

单词 形形色色
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔amorphous〕the amorphous mass of the unemployed形形色色的失业群体外研社新世纪〔breed〕of all breeds and brands 形形色色的英汉大词典〔cheat〕a place where phoneys and cheats could not survive for long 形形色色的骗子难以长久存身的地方英汉大词典〔colonialism〕colonialism of all shapes and forms 形形色色的殖民地主义文馨英汉〔colour〕political clubs of all colours 形形色色的政治俱乐部英汉大词典〔comment〕a book with critical comment on the various strands of feminism 一本对形形色色女权主义进行批判的书牛津搭配〔crew〕a motley crew of students 形形色色的一群学生朗文当代〔crew〕the motley crew of failed and aspiring actors who comprised the 'distinguished guests'. “贵宾”由一群形形色色的演员组成,有的郁郁不得志,有的胸怀抱负柯林斯高阶〔crew〕the motley crew of failed and aspiring actors who comprised the 'distinguished guests'“贵宾”由一群形形色色的演员组成, 有的落魄潦倒, 有的还在做明星梦外研社新世纪〔diverse〕subjects as diverse as pop music and archaeology 从流行音乐到考古学等形形色色的学科朗文当代〔hue〕political opinions of every hue 形形色色的政治见解朗文当代〔hue〕political parties of every hue 形形色色的政党英汉大词典〔miscellaneous〕a miscellaneous group of other central and east Europeans一个由其他形形色色的中欧人和东欧人组成的团体外研社新世纪〔mixed〕a very mixed group of women 一群形形色色的妇女朗文当代〔mixture〕the mixture of different people living in the city 生活在这座城市里形形色色的人们朗文当代〔mix〕a good mix of people 一群形形色色的人朗文当代〔motley〕a motley crew/group of musicians 一群形形色色的音乐人韦氏高阶〔multitudinous〕multitudinous applause 形形色色的赞扬英汉大词典〔of all stripes〕activists of any/every stripe 形形色色的活动分子韦氏高阶〔old〕an eclectic crowd, old and young, gay and straight一群形形色色的人, 有老有少, 有同性恋也有异性恋外研社新世纪〔opinion〕all shades of political opinion 形形色色的政治舆论牛津搭配〔persuasion〕every shade of religious persuasion 形形色色的宗教信仰牛津高阶〔populace〕a diverse/educated populace 形形色色/受过教育的民众韦氏高阶〔stripe〕politicians of all stripes 形形色色的政客英汉大词典〔stripe〕politicians of every stripe 形形色色的政界人士牛津高阶〔stripe〕politicians of every stripe形形色色的政客外研社新世纪〔transmutation〕the transmutation of the diverse elements into hope 形形色色因素化为希望的转变英汉大词典〔varied〕a varied group of people 形形色色的一群人剑桥高阶〔variegated〕our variegated dialects. 我们形形色色的方言柯林斯高阶〔various〕the various members of the club俱乐部里形形色色的成员外研社新世纪〔villain〕a menagerie of villains 一伙形形色色的流氓坏蛋英汉大词典




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