

单词 已灭
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Anatolian〕Of or relating to a branch of the Indo-European language family that includes Hittite and other extinct languages of ancient Anatolia.古安纳托利亚语的:是或有关包括赫梯族和其它已灭亡的古安纳托利亚语言在内的印欧语系的一分支美国传统〔Chibcha〕A member of an extinct Indian people once inhabiting central Colombia.奇布查人:曾居住在哥伦比亚中部的一支已灭绝的印第安人部落美国传统〔Chibcha〕The extinct language of the Chibcha.奇布查语:奇布查人使用的一种已灭亡的语言美国传统〔Cumanagoto〕A member of an extinct South American Indian people of northeast Venezuela.库马纳戈托人:原居于委内瑞拉东北部,现已灭绝的南美印第安人美国传统〔Germanic〕A branch of the Indo-European language family that comprises North Germanic, West Germanic, and the extinct East Germanic.日尔曼语:印欧语系的分支,包括北日耳曼语、西日耳曼语和已灭绝的东日耳曼语美国传统〔abed〕The lights were out, and all were thought to be abed.灯火已灭,想来所有的人都已上床。英汉大词典〔ammonite〕The coiled, flat, chambered fossil shell of an extinct mollusk belonging to the class Cephalopoda, which was abundant in the Cretaceous period.菊石,鹦鹉螺化石:已灭绝软体动物的螺旋形、扁平的化石外壳,属头足纲动物,大量存在于中生代美国传统〔analogue〕Scientists are attempting to compare features of extinct animals with living analogues.科学家正试图把已灭绝动物的特征与现存类似动物的相比较。牛津高阶〔aristocracy〕Aristocracy was already dead, and democracy was still unborn.贵族统治业已灭亡, 民主政权却尚未建立。外研社新世纪〔australopithecine〕Of, relating to, or characteristic of these extinct humanlike primates.南方古猿的:属于、关于或有这类已灭绝的人形猿特征的美国传统〔chalicothere〕Any of various extinct ungulate mammals of the Eocene to Pleistocene epochs, having distinctive three-clawed, three-toed feet.爪兽:一种已灭绝的始新世和更新世的有蹄哺乳动物,其特征为有三爪,每爪有三趾美国传统〔conodont〕A Paleozoic microfossil usually having a toothlike shape and considered to be the remains of an extinct marine organism.牙形刺:一种古生代微化石,一般有牙状形体,被认为是一种已灭绝海生生物体的残骸美国传统〔creodont〕Any of various extinct carnivorous mammals of the suborder Creodonta, of the Paleocene Epoch to the Pliocene Epoch.肉齿类哺乳动物:任一种从古新世到上新世之间的属于肉齿亚目的多种现已灭绝的食肉哺乳动物美国传统〔die〕These species have now almost died out.这些物种目前几乎已灭绝。英汉大词典〔extinct〕Dinosaurs have been extinct for millions of years.恐龙已灭绝数百万年了。朗文当代〔incandescent〕The embers of the fire were still incandescent even though the flames had disappeared.尽管火焰已灭,余烬仍然炽热。英汉大词典〔labyrinthodont〕Of or relating to the superorder Labyrinthodontia, an extinct group of amphibians resembling crocodiles and having a labyrinthine tooth structure.迷齿亚纲动物:有迷齿纲总目的动物或同迷齿纲总目有关的动物,是一群与鳄鱼相象的已灭绝两栖动物,长有结构复杂的牙齿美国传统〔lobefin〕Any of various mostly extinct bony fishes of the subclass Crossopterygii, of which the coelacanth is a living representative.总鳍鱼:内鼻孔亚纲的各种大多已灭绝了的硬骨鱼,腔棘鱼为其现存种类代表美国传统〔moa〕Any of various flightless ostrichlike birds of the family Dinornithidae, native to New Zealand and extinct for over a century.恐鸟:产自新西兰,已灭绝一个多世纪的任何恐鸟科的无翅的,似鸵鸟的鸟美国传统〔plesiosaur〕A large extinct marine reptile having paddlelike limbs that was common in Europe and North America during the Mesozoic Era.蛇颈龙属:常见于欧洲和北美洲中生代,有桨状肢已灭绝的一种大型海洋爬行动物美国传统〔prehominid〕Any of several extinct primates regarded as an immediate ancestor of the hominids.猿人:被认为是人类直接祖先的一种已灭绝的灵长目动物美国传统〔prehominid〕Of or relating to these extinct primates.猿的:这些已灭绝的灵长目动物的或与之相关的美国传统〔proboscidian〕A mammal of the order Proboscidea, such as the elephant or its extinct relatives, having a long trunk, large tusks, and a massive body.长鼻目:一种长鼻目哺乳动物,如象或已灭绝的与其有亲源关系的种,有长象鼻、大牙和庞大的身躯美国传统〔protohuman〕Of or relating to various extinct hominids or other primates that resemble modern human beings.原人的:各种已灭绝的人科动物或其它类似于现代人类的灵长目动物的或与它们相关的美国传统〔pterodactyl〕Any of various small, mostly tailless, extinct flying reptiles of the order Pterosauria that existed during the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods.翼手龙:任一种小型已灭绝的翼龙目的飞行爬行动物,它们绝大多数都没有尾巴,生活在侏罗纪和白垩纪之间的那段时期美国传统〔sauropterygian〕Any of various extinct aquatic reptiles of the superorder Sauropterygia that flourished during the Mesozoic Era and included the plesiosaurs.鳍龙:各种在中生代时期大量繁殖的鳍龙亚目已灭绝水生爬行动物,包括蛇颈龙美国传统〔xiphosuran〕An arthropod of the order Xiphosura, which includes the horseshoe crab and many extinct forms.剑尾目动物:剑尾目中的一种节肢动物,包括鲎及许多已灭绝的节肢动物美国传统Dinosaurs are an extinct species.恐龙是已灭绝的物种。剑桥国际Many people thought the disease had been killed off in the last century.许多人以为这种病在上个世纪就已灭绝了。剑桥国际The last dinosaur became extinct eons ago.最后一批恐龙在千万年前就已灭绝。剑桥国际The pterodactyl is an extinct reptile that existed at the same time as the dinosaurs.翼手龙是一种与恐龙同时代的已灭绝的爬行类动物。剑桥国际




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