

单词 对应的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔WORD/PHRASE/SENTENCE〕Some idiomatic phrases don't translate literally, so you have to find an equivalent. 有些短语不能按字面意思翻译,因此必须找对应的说法。朗文写作活用〔answerable〕Corresponding.符合的,对应的,一致的美国传统〔antimere〕A part or division in the body of a bilaterally or radially symmetric animal that corresponds to an opposite or similar part.体辐,对称部:左右或中心对称的动物身体中与相反或相似部分对应的一侧或一部分美国传统〔antitype〕One that is foreshadowed by or identified with an earlier symbol or type, such as a figure in the New Testament who has a counterpart in the Old Testament.先前原形:先前的标记或模型所预示或表明的原形,如《新约》中的人物在《旧约》中有对应的形象美国传统〔archive〕I decided I would go to the Archive the next day and look up the appropriate issue.我决定第二天去档案馆查找对应的问题。柯林斯高阶〔atonality〕The absence of a tonal center and of harmonies derived from a diatonic scale corresponding to such a center; lack of tonality.无调性:缺少中心旋律及和谐性,由与此中心对应的全音阶得来;缺少音调美国传统〔carpus〕A joint in quadrupeds corresponding to the wrist.腕骨:四足动物的相对应的腕关节美国传统〔complex plane〕A plane whose points have complex numbers as their coordinates.复平面:平面上的点与复数对相对应的平面美国传统〔correlate〕Either of two correlate entities; a correlative.相关一方:两个相对应的方面的任一方;相关方美国传统〔correspondence〕The child can see the one-to-one correspondence of the buttons and buttonholes.这个孩子能看出纽扣和扣眼之间一一对应的关系。牛津搭配〔correspondent〕She has the correspondent position in a rival firm.她在对手公司担任相对应的职务。外研社新世纪〔corresponding〕Give each picture a number corresponding to its position on the page.按所在页面位置给每一幅画编上相对应的号码。牛津高阶〔digit〕A corresponding part in other vertebrates.手指,足趾:其它脊椎动物相对应的部位美国传统〔easy〕New settlers in the west could buy land on relatively easy terms.西方的新移民可以用对应的分期付款购买地产。朗文当代〔equivalent〕Capable of being put into a one-to-one relationship. Used of two sets.等价的,等积的:能排列成一一对应的。用于两组集合美国传统〔equivalent〕There is no English equivalent for "bon appetit" so we have adopted the French expression.英语中没有和 bon appetit 相对应的词,所以我们就借用了法语的这个表达方式。剑桥高阶〔function〕A rule of correspondence between two sets such that there is a unique element in the second set assigned to each element in the first set.函数:两组元素一一对应的规则,第一组中的每个元素在第二组中只有唯一的对应量美国传统〔function〕A variable so related to another that for each value assumed by one there is a value determined for the other.应变量,函数:一个与他量有关联的变量,这一量中的任何一值都能在他量中找到对应的固定值美国传统〔image〕Mathematics A set of values of a function corresponding to a particular subset of a domain.【数学】 像,像点:函数中与某一集合中特定变量相对应的变量美国传统〔infinite〕Of or relating to a set capable of being put into one-to-one correspondence with a proper subset of itself.无穷集的:能与自身的一个子集发生一一对应的集的,与其有关的美国传统〔left-brain〕The cerebral hemisphere to the left of the corpus callosum, controlling the right side of the body.左半脑:与胼胝体左边相对应的大脑半球,控制身体的右侧美国传统〔low〕Having a pitch corresponding to a relatively small number of sound-wave cycles per second.低音的:与一相对少量的每秒钟音波周期相对应的低音的美国传统〔metacarpus〕The corresponding part of the forefoot of a quadruped.掌骨:四足动物前脚所对应的部分美国传统〔obverse〕False humility and its obverse, arrogance, are equally unpleasant.假谦虚和与之相对应的傲慢同样令人反感。剑桥高阶〔obverse〕The obverse of rising unemployment is continued gains in productivity.失业率上升,相对应的是生产率进一步提高。柯林斯高阶〔octillionth〕The ordinal number that matches the number octillion in a series.一百万的八次幂:在系列中与百万的八次幂相对应的序数美国传统〔one to one〕They now see their dollar-linked prices converted one to one into pesos.他们现在发觉他们那些与美元对应的价格被一一转换成了比索。外研社新世纪〔one-to-one〕There is rarely a one-to-one correspondence between a letter representing a vowel and the sound of the vowel.元音字母与元音的发音之间很少有一一对应的关系。外研社新世纪〔parallel〕Notice the parallel development/evolution of the two technologies.注意这两项技术相对应的发展/演化。韦氏高阶〔parallel〕These are two very different views of literature, which are parallel to two very different views of sexuality.这是两种截然不同的文学观点, 它们对应的是对性的两种截然不同的态度。外研社新世纪〔parameter〕One of a set of independent variables that express the coordinates of a point.变量,参数:一组代表与之对应的点的独立变量之一美国传统〔pectoral fin〕Either of the anterior pair of fins attached to the pectoral girdle of fishes, corresponding to the forelimbs of higher vertebrates.胸鳍:一对紧附于鱼的环状胸骨的前鳍且与更高等的脊椎动物的前肢相对应的任一个美国传统〔perpetual calendar〕A chart or mechanical device that indicates the day of the week corresponding to any given date over a period of many years.万年历:一种图表或一部机械装置,用来显示在很多年期间任意给定的日期所对应的星期数美国传统〔piano roll〕A roll of paper containing perforations corresponding to the notes of a musical composition, used in operating a player piano.钢琴滚动条,钢琴纸卷:含有与乐曲音符相对应的孔洞的纸卷,用以操作自动钢琴美国传统〔pitch〕The distance between two corresponding points on adjacent screw threads or gear teeth.螺距:两个相对应的点或相邻的螺钉之间的距离美国传统〔polytene〕Relating to or having large, multistranded chromosomes whose corresponding chromomeres are in contact.(染色体)多线性的:关于或具有大型的多束染色体的,它与其相对应的染色体相接触美国传统〔prime〕Each semantic target is paired with a semantically related prime.每个语义目标都在语义上有相对应的语素。外研社新世纪〔rest〕An interval of silence corresponding to one of the possible time values within a measure.休止:与一拍中可能的时间值对应的休止间隔美国传统〔rondo〕A composition having a principal theme that occurs at least three times in its original key between contrasting subordinate themes.回旋曲:一种主题在形成对应的副主题之间的最初旋律中至少出现三次的音乐作品美国传统〔seventh〕The ordinal number matching the number seven in a series.第七:在有序排列中与七相对应的序数词美国传统〔spanner〕A wrench having a hook, hole, or pin at the end for meshing with a related device on another object.扳手:一头带钩、孔或夹子以和另一物体上的相对应的装置相啮合的工具美国传统〔thesaurus〕A book of synonyms, often including related and contrasting words and antonyms.同类词汇编:常包括相关和相对应的词及反义词的同义词书美国传统〔tongue and groove〕A joint made by fitting a tongue on the edge of a board into a matching groove on another board.舌榫,榫槽接合:将一块状物边缘上的舌片嵌入另一块状物上相对应的槽或沟美国传统〔trillionth〕The ordinal number matching the number one trillion in a series.第一万亿,第一兆:可数数列中与一万亿相对应的序数美国传统〔videotape〕A relatively wide magnetic tape used to record visual images and associated sound for subsequent playback or broadcasting.录像磁带:一种比较宽的磁带,用来记录图像和对应的声音以进行复放或者播放美国传统〔wavelength〕The distance between one peak or crest of a wave of light, heat, or other energy and the next corresponding peak or crest.波长:光、热或其它能量波的一个波峰或波谷与下一个对应的波峰或波谷之间的距离美国传统〔word〕Spanish has no word for 'understatement'.西班牙语中没有与 understatement (保守的说法)相对应的词。牛津搭配Host is the masculine noun for hostess. host是与hostess相对应的阳性名词。译典通Some English words have no Chinese equivalents. 有些英文字在中文里没有对应的词。译典通




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