

单词 开地
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔TELL〕to publicly tell a lot of people about something 公开地把某事告诉许多人朗文写作活用〔asunder〕sundran [separately] from sunder [apart] sundran [分开地] 源自 sunder [隔开,分开] 美国传统〔display〕display a map on the table 在桌上摊开地图英汉大词典〔earth〕get away from Earth 离开地球英汉大词典〔lovebird〕lovebirds Informal A couple who are openly affectionate or demonstrative with each other, especially in public. lovebirds 【非正式用语】 恩爱夫妻:公开地情深意切的一对夫妇,或尤其在公共场合互相感情外露的夫妇美国传统〔open〕open a map 展开地图 英汉大词典〔opposed〕the party most openly opposed to military rule 最公开地反对军事统治的政党牛津搭配〔pry〕pry up a floorboard 撬开地板韦氏高阶〔quit〕the idea that humans might one day quit the earth to colonise other planets. 人类有朝一日可能会离开地球到其他星球定居繁衍的想法柯林斯高阶〔roll〕roll out a carpet 展开地毯英汉大词典〔unfold〕to unfold a map 展开地图牛津高阶〔unfold〕unfold a map/newspaper 摊开地图/报纸韦氏高阶




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