting of the intensive care unit. 萨缪尔的双眼过了好一会才适应重症监护病房内幽暗的灯光。朗文写作活用〔Cimmerian〕Very dark or gloomy.幽暗的:极为黑暗的或阴森森的美国传统〔DARK〕Jon could hear her voice but was unable to see anything in the gloom. 乔恩听得到她的声音,但在幽暗中什么也看不见。朗文写作活用〔FAST〕I caught a glimpse of a man streaking away into the shadows. 我看到一名男子闪进了幽暗处。朗文写作活用〔IMPROVE〕Low lighting and soft music enhanced the atmosphere in the room. 幽暗的照明和柔美的音乐增添了这个房间的气氛。朗文写作活用〔KISS〕Frances left the two of them snogging in a dark corner and went back to the dance floor. 弗朗西丝留下他们俩在一个幽暗的角落里接吻,自己回舞池去了。朗文写作活用〔Stygian〕Stygian gloom 阴森幽暗剑桥高阶〔Stygian〕Stygian gloom 阴森幽暗文馨英汉〔UNFRIENDLY〕The wood-panelled den looked dark and forbidding. 那镶木板的小书房看上去幽暗可怖。朗文写作活用〔cloister〕He invited the excited Count to follow him through a dark cloister and into the abbey church.他邀请兴致勃勃的伯爵跟随他穿过一条幽暗的回廊进入修道院教堂。外研社新世纪〔gloom〕A figure emerged from the gloom of the corridor.幽暗的走廊中出现了一个人影。剑桥高阶〔light〕A cold grey light crept under the curtains.一丝幽暗阴冷的光从窗帘下面透过来。牛津高阶〔luminescence〕Lights reflected off dust-covered walls creating a ghostly luminescence.灯光从布满尘埃的墙壁上反射出来, 发出幽暗的光。外研社新世纪〔moon〕The new moon gave sparse light.新月发出幽暗的光。外研社新世纪〔murky〕She gazed into the murky depths of the water.她注视着那幽暗的水底。牛津高阶〔overhang〕The path was cool and dark with overhanging trees.小路树木掩映,凉爽幽暗。牛津高阶〔penetrate〕The flashlights barely penetrated the gloom.手电筒勉强照见那幽暗处。牛津高阶〔shadowy〕She was startled by a sudden movement in the shadowy hallway.幽暗的走廊中突然有动静,把她吓了一跳。剑桥高阶〔stygian〕Stygian gloom 阴森幽暗牛津高阶〔unlit〕The street was gloomy and unlit.街道上没有灯光,显得很幽暗。麦克米伦高阶A swinging bare electric bulb threw sinister shadows across the wall of the darkened room.一只没有灯罩的电灯泡来回摆动,在幽暗房间的墙上投下了不祥的阴影。剑桥国际Her face was dark in this shadowy place. 她的脸在这个幽暗的地方呈浅黑色。译典通She could sense there was something unpleasant, something nasty lurking in the shadows.她能感觉到有个讨厌的东西,一个潜藏在幽暗处的肮脏东西。剑桥国际Soft music was playing and the lights were low.灯光幽暗,(四周)响起了轻柔的音乐。剑桥国际Sometimes she sits alone in the shadow. 有时候她独自一人坐在幽暗处。译典通They were filmed against a background of dark fir trees.他们被拍摄入电影镜头,背景是一片幽暗的冷杉树林。剑桥国际




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