

单词 恫吓
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bare〕The dog growled and bared its teeth.张牙露齿;威胁恫吓麦克米伦高阶〔bluster out〕She blustered out what she would do if she caught me.她恫吓说,如果她抓住我,她会怎么办。21世纪英汉〔bluster〕He brags and blusters, but he never really does what he says he'll do.他又是吹嘘又是恫吓,但从来都没有说到做到。韦氏高阶〔bulldoze〕To treat in an abusive manner; bully.威胁,恐吓:用妄言对待;恫吓美国传统〔bullyrag〕To mistreat or intimidate by bullying.恐吓,威胁:用暴徒的方式欺侮或恫吓美国传统〔dispersion〕The threat will force greater dispersion of their forces.恫吓将迫使他们把兵力铺得更广。柯林斯高阶〔environment〕There is an environment of fear and intimidation throughout the organization.该组织内充斥着恐惧与恫吓。麦克米伦高阶〔gast〕To frighten; scare.惊吓:使害怕;恫吓美国传统〔hollowness〕Any threat to bring in the police is a hollow one.任何威胁说要叫警察来的话都是虚声恫吓。柯林斯高阶〔hollow〕Their threats proved to be hollow.他们的威胁证明全是虚声恫吓。英汉大词典〔huff〕To make noisy, empty threats; bluster.叫嚣,虚张声势:大声的空虚的恫吓;咆哮美国传统〔intimidate〕The strong often intimidate the weak.强者常常恫吓弱者。牛津同义词〔ramp〕To assume a threatening stance.作恫吓姿势:采取有威胁性的站姿美国传统〔sabre-rattling〕He rarely puts his threats into practice —usually it's just sabre-rattling.他很少把自己的威胁付诸实施——通常只是虚声恫吓。英汉大词典〔sabre-rattling〕What the situation calls for is calm discussion – not sabre-rattling.这种局面要的是心平气和的讨论,而不是虚声恫吓。朗文当代〔summit〕The Nazi regime represents the apex of oppression and intimidation.纳粹统治代表了压迫与恫吓的极点。美国传统〔talk〕It's just talk. He'd never carry out his threats.这只不过是说说而已。他绝不会把他的恫吓付诸行动。牛津高阶〔talk〕You may be able to talk him round with logic but not with harsh words or threats.你或许可以用道理把他说服,但不可能用粗暴的言辞或恫吓把他压服。英汉大词典〔terrify〕The gunman's threats terrified her into handing over the money.那持枪歹徒的恫吓把她吓得赶快交出钱来。英汉大词典〔terrorize〕People were terrorized into leaving their homes.人们在恫吓之下离开家园。牛津高阶




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