

单词 已证明
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔KNOW/NOT KNOW〕The British Ambassador proved to be a mine of information on the subject of the Royal Family. 这位英国大使在有关英国王室的课题上已证明是个知识渊博的人。朗文写作活用〔authenticate〕A team of experts have authenticated the document.一组专家已证明了该文件的真实性。麦克米伦高阶〔ballistic〕Ballistic tests have matched the weapons with bullets taken from the bodies of victims.弹道测试业已证明, 这些武器和受害者遗体内取出的子弹相吻合。外研社新世纪〔beat〕Their recent wins have proved they're still the ones to beat(= the most difficult team to beat).他们最近的胜利已证明,他们仍然是最难打败的队。牛津高阶〔calumniate〕Countless facts have proved that he was not calumniated, but was justly charged with treason.无数事实已证明他并不是被人诬告,而确是犯了叛国通敌之罪。21世纪英汉〔capable〕He has proved himself a highly capable manager.他已证明自己是个非常能干的经理。牛津搭配〔carry〕He has proved he can carry through on his promises.他已证明他能履行自己的诺言。牛津高阶〔corollary〕A proposition that follows with little or no proof required from one already proven.系定理:随着刚已证明的命题而来因而需要很少或不需证据而得的命题美国传统〔demonstrate〕He's demonstrated how a campaign based on domestic issues can move votes.他已证明了基于国内议题的竞选活动是可以拉到选票的。柯林斯高阶〔dig ... in〕When facts have shown that you are mistaken,you mustn't dig in.事实已证明你错了,你不应再坚持自己的意见。21世纪英汉〔diplomatically〕Diplomatically, the Franco-German alliance has proved unshakeable.从外交上来讲, 法德联盟已证明是不可动摇的。外研社新世纪〔disprove〕The theory has now been disproved.这一理论现已证明是错误的。牛津高阶〔falsify〕The new discoveries have falsified that hypothesis.新的发现已证明那个假设是无根据的。英汉大词典〔fatal〕Tax increases have proved fatal to the nation's business community.事实已证明,加税对该国的企业界造成了致命打击。牛津搭配〔grass〕He has proved he can play on grass.他已证明他能在草地网球场上比赛。麦克米伦高阶〔growth〕Communications technology has proved to be a growth area.信息技术领域已证明为高增长领域。牛津搭配〔handle〕She's proven that she can handle anything.她已证明自己可以应付任何事。韦氏高阶〔hat〕The younger generation tell me that religion is 'old hat' and science has proved this.年轻的一代告诉我,宗教已经过时了,科学已证明了这一点。柯林斯高阶〔no through road〕Additional security devices have proved a no through road for burglars.附加的安全装置已证明让夜贼无计可施。麦克米伦高阶〔platform〕But Microsoft has demonstrated that owning a particular software platform can enable you to integrate other products into it.但是微软公司业已证明, 拥有特定软件平台就可让用户将其他产品整合进去。外研社新世纪〔point〕I think you've made your point, dear.亲爱的,我想你已证明你的观点了。柯林斯高阶〔point〕Okay, you've made your point, there's no need to keep going on about it.好吧,你已证明你是对的,那就没有必要继续下去了。麦克米伦高阶〔practicality〕He has proved his practicality in 13 years of precise counselling for the government.13年来他为政府所作的一丝不苟的咨询已证明他这人是讲求实际的。英汉大词典〔proven〕It is a proven fact that fluoride strengthens growing teeth.氟化物可以强化生长中的牙齿,这是已证明的事实。牛津高阶〔show〕The old boat showed itself to be seaworthy.这艘旧船已证明是经得起风浪的美国传统〔transmission〕The influenza virus has shown person-to-person transmission in a given locale.业已证明流行性感冒病毒能在特定地点在人与人之间传播。英汉大词典〔trend〕The record has already proved a success and may well start a trend.该唱片已证明大获成功,并且很可能会引导潮流。柯林斯高阶〔utility〕Tests have proved the utility of this material.试验已证明了这种材料的功用。麦克米伦高阶〔year〕The event has not proved popular in past years.在过去的几年里这项活动已证明不受欢迎。牛津搭配Evidence has now disproved that theory. 事实现已证明那种理论是不正确的。译典通He had proved himself a most daring airman. 他已证明自己是个极其勇敢的飞行员。译典通His abounding, and as it turns out unjustified, confidence in his own judgment is not out of character.他对自己的过高评价,也已证明是无根据的,而自信正是他的性格。剑桥国际The US has proved to be our most lucrative market.已证明美国是我们利润最丰厚的市场。牛津商务The company's expansion into the US proved to be a financial disaster.这家公司向美国市场的扩张已证明是一场经济灾难。牛津商务The new scheme has proved enormously popular.这个新计划已证明非常受欢迎。剑桥国际




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