

单词 开端
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADVANTAGE〕Sending your children to nursery school clearly gives them a head start. 送孩子上幼儿园显然可以使他们有个好的开端。朗文写作活用〔READY/NOT READY〕After the divorce I was thoroughly fed up and ripe for a new start, so I agreed to take the job. 离婚后我心里很是厌烦,而且是时候有个新开端了,所以就答应接受这份工作。朗文写作活用〔alpha〕The first one; the beginning.第一个;开端美国传统〔assure〕Ways must be found to assure our children a decent start in life.必须想办法保证我们的孩子有一个不错的人生开端。柯林斯高阶〔assure〕Ways must be found to assure our children a decent start in life.必须想办法确保孩子们能有一个不错的人生开端。外研社新世纪〔auspicious〕His career had an auspicious start.他的事业有良好的开端。外研社新世纪〔beginning〕He has made a good beginning.他作出了良好的开端。英汉大词典〔beginning〕It was an auspicious beginning to his long career.这是他漫长生涯的良好开端。牛津搭配〔beginning〕She spoke of a new beginning for the nation.她谈到了国家的新开端。牛津搭配〔beginning〕The act or process of bringing or being brought into being; a start.开始:使某事物开始存在或成为现实的动作或过程;开端美国传统〔beginning〕The front matter is at the beginning of the book.前言在书的开端美国传统〔beginning〕To me, this moment was both an ending and a new beginning.对我来说,这一时刻既是一个终结又是一个新的开端。麦克米伦高阶〔caption〕Law The heading of a pleading or other document that identifies the parties, court, term, and number of the action.【法律】 法律文件开端部分:诉状(或答辩状)或其它文件的开端部分,标明当事人姓名、法院名称、法庭的开庭期以及案号美国传统〔chance〕After a poor start, they are now in with a chance of winning.虽然开端不好,但他们现在有了赢的机会。牛津搭配〔commencement〕A beginning; a start.开始;开端美国传统〔cropper〕After a good start to the season, Chelsea came a cropper at Leeds.切尔西队在本赛季有了良好开端以后,却在利兹队那里栽了跟头。麦克米伦高阶〔crucial〕That is why it is crucial the team gets off to a good start.这就是一个好的开端对于该团队来说非常重要的原因。外研社新世纪〔cut〕To learn or do as a beginner or at the start of one's career.初学乍练:作为初学者或在某人职业的开端学着做美国传统〔derivation〕The form or source from which something is derived; an origin.起源:导出某物的形式或源泉;开端美国传统〔entrance〕The point, as in a musical score, at which a performer is to begin.开端处:某声部或乐器进入合唱或合奏的开始处美国传统〔epoch〕The birth of Christ was the beginning of a major epoch of world history.基督诞生是世界历史上一个重要纪元的开端。柯林斯高阶〔era〕The discovery of antibiotics marked an era in modern medicine.抗菌素的发现标志着现代医学时代的开端。外研社新世纪〔eternity〕Time without beginning or end; infinite time.永恒:无开端或结尾的时间;无限的时间美国传统〔false start〕A misguided or unsuccessful attempt to begin something.错误的第一步,失败的开端:被误导尝试开始某事,尝试开始某事失败美国传统〔favorable〕The project had an auspicious beginning.这个计划有一个良好的开端。美国传统〔fill〕To stop or plug up (an opening, for example).塞住:停止或阻塞(比如一个开端)美国传统〔first〕It's a cinematic first.它是电影界的新开端。外研社新世纪〔flying start〕The meeting got off to a flying start.会议有个良好的开端。韦氏高阶〔foot〕An initial point of or opportunity for entry.开端,渗入:出发点或进入的机会美国传统〔foot〕I want to get off on the right foot with your parents.我希望与你父母的关系有个好的开端。韦氏高阶〔give〕He gave me a head start.他给我提供了一个良好的开端。韦氏高阶〔icebreaker〕A beginning; a start.开始;开端美国传统〔inauspicious〕He made an inauspicious start to his career by breaking a leg in his first race.他第一次赛跑就摔断了腿,这给他的事业带来了不祥的开端。麦克米伦高阶〔incipit〕The beginning or opening words of the text of a medieval manuscript or early printed book.起始为:中世纪的手本或早期印刷书籍的开端或前言美国传统〔introit〕Roman Catholic Church The beginning of the Mass, usually consisting of a psalm verse, an antiphon, and the Gloria Patri.【罗马天主教】 应答轮唱圣诗:弥撒的开端,通常由赞美诗篇、轮流应答吟唱的颂歌以及《荣耀颂》组成美国传统〔lead〕To begin; start.开始;开端美国传统〔make〕The team will be anxious to make up for a disappointing start to the season.球队急于挽回本赛季令人失望的开端。朗文当代〔meaningful〕She believes these talks will be the start of a constructive and meaningful dialogue.她认为这些谈话将是一次具有建设性的、有意义的对话的开端。柯林斯高阶〔meaningful〕The talks will be the start of a constructive and meaningful dialogue.这些会谈将成为有建设性且有意义的对话的开端。外研社新世纪〔millennium〕The year 2000 was celebrated as the beginning of the third millennium.人们庆祝2000年的到来,因为2000年是第三个千年期的开端。韦氏高阶〔narrative〕Sloan began his narrative with the day of the murder.斯隆以发生谋杀案的那天作为故事的开端。柯林斯高阶〔offset〕The start or initial stage; the outset.开始,开端:开始或初始阶段美国传统〔opening〕Winning the competition was the opening she needed for her career.在这次比赛中获胜是她未来事业发展的良好开端。牛津高阶〔point〕These could all provide a point of departure for European collaboration with the USA.这一切可能为欧洲与美国的合作提供一个开端。外研社新世纪〔preamble〕An introductory occurrence or fact; a preliminary.开端:预兆性事件或事实;开端美国传统〔preamble〕The fear is that this could all just be a preamble to a far greater catastrophe.人们担忧的是这有可能是一场更大灾难的开端。外研社新世纪〔preface〕An informal brunch served as a preface to the three-day conference.以一顿非正式的早午餐做为三天会议的开端美国传统〔preface〕Each work is prefaced by a descriptive note and concludes with an author's note.每一作品都以说明性文字作开端,以作者自己的批注为结尾。剑桥高阶〔preliminary〕Something that precedes, prepares for, or introduces the main matter, action, or business.开端,初步:先于、准备或介绍主要事件、行动或业务的事美国传统〔prelude〕An introductory performance, event, or action preceding a more important one; a preliminary or preface.序幕:先于较重要部分的介绍性表演,事件或行动;开端或序美国传统〔prelude〕To serve as a prelude or an introduction.作为序幕或开端美国传统〔prelusion〕A prelude or an introduction.序幕或开端美国传统〔preparative〕Something that prepares for or acts as a preliminary to something following.预备:为随后的事作准备或作为其开端的事物美国传统〔proceed from〕From such a small beginning have proceeded many important decisions.从这一个小小的开端已经产生了许多重要的决定。21世纪英汉〔proceed〕Great things proceed from small beginnings.大事都由小开端发展而来。牛津同义词〔promise〕Such a good beginning promises well for the future.如此好的开端预示着将来的成功。外研社新世纪〔promise〕The plan seemed to promise a new beginning.这个计划似乎预示着新的开端。牛津搭配〔protolithic〕Of, relating to, or characteristic of the very beginning of the Stone Age; Eolithic.原石器时代的:石器时代开端的,与其有关的或有其特征的;始石器时代的美国传统〔seed〕A source or beginning; a germ.萌芽,开端;起因美国传统〔setout〕A start or beginning; an outset.开始或开端;开端美国传统〔split end〕The end of a hair that has split into strands.分叉的开端:分叉的头发其开始分叉的部分美国传统〔springboard〕It's a start—a springboard to bigger things.这是个开端,更是其伟大事业的起点。英汉大词典〔springboard〕The firm's director is confident that the new project will act as a springboard for/to further contracts.公司主管确信,新项目将会是一个开端,随后会有更多的合同。剑桥高阶〔start〕A beginning; a commencement.开始:开始;开端美国传统〔start〕It's not much, but it's a start.虽然算不了什么, 但毕竟是个开端。外研社新世纪〔start〕The meeting got off to a good/bad start(= started well/badly).会议有一个良好的╱糟糕的开端。牛津高阶〔start〕Their discovery could be the start of something big.他们的发现也许是某个重大发现的开端。韦氏高阶〔taste〕Although we didn't know it, this incident was a taste of things to come.尽管当时我们并不知道,但这件事是后来一系列事件的开端。牛津高阶〔than〕It is no more than a beginning.这仅仅是个开端。英汉大词典〔threshold〕The place or point of beginning; the outset.起点:开始的地方或地点;开端美国传统〔unpromising〕Sales improved after an unpromising start .销售在经历了一个不容乐观的开端之后出现了好转。朗文当代〔what〕It was the beginning of what turned out to be a long and successful career.这正是日后漫长且成功的职业生涯的开端。韦氏高阶Apparently the new manager has made a good/promising/slow start.显然,新经理做了个好的/有希望的/缓慢的开端。剑桥国际Each work is prefaced by a descriptive note and concludes with an author's note.每个作品都以说明性文字为开端,以作者自己的批注为结尾。剑桥国际She started with a description of her journey.她以对旅途的描述作为开端。剑桥国际That is a fortunate start. 那是个良好的开端。译典通The day began badly with a series of embarrassments and misunderstandings.这天的开端真糟糕剑桥国际The firm's director is confident that the new project will act as a springboard for/to further contracts.公司主管坚信,这项新方案是进一步通向合同的一个开端。剑桥国际The meeting got off to a good/bad start (= started well/badly).会议有一个很好/很糟的开端。牛津商务The publicity leaflet claimed that the centre was the start of something new in leisure facilities.传单宣称这个中心是新娱乐设施的开端。剑桥国际We had a hopeful beginning. 我们的开端充满希望。译典通




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