

单词 开裂
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-filled〕If any cracks have appeared in the tart case, fill these in with raw pastry.如果饼皮开裂,就用生的油酥面团填平。柯林斯高阶〔application〕The application of a wet cloth will prevent cracking.敷上一块湿布可防止出现开裂。外研社新世纪〔athlete's foot〕A contagious fungal infection of the skin usually affecting the feet and sometimes the hands, characterized by itching, blisters, cracking, and scaling.足癣,香港脚:真菌感染引起的皮肤感染病,通常感染脚,有时也感染至手,特点为搔痒,起泡,开裂和脱落美国传统〔blister〕The paint cracked and blistered.油漆开裂起泡了。韦氏高阶〔buffing〕Regular buffing helps prevent nails from splitting.经常修磨指甲有助于防止指甲开裂。外研社新世纪〔burst〕To come open or fly apart suddenly or violently, especially from internal pressure.爆裂,炸破:突然或剧烈的开裂或炸开,尤指由内部压力而引起的美国传统〔chap〕Cold winds have chapped your lips.寒风把你的嘴唇吹得开裂了。外研社新世纪〔cleave〕This wood cleaves easily.这种木材易开裂。英汉大词典〔cleft〕A split or indentation between two parts, as of the chin.开裂,凹陷:两部分间(如下巴)的裂隙或凹口美国传统〔crack〕Concrete is liable to crack in very cold weather.在严寒的天气下混凝土可能会开裂。朗文当代〔crack〕The enamel has cracked in some places.搪瓷已有几处开裂。英汉大词典〔crack〕The heat cracked our lips.我们热得嘴唇开裂。英汉大词典〔crack〕The walls cracked and the roof collapsed in the earthquake.地震中墙壁开裂,屋顶坍塌。剑桥高阶〔degrade〕Fatigue cracking in solder could degrade product performance.焊料中的疲劳开裂会降低产品的性能。外研社新世纪〔dehiscence〕Botany An opening at definite places at maturity to release or expose the contents, such as seeds from a fruit or pollen from an anther.【植物学】 开裂,裂开:到达成熟期时在一定的位置裂开的口子,以释放或显露出内含物,如从果实的裂口处释放出来的种子或从花粉囊中散发出的花粉美国传统〔dehiscence〕Medicine A splitting open or a rupture, as of a surgical wound or of an organ or a structure to discharge its contents.【医学】 开口,裂开:裂开的口子或破裂处,如裂开的伤口或器官、结构的开裂以放出内含物美国传统〔disgorge〕The ground had opened to disgorge a boiling stream of molten lava.大地开裂,汩汩冒出炽热的熔岩。柯林斯高阶〔distaff〕A staff that holds on its cleft end the unspun flax, wool, or tow from which thread is drawn in spinning by hand.(手工)纺纱杆:在杆的开裂的一端夹有未纺的亚麻、羊毛或丝束,手转动木杆,线从中纺出美国传统〔dryness〕Nothing looks worse than dry, cracked lips.没有什么比干燥开裂的嘴唇更难看的了。柯林斯高阶〔dumdum bullet〕A hollow-point small-arms bullet designed to expand upon impact, inflicting a gaping wound.达姆弹:一种头部挖空,用于小型武器的子弹,击中目标后膨胀,造成开裂伤口美国传统〔fractured〕He suffered a fractured skull.他头骨开裂了。外研社新世纪〔fracture〕He suffered a fractured skull.他的头骨开裂了。柯林斯高阶〔fragment〕Plaster had fragmented here and there.墙面四处开裂。外研社新世纪〔laminate〕Thick sections of the laminate can be produced without the risk of cracking.可生产厚层压板而无开裂风险。外研社新世纪〔leak out〕The pool's fiberglass sides had cracked and the water had leaked out.游泳池的玻璃钢面已经开裂并往外渗水了。外研社新世纪〔leak〕The pool's fiberglass sides had cracked and the water had leaked out.泳池四周的玻璃钢面开裂,水渗了出来。柯林斯高阶〔loculicidal〕Longitudinally dehiscent along the capsule wall between the partitions of the locule, as in the fruits of irises and lilies.室背开裂的:沿植物荚壁在腔室隔板之间纵向开裂的。如鸢尾花和百合花的果实美国传统〔loment〕An indehiscent legume, as of the tick trefoil, usually constricted between the seeds and separating at maturity into one-seeded segments.节英:一种不开裂的豆荚,如被套车轴草的果实。通常压缩于种子之间,成熟时分成包有一籽的小室美国传统〔mud〕The mud in the dried-up river bed had cracked.干涸的河床上泥土已经开裂。牛津搭配〔near〕The pipeline is near to reopening.管道又快开裂了。外研社新世纪〔nut〕An indehiscent, hard-shelled, one-loculated, one-seeded fruit, such as an acorn or a hazelnut.坚果:一种不开裂,硬壳,单隔室,单种子的果实,如橡树果实或榛子美国传统〔oil〕Cricket bats should be oiled to stop the wood drying out and cracking.板球拍应该上油以防止木头干燥开裂。外研社新世纪〔otherwise〕The cement is slightly cracked but otherwise in good order.除了微微有些开裂, 水泥层状况良好。外研社新世纪〔paint〕The car's paint is cracking.这辆车的涂层开裂了。韦氏高阶〔parted〕Botany Cleft almost to the base, so as to have distinct divisions or lobes.【植物学】 裂缝接近底部,形成明显的开裂或裂片美国传统〔scarify〕Botany To slit or soften the outer coat of (seeds) in order to speed germination.【植物学】 划破(种子表皮)以促进发芽:为加速发芽使种子的外表开裂或软化美国传统〔seal〕Wooden decks should be sealed to prevent cracking.木板平台应该刷防护漆防止开裂。朗文当代〔septicidal〕Dehiscing by splitting along or through the septa. Used of a seed capsule.室间开裂的:通过沿着中隔或通过中隔劈开而裂开的,用于种皮美国传统〔septifragal〕Dehiscing by the breaking away of the valves from its partitions. Used of a seed capsule.室间开裂的:通过裂片与它的其它部分脱离的开裂。用于果皮美国传统〔silique〕A dry, dehiscent, elongated fruit, characteristic of the mustard family, having two valves that fall away leaving a central partition.长角果:十字花科植物典型的干燥、开裂的长形果实,有两个果片离开中间的隔膜向下倾斜美国传统〔split〕Her jeans split the first time she wore them.她的牛仔裤第一次穿就开裂了。外研社新世纪〔split〕The seat of his short grey trousers split.他的灰色短裤的臀部开裂了。柯林斯高阶〔sprang或sprung〕The log would be sprung easily without paint.圆材不涂漆使用很容易开裂。21世纪英汉〔spring〕The heavy weight sprang one of the beams.重物把一根横梁压得开裂了。英汉大词典〔spring〕To cause to warp, split, or crack, as a mast.使开裂、折裂或爆裂 ,如桅杆美国传统〔streak〕Her bare feet were dirt-streaked and cracked with cold.她赤裸的双脚上满是一道道的泥污,都冻得开裂了。柯林斯高阶〔surface〕The road surface has started breaking up.路面已开始开裂。柯林斯高阶〔surface〕The road surface has started breaking up.路面已经开始开裂了。外研社新世纪〔take back〕I once took back a pair of shoes that fell apart after a week.有一次,我退了一双刚穿一个星期就开裂的鞋。柯林斯高阶〔tap〕Tap the eggs gently with a teaspoon to crack the shells.用茶匙轻敲鸡蛋,让蛋壳开裂。柯林斯高阶〔valve〕One of the sections into which the wall of a seedpod or other dehiscent fruit splits.裂片:心皮壁或其它开裂果实的壁裂开的部分之一美国传统〔weep〕In severe cases, the skin can crack and weep.在恶劣的条件下,皮肤可能会开裂并流脓。柯林斯高阶〔weep〕In severe cases, the skin can crack and weep.情况严重时, 皮肤可能会开裂并流脓。外研社新世纪Cracks gaped in the ground after the earthquake. 地震后地上开裂了。译典通Stoneware is tough and cannot be scratched, although it can sometimes crack.虽然粗陶器有时会开裂,但它很硬不会被划出痕迹。剑桥国际The heat cracked my lips. 我热得嘴唇开裂。译典通The houses were jerry-built--they're only two years old and they're already falling apart.这些房子都是偷工减料建成的----只过了两年就已开裂了。剑桥国际The lino in the bathroom was old and cracked, so we replaced it with a carpet.浴室里的地毡用旧开裂了,因此我们改用一块地毯。剑桥国际The ravages of war/the fire showed in the splintered woodwork and blistered paint of the houses.房屋那开裂的木结构和斑驳的油漆显示出战争/火灾的破坏。剑桥国际This wood cleaves easily. 这种木材容易开裂。译典通




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