

单词 快速
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔advancement〕a series of rapid career advancements 一系列快速的职业晋升韦氏高阶〔candid〕a candid picture of children playing 孩子玩耍时快速摄下的照片英汉大词典〔checkout〕an express checkout 快速结账台英汉大词典〔convertibility〕rapid export growth based on currency convertibility基于货币兑换的快速出口增长外研社新世纪〔escalate〕a rapid escalation in value 价值的快速上升朗文当代〔exhalation〕the quick exhalation of breath through expanded nostrils通过张大的鼻孔快速呼气外研社新世纪〔expeditious〕expeditious service 快速服务英汉大词典〔fast track〕fast-track careers 快速发展的职业韦氏高阶〔fast track〕on the fast track to success 走上快速成功之路麦克米伦高阶〔fast-track〕a fast-track procedure for adoption 快速收养程序朗文当代〔fast〕hoped for a speedy resolution to the problem). 期待着问题的快速解决)。 美国传统〔fix〕a quick energy fix. 快速能量增补剂柯林斯高阶〔flash〕flash heating (freezing) 快速加温(冷冻)英汉大词典〔flirt〕a dragonfly flirting among the reed beds快速掠过芦苇地的蜻蜓外研社新世纪〔flying〕played the difficult passage with flying fingers. 快速而轻松地翻阅这篇很难的文章美国传统〔hard-hitting〕a splendid, fast, hard-hitting but friendly match 一场精彩、快速、激烈却又友好的比赛 英汉大词典〔mover〕a fast mover in corporate circles. 在公司间快速活动的人美国传统〔mover〕a slow/fast mover 缓慢/快速的运动体韦氏高阶〔pacy〕a pacy winger who can also score g oals 能射门得分的快速边锋牛津高阶〔painlessly〕a quick and painless death. 没有痛苦的快速死亡柯林斯高阶〔painless〕a quick and relatively painless blood test 一次快速的几乎无痛的验血麦克米伦高阶〔present participle〕the quickly rising tide 快速上涨的潮水韦氏高阶〔rapid〕the country's rapid economic growth in the 1980's该国20世纪80年代的快速经济增长外研社新世纪〔recall〕to have instant recall(= to be able to remember sth immediately) 有快速记忆的能力牛津高阶〔scheme〕a get-rich-quick scheme 快速致富的手段朗文当代〔soaring〕soaring temperatures快速上升的气温外研社新世纪〔sped或speeded〕to speed the ship to the course快速引导航船驶入航道21世纪英汉〔spray〕a quick spray of perfume 快速地喷一下香水韦氏高阶〔spray〕a quick spray of perfume/polish 快速喷洒出的香水/上光剂剑桥高阶〔staccato〕a rapid staccato passage. 快速断奏乐段柯林斯高阶〔thruway〕the New York State Thruway 纽约州快速通道剑桥高阶〔turnover〕a rapid turnover of inventory 快速的库存周转韦氏高阶〔turn〕waltzers gyrating giddily. Tospin is to rotate rapidly, often within a narrow compass: 跳华尔兹舞的人快速旋转,令人眼花缭乱。 Spin 的意思是快速旋转,通常在狭窄的范围内: 美国传统〔uninterrupted〕five years of rapid and uninterrupted growth. 5年持续的快速增长柯林斯高阶〔up-tempo〕an up-tempo arrangement. 快速度的安排美国传统〔urbanization〕rapid urbanization 快速的城市化韦氏高阶〔vanguard〕a force of mobile reserve units that could strike quickly and effectively at the vanguard of an invading army. 能够对入侵的先头部队进行快速有效反击的机动预备部队柯林斯高阶a small but growing area of the investment universe 较小但是快速增长的投资领域牛津商务express clearance through customs 快速通关牛津商务fast electronic trading of futures 快速电子期货交易牛津商务




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