

单词 对手
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔PLAY A GAME OR SPORT〕to play against someone else 在比赛或运动中以另一人作对手朗文写作活用〔benefit〕capitalized on her adversary's blunder; 从她对手的错误中受益;美国传统〔brutality〕his brutality towards / toward opponents 他对对手的野蛮行为牛津搭配〔capitalize〕capitalize on an opponent's error.See Synonyms at benefit 利用对手的失误 参见 benefit美国传统〔contain〕measures aimed at containing political opposition 旨在控制政治对手的措施朗文当代〔contend〕with 10 UK construction yards contending with rivals from Norway, Holland, Italy and Spain. 10家英国建造厂与来自挪威、荷兰、意大利和西班牙的对手展开竞争柯林斯高阶〔cunning〕a cunning opponent 狡猾的对手朗文当代〔daunt〕to daunt one's adversaries吓倒对手21世纪英汉〔defenceless〕a savage attack on a defenceless young girl对手无寸铁的年轻女孩的残忍攻击外研社新世纪〔do ... in〕to do in one's competitors击败某人的竞争对手21世纪英汉〔drop〕drop one's opponent 击倒对手 英汉大词典〔dust〕a marketing strategy that left our competitors in the dust. 把我们的竞争对手远远地抛在后面的市场策略美国传统〔fellow〕pass all one's fellows 超过所有的对手英汉大词典〔finesse〕finesse against opponent on the right 出小牌来飞右方对手的牌英汉大词典〔formidable〕a formidable challenge; a formidable opponent. 难以应付的挑战;难以对付的对手美国传统〔intimidate〕felt intimidated by his opponent's power and prestige. 为他对手的权力和威望吓倒。美国传统〔jump〕jumped the team and signed with a rival club. 离开球队并与竞争对手的俱乐部签约美国传统〔keep〕keep ahead of one's rivals 超过对手 英汉大词典〔knockout〕won the fight by a knockout. 把对手一拳击倒对方而获得胜利美国传统〔lessen〕lessen the achievements of a rival 贬低竞争对手的成就英汉大词典〔mano a mano〕an industry gearing up to go mano a mano with a rival. 工业发展到可以与对手直接抗衡美国传统〔mean〕not by any means an easy opponent. 无论如何也不是一个容易的对手美国传统〔measurabilities〕to measure one's skill against one's rival与对手比本事21世纪英汉〔mincemeat〕make mincemeat of all the opponents 彻底打败全部对手英汉大词典〔outbluff〕to outbluff one’s opponents at poker在纸牌赌中以大赌注吓跑所有的对手21世纪英汉〔outdistance〕a millionaire businessman who easily outdistanced his major rivals for the nomination. 轻松击败主要对手从而获得提名的百万富商柯林斯高阶〔pack〕measures aimed at keeping the company ahead of the pack 旨在使公司领先所有竞争对手的措施牛津高阶〔psych〕to psych a table-tennis opponent对乒乓球对手作精神分析21世纪英汉〔resolve〕be firm in one's resolve to beat one's opponent 矢志打败对手 英汉大词典〔rip〕ripped into her opponent's political record. 猛烈攻击对手的政治经历美国传统〔rival〕a game against their old rivals , Manchester United 和他们的老对手曼联队的比赛朗文当代〔rope〕have one's opponent on the ropes 把对手逼到拳击台的围绳上英汉大词典〔rough〕roughed up his opponent. 用暴力对付对手美国传统〔steamroller〕to steamroller the competition压垮对手21世纪英汉〔string〕a string of attacks on one's opponent 向对手一连串的攻击英汉大词典〔struggle〕a struggle against an enemy or opponent.抵抗敌人或对手的斗争。牛津同义词〔superbly〕his superbly disciplined opponent. 他那训练有素的对手柯林斯高阶〔taunt〕endure the taunts of a successful rival 忍受获胜对手的奚落英汉大词典〔tear〕tore into the food; tore into his opponent. 抢夺食物;猛攻他的对手美国传统〔unrelenting〕an unrelenting opponent 不顾一切的对手朗文当代




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