

单词 店铺
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔aisle〕an aisle manager 商店铺面巡行员英汉大词典〔alleyway〕a quaint shop in a small alleyway小街上的一家古色古香的店铺外研社新世纪〔another〕one shop after another一家接一家店铺外研社新世纪〔boycott〕put sb.'s shop under a boycott 抵制某人的店铺(指不去购买货物) 英汉大词典〔brilliant〕a store decorated in brilliant colors 装潢得色彩鲜艳的店铺韦氏高阶〔cater for〕shops that cater for the needs of men迎合男性需求的店铺外研社新世纪〔corner〕a corner shop/store 街角的商店/店铺韦氏高阶〔cost〕seventy apartments, shops, offices, a restaurant and hotel, costed at around 10 million pounds. 估价约为1,000万英镑的70套公寓、店铺、办公室、一家大饭店柯林斯高阶〔curio〕a shop full of antiques and curios 有诸多古玩珍品的店铺剑桥高阶〔department〕a department in a large shop.大店铺里的部门。牛津同义词〔front〕house/shop fronts(=the parts that face the road) 房屋/店铺的前面麦克米伦高阶〔hike〕shopkeepers who hiked their prices for the tourist trade. 店铺老板们对观光客们大幅提价美国传统〔neighbourhood〕a neighbourhood friendly美口 人们熟知的附近店铺英汉大词典〔rear〕the rear of a store (car) 店铺(汽车)后部英汉大词典〔retail〕a retail establishment/shop/store 零售公司/店铺/商店韦氏高阶〔run〕run round to a neighbour's (a shop) 匆匆到邻居家(一家店铺)跑一趟英汉大词典〔service〕clean stores with respectful service and fair prices. 服务态度良好、价格公道、干净整洁的店铺柯林斯高阶〔snooty〕a snooty store 一家势利眼的店铺英汉大词典〔store-bought〕store-bought clothes; store-bought cookies. 非自制的衣服;店铺买来的甜点心美国传统〔store〕a clothing/liquor store 服装店/买酒的店铺剑桥高阶〔string〕the houses and shops strung out along the bay 沿海湾排成一行的房屋和店铺朗文当代〔takings〕the takings of a shop.店铺的营业额。牛津同义词〔time〕a miner's family, with one boy down the mine, another serving his time in a shop一个儿子在矿井工作、另一个儿子在店铺学徒的矿工家庭外研社新世纪〔within〕a shop within easy reach of the house 在这所房子附近的店铺英汉大词典




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