

单词 恢复的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔RECOVER〕Don't worry about Henry - he'll soon get over it. 别为亨利担心,他很快就会恢复的。朗文写作活用〔SLEEP〕Unfortunately, fatigue cannot be cured just by having a good night's sleep. 可惜疲劳不是光靠一晚上睡得好就能恢复的。朗文写作活用〔acute care〕Short-term medical treatment, usually in a hospital, for patients having an acute illness or injury or recovering from surgery.急救:对患急症、急性损伤或术后恢复的病人通常在医院进行的短期治疗美国传统〔buoyancy〕Ability to recover quickly from setbacks; resilience.弹性:从受阻状态下很快恢复的能力;弹性美国传统〔cry〕To regret in vain what cannot be undone or rectified.无益地后悔:对未能完成或不能恢复的事情作徒劳的后悔美国传统〔op〕How long did you take to recover from your op? 你手术后过了多久才恢复的?剑桥高阶〔possibility〕The possibility exists that she may never make a full recovery.存在着她不会完全恢复的可能性。牛津搭配〔pushdown〕A set of data stored in a computer, in which the first item to be retrieved is the one most recently stored.后进先出,下推:一组存储数据,其中最先恢复的项目是最后存入的美国传统〔pushup〕Computer Science A set of stored data in which the first item to be retrieved is the one stored earliest.【计算机科学】 先进先出,上推:一组存储数据,其中最先恢复的项目是最先存入的美国传统〔put/set sb right〕A good night's sleep will soon put you right.你好好睡一宿,很快就会恢复的。剑桥高阶〔reborn〕In that country, the democratic process shows signs of being reborn.在那个国家,民主进程显示出正在恢复的迹象。英汉大词典〔reconnect〕The cost of reconnection after supplies are cut off is high.供应切断之后再恢复的代价很高。柯林斯高阶〔regeneracy〕The state of being regenerated.被恢复:被恢复的状态美国传统〔resilient〕Marked by the ability to recover readily, as from misfortune.有复原力的:表示有随时恢复的能力特征的,如从灾难中恢复美国传统〔restoration〕The state of being restored.被恢复的状态美国传统〔restorative〕Of or relating to restoration.恢复的:属于或与恢复有关的美国传统〔restorative〕Something that restores.使恢复的东西美国传统〔retrievable〕Even after it has been deleted, e-mail can remain on the hard drive or be retrievable for years.即便是删除以后, 数年之内, 电子邮件会一直留在硬盘上, 或者说是可恢复的。外研社新世纪〔retrieve〕The act of retrieving; retrieval.取回,恢复:取回或恢复的行动;寻回美国传统〔reversionary〕Of or connected with the reversion of an estate.回复的,恢复的,复原的:属于或与财产的复归有关的美国传统〔right〕Your eyesight rights itself very quickly.你的视力很快就会自行恢复的。外研社新世纪〔tonic〕An invigorating, refreshing, or restorative agent or influence.增强物:增加活力、精神或帮助恢复的物品或影响美国传统〔undercut〕Their budget threatened to undercut economic recovery.他们的预算有破坏经济恢复的危险。英汉大词典Although she's recovering from her illness, her rate of progress is quite slow.尽管她在从病中恢复,但她恢复的速度很慢。剑桥国际At last the economy is showing signs of recovery (= is starting to improve).经济总算出现了恢复的迹象。剑桥国际The 40-hour week is unlikely to be reinstated.每周工作四十小时的制度是不大可能恢复的。牛津商务The government believes that these measures will set the country on the road to economic recovery.政府相信这些措施会使国家走上经济恢复的道路。剑桥国际There are signs of economic recovery in the high street.商店里出现经济恢复的迹象。剑桥国际We must be careful not to do anything that might endanger the economic recovery.我们必须小心谨慎,不要做任何危害经济恢复的事。剑桥国际




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