

单词 就着
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COVER〕Serve the chicken with new potatoes coated in butter. 鸡肉和涂了黄油的新马铃薯就着吃。朗文写作活用〔ENOUGH/NOT ENOUGH〕The company budget wouldn't run to a Mercedes, so I had to make do with a Ford instead. 公司的预算不够买奔驰汽车,所以我只能将就着买辆福特。朗文写作活用〔IMMEDIATELY〕When the new manager was appointed, he lost no time in reorganizing the office. 新经理受命上任后立即就着手重组办公室。朗文写作活用〔REBELLION/REVOLUTION〕Having taken control of the capital city, the revolutionaries proceeded to form a new government. 革命者控制了首都以后,就着手组建一个新的政府。朗文写作活用〔abort〕The plane was less than 1km from landing when the pilot was told to abort.飞行员被告知中止任务时, 这架飞机还有不到1千米就着陆了。外研社新世纪〔blaze〕The dry wood blazed up at the touch of a match.火柴一划干木头就着火了。21世纪英汉〔boiling point〕Mal's temper was at boiling point.马尔正在气头上,一点就着。柯林斯高阶〔bottle〕We washed the food down with a bottle of cheap red wine.我们就着一瓶便宜的红酒干掉了这些吃的。牛津搭配〔bug〕I had one flying lesson and immediately caught the bug (=became very interested in flying) .我上了一节飞行课,马上就着了迷。朗文当代〔bunk〕We bunked in the basement.我们将就着睡在地下室里。英汉大词典〔catch〕The dry twigs soon caught fire.枯枝很快就着火了。麦克米伦高阶〔content〕Mr Lal has been asking for more responsibility, but has had to content himself with a minor managerial post.拉尔先生一直在要求承担更多的责任,但只能将就着担任一个小小的管理职务。朗文当代〔corn chips〕I love corn chips and beer.我喜欢就着炸玉米片喝啤酒。剑桥高阶〔cover〕I'm just covering for Mrs Tyler, so please bear with me.我只是接替泰勒夫人的工作,所以请你将就着点。麦克米伦高阶〔crouch〕Meantime, here I crouch over a cup of tea in my unheated study.与此同时,在没有暖气的书房里,我只能就着一杯茶取暖。柯林斯高阶〔daikon〕They ate rice with pickled daikon.他们就着腌白萝卜吃米饭。剑桥高阶〔do without (sth)〕There's no mayonnaise left, so you'll just have to do without.蛋黄酱用完了,恐怕你只得将就着不用它了。剑桥高阶〔fascinate〕It was a question that had fascinated him since he was a boy.这是他自幼就着迷的问题。牛津高阶〔faute de mieux〕We were obliged, faute de mieux, to drink the local beverage.因为没有更好的饮料,我们只好将就着喝当地的。牛津高阶〔get by〕We can get by with four computers at the moment, but we'll need a couple more when the new staff arrive.我们眼下可以将就着用4台计算机,但新职员到来时就需要再添置几台了。剑桥高阶〔go〕If you can't afford a new car, you'll have to go without (one).你要是买不起新车,那末你就只好将就着点了。英汉大词典〔grind〕He makes his own paint, grinding up the pigment with a little oil.他就着几滴油磨了些颜料,自己制油彩。柯林斯高阶〔head〕I managed to get my head down for an hour.我将就着睡了一小时。牛津高阶〔heart-to-heart〕We had a heart-to-heart over a bottle of wine.我们就着一瓶葡萄酒促膝谈心。剑桥高阶〔ignite〕The paper ignited on contact with sparks.纸一接触到火花就着火了。韦氏高阶〔improvise〕There isn't much equipment. We're going to have to improvise.设备不多,我们只能将就着用。牛津高阶〔land〕The plane landed a couple of hours before dawn.飞机在黎明前几个小时就着陆了。麦克米伦高阶〔make〕There wasn't much food, but we made do.食物不多,但我们将就着对付。麦克米伦高阶〔make〕We were in a hurry so we had to make do with a quick snack.我们很匆忙,只好将就着来了点小吃。牛津高阶〔mend〕Economic uncertainty ought to have persuaded consumers to make do and mend.经济不稳定, 消费者就会将就着过。外研社新世纪〔mickey mouse〕He settled for a Mickey Mouse job instead of something challenging.他没有去做具有挑战性的事情, 而是将就着接受了一份微不足道的工作。外研社新世纪〔pickle〕Have you any pickles to go with the meat?你有没有就着肉吃的泡菜?外研社新世纪〔piquancy〕A little mustard is served on the side to add further piquancy.旁边还配着一点芥末, 就着吃会更加开胃。外研社新世纪〔prior〕The plane seemed to catch fire a few seconds prior to taking off.飞机好像起飞前几秒就着火了。麦克米伦高阶〔proceed〕Now that our plans are settled, let us proceed.既然我们的计划定了,我们就着手做起来吧。英汉大词典〔punk〕The punk soon caught fire.干朽木很快就着起火来。外研社新世纪〔re-run〕Viewers will have to make do with tired re-runs and second-rate movies.电视观众只能将就着看一下已经看厌了的重播节目和二流电影。柯林斯高阶〔resign〕He had resigned himself to watching the European Championships on television.他只好将就着在电视上看欧洲锦标赛。柯林斯高阶〔retool〕Knowing he was going into television, he set out to master the art,to retool himself.得知自己将从事电视业,他就着手去掌握这门技术,以新学识装备自己。英汉大词典〔rinse with〕It is harmful to the stomach to eat cold food rinsed with beer.就着冷食喝啤酒对胃是十分有害的。21世纪英汉〔rough-and-ready〕The facilities were rough-and-ready.这套设备虽然粗陋, 但是也能将就着用。外研社新世纪〔rough〕While the house was being decorated we roughed it in a tent.在装修房子期间,我们将就着住在帐篷里。剑桥高阶〔screen〕We planted a screen of shrubs so the neighbors couldn't see into our yard.我们种了一丛灌木,这样邻居就着不到我们的院子了。韦氏高阶〔settle〕He will settle for any kind of work.什么工作他都会将就着做。 英汉大词典〔slum〕Several businessmen had to slum it in economy class.几个商人只好将就着坐在经济舱里。牛津高阶〔smitten〕From the moment he saw her, he was smitten.自从见到她的那一刻,他就着了迷。韦氏高阶〔take〕The tinder was ready and the spark took.火绒准备就绪后火星一点就着。英汉大词典〔talk〕He then set about campaigning, giving talks and fund-raising.然后他就着手进行竞选,发表讲话,筹集资金。柯林斯高阶〔tasty〕Try this tasty dish for supper with a crispy salad.晚饭就着鲜脆的色拉尝尝这道佳肴。柯林斯高阶〔tinder〕The grass is tinder-dry (= so dry that it will burn easily), so there's a risk of fire.草非常干,一点就着,所以有发生火灾的危险。剑桥高阶〔wash sth down〕Supper was fresh salmon and vegetables, washed down with a bottle of white wine.晚餐有新鲜的三文鱼和蔬菜,就着一瓶白葡萄酒一起下肚。剑桥高阶〔wash〕He had a large slice of pizza washed down with beer.他就着啤酒把一大块比萨饼咽了下去。麦克米伦高阶If there are any problems still outstanding, we must deal with them now.如果还有任何没有解决的问题,我们必需现在就着手处理。剑桥国际The grass is tinder-dry (= so dry that it will burn easily), so there's a risk of fire.草极其干枯,一燃就着,所以有起火的危险。剑桥国际We used to cook/read/sew by lamplight (= the light produced by a lamp).我们曾经就着灯光做饭/读书/缝纫。剑桥国际




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