

单词 对抗
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔ENEMY〕someone you are fighting against, especially in a war 你在对抗的人,尤指在战争中朗文写作活用〔PLAY A GAME OR SPORT〕a group of people who play together against another group 一组在比赛中对抗另一组的人朗文写作活用〔adversarial〕an adversarial system of justice 审判对抗制牛津高阶〔allopathic〕allopathic medicine对抗疗法药物外研社新世纪〔antagonistic〕an antagonistic attitude 对抗态度朗文当代〔apocalyptic〕apocalyptic visions of a nuclear confrontation 对核对抗灾难性后果的描述剑桥高阶〔avoidance〕the avoidance of open confrontation 公开对抗的避免麦克米伦高阶〔challenge〕a challenge to the government's authority. 公然对抗政府权威美国传统〔combat〕armed/unarmed combat 武装/非武装对抗韦氏高阶〔combat〕armed/unarmed combat(= with/without weapons) 武装╱非武装对抗牛津高阶〔confrontational〕a confrontational style of management 对抗式的管理方式朗文当代〔confrontation〕an age of ideological confrontation. 一个意识形态对抗的年代美国传统〔countermeasure〕new countermeasures against terrorism 对抗恐怖主义的新措施朗文当代〔danger〕reduce the danger of a military confrontation between the two nations 减少两国军事对抗的危险英汉大词典〔eyeball-to-eyeball〕an eyeball-to-eyeball confrontation 面对面的对抗英汉大词典〔facedown〕a bitter facedown with the rebels 与反叛者的激烈对抗英汉大词典〔fight〕rebel forces fighting against the Russians 对抗俄罗斯人的叛军朗文当代〔fragmentation〕the fragmentation of a society into competing groups 一社会之分裂为若干对抗性集团英汉大词典〔gang〕various agencies ganging up to combat the use of illicit drugs. 不同的机构联合起来对抗非法药品的使用美国传统〔harsh〕the harsh measures taken against the protestors 针对抗议者采取的严厉措施朗文当代〔head-on〕a head-on collision/confrontation 正面冲撞/对抗韦氏高阶〔head-on〕have a head-on confrontation with sb. 与某人正面对抗 英汉大词典〔highlander〕rivalries between highlanders and lowlanders 高地人与低地人之间的对抗韦氏高阶〔hold〕to hold out against opposition.坚决对抗。牛津同义词〔incompatibility〕the inherent incompatibilities of dog and cat 狗和猫天生的对抗性英汉大词典〔kom〕cum ; cooncan , from Latin cum , co- , with. cum ; cooncan , 源自 拉丁语 cum , co- , 对抗. 美国传统〔meet〕a dual meet against Canada 与加拿大队的对抗赛牛津搭配〔offence〕the ability to disrupt opposing offences 扰乱对抗性攻击的能力牛津搭配〔oppose〕to oppose an enemy.对抗敌人。牛津同义词〔removal〕the forcible removal of the protesters' barricades. 对抗议者所设置路障的强行清除牛津搭配〔resistant〕a disease that is resistant to antibiotics 对抗生素有抗药力的一种疾病麦克米伦高阶〔rivalry〕political rivalries 政治对抗牛津高阶〔rivalry〕the increasing rivalry among competitors in the industry 该行业竞争者之间日益激烈的对抗牛津搭配〔shape〕to be in good shape for combat 适于对抗的良好状态牛津搭配〔solidarity〕union solidarity against management 工会团结一致对抗资方牛津搭配〔suppression〕the violent suppression of protests对抗议的暴力镇压外研社新世纪〔than〕the three-match Test series in England, starting in less than two months time. 再过不到两个月就要在英格兰开始的三场制国际板球对抗赛柯林斯高阶〔weapon〕a new weapon in the fight against AIDS 对抗艾滋病的新武器朗文当代〔weapon〕a new weapon in the fight against cancer 对抗癌症的新武器韦氏高阶a confrontational style of leadership 对抗性的领导风格牛津商务




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