

单词 恢复原
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DIG〕The mosaics excavated in 1989 have now been fully restored. 于1989年发掘出来的马赛克现已完全恢复原状。朗文写作活用〔a tempo〕In the time originally designated; resuming the initial tempo of a section or movement after a specified deviation from it. Used chiefly as a direction.恢复原先的速度,用先前的速度:在原定的时间内;经过一个特定的偏移后,重新回到乐章或章节的最初节奏。主要用作演奏演唱指示美国传统〔condition〕The clock was restored to its original condition.这个钟已经恢复原状。牛津搭配〔deform〕These bolts elastically deform and return to their original dimensions when loosened.这些螺栓有弹性, 受压时变形, 松开时又恢复原状。外研社新世纪〔do-si-do〕A movement in square dancing in which two dancers approach each other and circle back to back, then return to their original positions.舞姿:在跳方形舞中的两个舞伴相互靠近、背对背转圈再恢复原位的一个动作美国传统〔elastic〕Physics Returning to or capable of returning to an initial form or state after deformation.【物理学】 弹回的:在形变以后恢复或能够恢复原来形状或状态的美国传统〔extension〕Medicine The application of traction to a fractured or dislocated limb to restore the normal position.【医学】 牵引,牵伸(术):为使骨折或脱位的肢体恢复原位而进行的牵伸动作美国传统〔furniture〕All the original furniture and fittings will be reinstated.所有原来的家具及配件都将恢复原样。牛津搭配〔get〕It won't take long for us to get things back the way they were.不用多久,我们就能让这些恢复原貌。麦克米伦高阶〔get〕She's got her old job back.她已恢复原职。牛津高阶〔give back〕They agreed to give him his old job back.他们答应让他恢复原来的工作。韦氏高阶〔guess〕Our best guess is that the forests will not recover for a long time.依我们的猜测是,森林最有可能很长时间都不会恢复原状。朗文当代〔knee〕He went on his knees begging for his job back.他跪下乞求恢复原来的工作。朗文当代〔labor of love〕Restoring the old car was a labor of love for him.亲手把那辆旧车恢复原貌对他而言是种享受。韦氏高阶〔memory〕The capacity of a material, such as plastic or metal, to return to a previous shape after deformation.弹性,恢复能力:物质变形后恢复原来形状的能力,如塑料或金属美国传统〔nitinol〕An alloy of nickel and titanium that has the ability to return to a predetermined shape when heated.镍钛记忆合金:镍钛合金,具有加热后能恢复原型的能力美国传统〔original〕They will restore the house to its original state.他们要把房子恢复原样。外研社新世纪〔reconvert〕To undergo or cause to undergo conversion to a previous state or condition.恢复原状,使恢复原状:向或使之向原来的状态或情况转变美国传统〔recovery〕The region has been damaged by acid rain and rivers are fouled almost beyond recovery.这一地区遭到酸雨的破坏,河流污染之严重几乎无法恢复原状。牛津搭配〔reinvigorate〕To give new life or energy to.使恢复原气:赋予新的生命或能量美国传统〔remember〕Engineering To return to (an original shape or form) after being deformed or altered.【工程学】 恢复原状:在被变形或改变之后回到(原来的形状或形态)美国传统〔remember〕Such metal has a retention technique to remember. If you crump it, you'll apply heat or pressure and it will spring back the way it was before.这种金属具有记忆性能。如果把它扭弯,只要加热或加压就能使它立即恢复原来形状。英汉大词典〔remember〕They bend on impact instead of breaking but the material remembers its original shape and goes back to it.这些物件受到冲击会翘曲变形而不折断,但是这种材料会凭记忆恢复原来形状。英汉大词典〔remit〕To restore to a former condition or position.恢复:使恢复原来的状况或位置美国传统〔renovate〕To restore to an earlier condition, as by repairing or remodeling.修复:使…恢复原先的状态,如通过修理或重新塑造美国传统〔resile〕To spring back, especially to resume a former position or structure after being stretched or compressed.弹回:弹回,尤其是在伸展或压缩后恢复原先的位置或结构美国传统〔resilience〕The property of a material that enables it to resume its original shape or position after being bent, stretched, or compressed; elasticity.弹性:使某物质能在弯曲、伸展或收缩后恢复原先的形状或位置的物体的性能;收缩性美国传统〔resilient〕This rubber ball is very resilient and immediately springs back into shape.这种橡胶球很有弹性,可以立即恢复原来的形状。剑桥高阶〔return〕Things soon returned to their original state.不久情况恢复原状。牛津同义词〔return〕To revert in speech, thought, or practice.重新回到:在演讲、思想或实践中恢复原来的状况美国传统〔revert〕If you revert to your old eating habits, you'll gain weight again.如果你恢复原来的饮食习惯,你又会长胖。麦克米伦高阶〔right〕We'll have to put the place to rights before they get back.我们要在他们回来之前把这个地方恢复原样。麦克米伦高阶〔self〕You'll soon be feeling your old self again(= feeling well or happy again).你很快就会恢复原样的。牛津高阶〔shape〕Once most wires are bent out of shape, they don't return to the original position.大多数金属丝一旦弯曲变形就无法恢复原状。柯林斯高阶〔spring〕An elastic device, such as a coil of wire, that regains its original shape after being compressed or extended.弹簧发条:弹性装置受挤压和扩张后仍能恢复原来的位置,如线圈美国传统〔status quo〕We must not return to the status quo.我们决不能恢复原状。柯林斯高阶〔stuff〕To fill (an animal skin) to restore its natural form for mounting or display.(为制作标本)剥制:往(动物皮囊里)塞东西使之恢复原来形状,用于演出或展览美国传统〔swallow〕You're going to have to swallow your pride and ask for your job back.你得放下架子,去求人家给你恢复原职。牛津高阶〔turn〕I've gone too far to turn back now.我已经做过头,现在没法恢复原样了。麦克米伦高阶〔type〕The boss came back to work all relaxed, but now he's reverting to type.老板刚度假回来时十分随和,现在又恢复原样了。牛津搭配She found it hard to get back into shape (= good physical condition) after the birth of her baby.她发现在生过小孩后很难恢复原来的健康状况。剑桥国际The milk is transported in powdered form to be reconstituted at the factory.牛奶以粉末形式运输,到工厂再恢复原样。剑桥国际The painting was restored to its former glory (=returned to its original good condition).那幅画又恢复原先的灿烂。剑桥国际




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