

单词 小规模
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-budget〕They were small, low-budget films, shot on location.这是些小规模、低成本、本地摄制的电影。柯林斯高阶〔MANAGER〕We were visited by a young, dynamic executive from a small computer company. 一家小规模电脑公司的年轻而富有活力的经理拜访了我们。朗文写作活用〔WAR〕Last night skirmishes were reported along the border. 据报道,昨晚边境地区发生了小规模战斗。朗文写作活用〔action〕The battalion fought a night action against an enemy column.该营与敌军纵队进行了一夜小规模战斗。外研社新世纪〔advantage〕Among the advantages of a small college is its campus life.小规模院校的优点之一是校园生活。韦氏高阶〔affect〕They launched a small-scale counterattack on 17 May but it could not affect the outcome of the battle.他们在5月17日发动了一次小规模的反击, 但这并不能影响战斗的结果。外研社新世纪〔among〕The general opinion among teachers is that small class sizes are important.教师中的普遍看法是班级的小规模很重要。麦克米伦高阶〔attrition〕The sector has, through a process of attrition, been cut to the bone.经过一段时间消耗, 这一行业已经削减到了最小规模。外研社新世纪〔bottom line〕These small promotions were costly and they did nothing to increase his bottom line.这些小规模的促销活动成本很高,而且对增加他的最终效益没什么贡献。柯林斯高阶〔business〕They've got a small catering business.他们从事小规模的餐宴承办业务。牛津高阶〔cloak〕A fire could have been deliberately started to cloak small coordinated troop movements.可能是有人故意放火掩护小规模的部队协同行动。柯林斯高阶〔downtick〕A decrease, especially a small or incremental one.减少:尤指小规模或逐步增加者的减少美国传统〔extrapolate〕With such a small study it is impossible to extrapolate accurately.在这样一个小规模研究的基础上不可能做出精确的推断。韦氏高阶〔farming〕They lived by fishing and by basic small-scale farming.他们以养鱼和小规模的基本农业种植为生。牛津搭配〔huddle〕A small private conference or meeting.小型私人会议:小规模的私人会谈或会议美国传统〔large〕I've made trial of this method both in small and in large.我对此方法已进行过小规模和大规模的试验。英汉大词典〔microculture〕Biology A small-scale culture of organisms, cells, or tissues.【生物学】 小规模培养:有机体、细胞或是组织的小规模培养美国传统〔penny ante〕Informal A business transaction on a trivial scale.【非正式用语】 小宗买卖,琐事:一种小规模的商品交换美国传统〔probe〕Small probes would give the allied armies some combat experience before the main battle started.小规模的试探可以使盟军在大战开始之前获得一些战斗经验。柯林斯高阶〔reduce〕Their army will be drastically reduced in size and influence.他们的部队将要大幅缩小规模,降低影响。麦克米伦高阶〔rig〕Safety precautions on oil rigs are designed to cope with fires and small-scale explosions.已经对钻塔制定了安全预防措施,以应付火灾和小规模的爆炸事故。剑桥高阶〔run〕The decision was taken to let the steel industry run down.作出这个决定是为了让钢铁工业逐渐缩小规模。麦克米伦高阶〔say〕There is something to be said for small weddings.有必要考虑一下小规模的婚礼。韦氏高阶〔scale〕Most alternative technologies work best on a small scale.大多数替代性技术小规模使用效果最佳。朗文当代〔scale〕My parents used to entertain friends on a large/small scale (= they had large/small parties).我父母过去常常举行大/小规模的宴会招待朋友。剑桥高阶〔shoestring〕The store is a shoestring operation right now.这家商店现在是小规模经营。韦氏高阶〔skirmishing〕Skirmishing has continued, despite the truce.尽管有休战协定,但是小规模战斗还在继续。麦克米伦高阶〔skirmish〕A minor battle in war, as one between small forces or between large forces avoiding direct conflict.小规模战斗:战争中的小规模战斗,如发生在小股力量之间或避免直接冲突的大部队之间的战斗美国传统〔skirmish〕Border skirmishes between India and Pakistan were common.印度和巴基斯坦边境上常常发生小规模战斗。柯林斯高阶〔skirmish〕On land there was minor skirmishing.陆地上发生了小规模的战斗。柯林斯高阶〔skirmish〕Rebel groups are skirmishing with military forces.反叛组织与军队发生了小规模战斗。韦氏高阶〔skirmish〕Skirmishes broke out between rebel groups.叛乱团体之间爆发了小规模战斗。韦氏高阶〔skirmish〕There are reports of skirmishing along the border.有报道称在边界一带发生了小规模冲突。牛津高阶〔spar〕Along the ground front troops sparred in scattered fights.部队在地面战线上进行零星的小规模战斗。英汉大词典〔spar〕The scattered fights were sparring.仍有一些零星的小规模战斗在进行着。21世纪英汉〔tip of the iceberg〕These small local protests are just the tip of the iceberg.这些小规模的地方性抗议只是冰山的一角。剑桥高阶〔way〕The business was a success, in a small way.公司成功了,是小规模的。朗文当代Big supermarkets can undercut all rivals, especially small high-street shops.大超市售价可以低于所有的竞争者, 尤其是小规模的街上商店。剑桥国际CAD and desktop publishing continue to be improved with ever new and faster PCs. 电脑辅助设计和小规模出版业随著日新月异的个人电脑而改进。译典通Main Street companies that start small and stay small 由创业起一直保持小规模的小企业牛津商务Many companies are stripping down to the essentials.许多公司精简到了最小规模。牛津商务My parents used to entertain friends on a large/small scale (= they had large/small parties).我父母过去常常举行大/小规模的宴会招待朋友。剑桥国际No casualties were reported in the explosion, which caused only minor damage.在这次只造成小规模破坏的爆炸中没有关于人员伤亡的报道。剑桥国际Safety precautions on oil rigs are designed to cope with fires and small-scale explosions.石油钻塔的安全预防措施旨在应付火灾和小规模的爆炸。剑桥国际Smaller shops are dependent on cash sales.小规模商店依赖现售。牛津商务The department made a nip here and a tuck there but they were still way over budget.这个部门进行了一系列小规模缩减,可他们的开支仍远远超过预算。剑桥国际The police had been called in to quell a minor disturbance. 警察奉命出动以平息一场小规模的骚乱。译典通The rebels are still skirmishing in the hills.武装反叛者仍在山里进行小规模战斗。剑桥国际There have been several minor conflicts between the two countries over the past decade.过去十年两国之间发生过几次小规模的战争。剑桥国际These small local protests are just the tip of the iceberg (= the small part that can be seen of something which is really much larger than it seems).这些小规模的地方性反抗只是冰山的一角。剑桥国际This year we are trying a pilot scheme. 今年我们正在试验一个小规模实验性计划。译典通




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