

单词 平整
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔FLAT/NOT FLAT〕not flat or smooth 不平坦或不平整的朗文写作活用〔FLAT/NOT FLAT〕to make something flat 把某物弄平整朗文写作活用〔FLAT/NOT FLAT〕when a road, piece of land etc becomes flat 路、地面等变平整朗文写作活用〔barber〕a trim barbered lawn 修剪平整的草地英汉大词典〔bitty〕a bitty and uneven book 一本支离破碎、不平整的书韦氏高阶〔crisp〕clean, crisp bedsheets 干净平整的床单韦氏高阶〔dress〕dress a race track 平整跑道 英汉大词典〔fast〕a fast road/pitch 快车道;平整的球场牛津高阶〔flat〕a skirt sewed with fine flat seams. 一条缝制得线缝细密平整的裙子美国传统〔ground〕level the ground for a lawn. 平整土地作为草坪美国传统〔iron〕thick hair ironed flat down one's back 烫得平整而垂于背上的一头浓发英汉大词典〔iron〕to iron a shirt flat将衬衫熨平整21世纪英汉〔irregularity〕a slight irregularity in the surface of the wood 木材表面轻微的不平整牛津搭配〔irregularity〕adjust an irregularity in the thread 把细线上一处不平整的地方捻齐英汉大词典〔irregular〕an irregular outline 不平整的外形牛津高阶〔irregular〕an irregular surface.不平整的表面。牛津同义词〔level〕level ground 平整的场地英汉大词典〔lumpy〕a lumpy bed/pillow 不平整的床/枕头剑桥高阶〔lumpy〕a lumpy mattress 不平整的床垫朗文当代〔more〕a place where the ground was more or less flat 地面比较平整的地方朗文当代〔prepare〕to prepare land for summer crops平整土地准备夏季作物21世纪英汉〔pressed〕neatly pressed trousers 熨得平平整整的西裤牛津高阶〔press〕clean, neatly pressed, conservative clothes. 干干净净、熨烫平整的式样保守的衣服柯林斯高阶〔press〕clean, neatly pressed, conservative clothes干干净净、熨烫平整、式样保守的服装外研社新世纪〔pristine〕pristine snow/beaches/lawns 平整的雪地/沙滩/草坪麦克米伦高阶〔problem〕math problems; the problem of how to hem a skirt evenly. 数学问题;关于如何给裙子镶平整的边的问题美国传统〔ragged〕a ragged line.不平整的线。牛津同义词〔rough〕uneven ground; 不平整的地面;美国传统〔sleek〕sleek grazing 平整如茵的牧草英汉大词典〔smooth〕a smooth lawn 平整的草地英汉大词典〔smooth〕a smooth lawn.平整的草地。牛津同义词〔smooth〕to smooth the lawn把草坪修剪平整21世纪英汉〔spade〕spade a garden 用铲平整花园英汉大词典〔trim〕trim lawns and neat flower beds 平整的草坪和整洁的花坛剑桥高阶〔uneven〕an uneven surface.不平整的表面。牛津同义词




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