

单词 强硬
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DETERMINED〕He was the most tenacious politician in South Korea. 他是日本最为强硬的政治家。朗文写作活用〔DETERMINED〕Tough policies and resolute leadership always create enemies. 强硬的政策和果断的领导总会招来敌人。朗文写作活用〔DO/NOT DO〕Strong action is needed to restore law and order. 有必要采取强硬的行动来恢复法律与秩序。朗文写作活用〔EXPERIENCED/NOT EXPERIENCED〕Miss Davies is not really the tough, hard-bitten businesswoman that she appears to be. 戴维斯小姐实际不是她表面上看起来的那种强硬、不讲情面的女商人。朗文写作活用〔GET RID OF〕Reformers have expressed concern that he could be ousted by hard-liners opposed to his reforms. 改革派人士担心他会被反对他改革的强硬派赶下台。朗文写作活用〔LEADER〕King Priam was a firm, but just ruler. 普里阿摩斯国王是一位强硬但公正的统治者。朗文写作活用〔LOT〕The mayor has promised tough action in response to the city's rising crime wave. 市长许诺要对该市不断激增的罪案采取强硬措施。朗文写作活用〔OPINION〕His tough stance on crime appeals to voters. 他对罪案的强硬立场很吸引选民。朗文写作活用〔PROVE〕The President is anxious to demonstrate that he has a strong foreign policy. 总统急于证明他的外交政策很强硬。朗文写作活用〔REAL〕He likes to show people his tough side, but underneath it all, he's a decent person. 他喜欢对人显示强硬的一面,但实际上他是个宽厚的人。朗文写作活用〔REDUCE〕I felt my letter was worded too strongly, so I toned it down a bit. 我感到我的信措辞太强硬,于是就把它改得婉转些。朗文写作活用〔Rambo〕The Americans responded, Rambo-style/Rambo-like, by threatening to attack immediately if their conditions were not met.美国人给了一个强硬的答复,威胁说如果不答应他们的条件,他们就马上发动进攻。剑桥高阶〔SENSIBLE〕She is a tough, pragmatic, intuitive leader. 她是一个强硬务实、有直觉力的领导。朗文写作活用〔TELEVISION/RADIO〕Paxman is seen as a tough interviewer who rarely lets politicians off the hook. 帕克斯曼被认为是一位强硬的采访者,他绝少让政客在回答问题时轻易脱身。朗文写作活用〔THREATEN〕The boss is quite tough, but don't let him intimidate you. 老板很强硬,但别让他威吓你。朗文写作活用〔action〕The government is taking strong action on refugees.政府正在对难民采取强硬措施。牛津搭配〔answer〕She is tough, unwilling to take no for an answer.她很强硬, 不达目的誓不罢休。外研社新世纪〔answer〕She is tough, unwilling to take no for an answer.她很强硬,不达目的誓不罢休。柯林斯高阶〔boat〕Mr Ozawa is known for rocking the boat with his uncompromising statements.小泽先生以用强硬言论搅扰局面而著称。外研社新世纪〔budge〕The Americans are adamant that they will not budge on this point.美国人非常强硬,他们在这一点上是不会妥协的。柯林斯高阶〔buttress〕The president's tough line is, however, buttressed by a democratic mandate.然而,总统推行的强硬路线受到了民主党发布的训令的支持。柯林斯高阶〔camouflage〕His tough attitude served as camouflage.他强硬的态度就是一种掩饰。韦氏高阶〔combative〕He conducted the meeting in his usual combative style, refusing to admit any mistakes.他主持会议时显示出一贯的强硬风格, 拒绝承认任何错误。外研社新世纪〔consumption〕The hard-line speech appears to be mostly for domestic consumption.强硬派的讲话大部分像是讲给国内人听的。外研社新世纪〔demand〕He grew ever more fierce in his demands.他的要求越来越强硬。外研社新世纪〔employ〕The tactics the police are now to employ are definitely uncompromising.警方目前即将采取的策略明显很强硬。柯林斯高阶〔facilitate〕He argued that the economic recovery had been facilitated by his tough stance.他认为他的强硬立场推动了经济的复苏。柯林斯高阶〔favourable〕His ability to talk tough while eating fast made a favourable impression on his dining companions.他能一面快速地吃饭,一面言辞强硬地说话,给同他一起就餐的人留下了很好的印象。柯林斯高阶〔feeling〕She has strong feelings on the issue of abortion.在堕胎问题上她有强硬的态度。朗文当代〔firm〕The government has taken a firm line on illegal immigration.政府已对非法移民采取强硬政策。麦克米伦高阶〔firm〕You need to be firm with her or she'll try to take advantage of you.你对她要强硬,否则她就会欺负你。朗文当代〔hard line〕The government has taken a hard line in treaty negotiations.政府在条约谈判中采取了强硬立场。韦氏高阶〔hard line〕The government wants to take a hard line against the strikers.政府想对罢工者采取强硬手段。剑桥高阶〔hardball〕She is playing hardball in a world dominated by men 20 years her senior.在这个由比她大20岁的男性主宰的世界里, 她手段强硬。外研社新世纪〔hardball〕That's political hardball at its roughest.那是最粗暴的强硬政治。英汉大词典〔harden〕Public attitudes to the strike have hardened.公众对这次罢工所持的态度已强硬起来。牛津高阶〔harden〕The viewpoints of the two parties hardened.双方的观点变得更强硬了。21世纪英汉〔hardline〕East Germany's last hardline Communist leader东德最后一位奉行强硬路线的共产党领导人外研社新世纪〔hardline〕The United States has taken a lot of criticism for its hard-line stance.美国因其强硬立场而备受批评。外研社新世纪〔hardline〕The United States has taken a lot of criticism for its hard-line stance.美国因其强硬立场遭到众多非议。柯林斯高阶〔inflexible〕Not easily bent; stiff or rigid.不易弯的,僵硬的:不易变曲的;强硬或生硬的美国传统〔inflexible〕The prime minister has adopted an inflexible position on immigration.首相在移民问题上采取了强硬的立场。剑桥高阶〔initially〕His response was initially adamant.他的反应开头很强硬。英汉大词典〔intransigence〕The employers maintained a rigid intransigence in the face of union demands.面对工会提出的要求,雇主们坚持强硬态度。英汉大词典〔law〕The government has introduced some tough new laws on food hygiene.政府对食物衞生出台了一些强硬的新法规。牛津高阶〔lest〕The president has gone along with the hardliners lest they be tempted to oust him.总统同意了强硬派的意见,以免他们产生赶他下台的念头。柯林斯高阶〔line〕Environmental groups took a very tough line with the industry.环保团体对于该产业采取了非常强硬的态度。麦克米伦高阶〔line〕Forsyth appears to have hardened his line on Europe.福赛思对欧洲的态度似乎强硬了起来。麦克米伦高阶〔line〕The government is taking a firm line on terrorism.政府现在对恐怖主义采取强硬的态度。牛津高阶〔master〕I remember her always so strong, in control, always the master of the situation.我记得她总是很强硬, 总是牢牢地控制着局势。外研社新世纪〔mean〕It's a case of finding the mean between firmness and compassion.要在强硬和同情之间找出折中的办法。朗文当代〔much〕Advisers were urging the President to act much more aggressively.顾问们正在敦促总统采取更强硬的行动。麦克米伦高阶〔peremptory〕The letter was peremptory in tone.信中的语气强硬。牛津高阶〔posture〕The government has adopted an aggressive posture on immigration.政府对移民入境采取了强硬的态度。牛津高阶〔project〕Recently the president has sought to project a much tougher image.最近这位总统努力塑造一个更强硬的形象。剑桥高阶〔promise〕The police chief promised tougher action against young criminals.警长保证要对少年犯采取更强硬的措施。麦克米伦高阶〔provision〕The bill's provision for the sale and purchase of land faces stiff opposition from conservatives.该法案关于土地买卖的规定遭到保守派的强硬反对。柯林斯高阶〔reach〕So far, his administration has failed to reach out to hardline Republicans.他的政府至今没有向强硬的共和党表示愿意倾听的姿态。朗文当代〔resolve〕The new cabinet resolved on a strong foreign policy.新内阁决定采取强硬的外交政策。21世纪英汉〔round on sb/sth〕The mayor rounded on his critics with a very forceful speech.市长突然发表了措词强硬的讲话,回击批评他的人。剑桥高阶〔saddle〕The armed forces and the hardliners are now going to be in the saddle.武装部队和奉行强硬路线的人即将掌权。柯林斯高阶〔silence〕The President's firm speech failed to silence opposition.总统的强硬讲话未能压制反对意见。英汉大词典〔softhearted〕He looks tough, but he's really very softhearted.他外表强硬,但其实心肠很软。韦氏高阶〔softie〕He may look tough, but he is really a softie at heart.他也许外表强硬,但其实心肠很软。韦氏高阶〔softly〕Her rather tough and worldly exterior hides a very soft and sensitive heart.她那强硬而世故的外表下掩藏着一颗温柔而敏感的心。柯林斯高阶〔speak〕He was a tough politician who wasn't afraid to speak his mind.他是个强硬的政治家,不怕说出自己的想法。朗文当代〔stance〕The state has adopted a hard-line stance against abortion.这个州在堕胎问题上持强硬的反对态度。牛津搭配〔stand〕His tough stand won some grudging admiration.他的强硬态度使得一些对他不满的人也不由得感到钦佩。柯林斯高阶〔stick〕The trade unions were afraid that the government would carry a big stick over them.工会担心政府会对他们采取强硬手段。 英汉大词典〔stiffly〕I wrote a stiffly worded letter of complaint to the council.我给委员会写了一封措词强硬的投诉信。剑桥高阶〔strong〕Their action would necessitate strong measures.他们的行为可能会迫使人们不得不采取强硬的措施。外研社新世纪〔talk tough〕He likes to talk tough, but he's really a sweetheart inside.他嘴上强硬,但其实内心很柔软。剑桥高阶〔terms〕We wish to protest in the strongest possible terms(= to say we are very angry).我们想要以最强硬的措辞抗议。牛津高阶〔territorial〕Both Chile and Argentina feel very strongly about their territorial claims to Antarctica.智利和阿根廷对于南极的领土主张都持强硬态度。柯林斯高阶〔time〕In her time at the United Nations she was considered a tough negotiator.她在联合国的时候,被认为是一个强硬的谈判对手。朗文当代〔timorous〕Some delegates believe the final declaration is likely to be too timorous.一些代表认为最后的声明可能不够强硬。柯林斯高阶〔toss〕He tossed at them a hardline speech.他冲着他们发表了一篇强硬讲话。英汉大词典〔tough〕She promised to get tough with people who claim benefits fraudulently.对…采取强硬措施;严肃处理麦克米伦高阶〔tough〕The EU is taking a tough line with the UK over this issue.欧盟在这一问题上对英国采取了强硬的态度。朗文当代〔tough〕Then this guy started acting tough.然后这个人的行为开始强硬了。牛津搭配〔translate〕Reforming Warsaw's stagnant economy requires harsh measures that would translate into job losses.重整华沙停滞的经济需要强硬措施,这会造成工作岗位的裁减。柯林斯高阶〔unbending〕He has earned a reputation as a stern and unbending politician.作为政治家,他以强硬和不妥协而闻名。剑桥高阶〔uncompromisingly〕Mrs Thatcher was a tough and uncompromising politician.撒切尔夫人是一位态度强硬、不轻易妥协的政治家。柯林斯高阶〔uncompromising〕Mrs Thatcher was a tough, uncompromising politician.撒切尔夫人是一位态度强硬、立场坚定的政治家。外研社新世纪〔unquestionably〕His strong views have unquestionably influenced others.他的强硬观点无疑影响了其他人。韦氏高阶〔vigorous〕The group is not vigorous enough in its opposition to the proposals.该团体对那些提案持异议,但态度不够强硬。牛津搭配〔why〕Experts wonder why the US government is not taking similarly strong actions against AIDS in this country.专家们对为什么美国政府没在这个国家采取类似的强硬措施来对抗艾滋病而感到疑惑。柯林斯高阶〔worded〕He wrote a strongly worded letter to them.他写了一封措辞强硬的信给他们。文馨英汉He found that a tough negotiating stance paid off.他发觉强硬的谈判态度取得了效果。剑桥国际In a carefully/strongly worded statement, Carlos denied all the allegations.在一份措辞谨慎/强硬的声明中,卡洛斯否认了所有的指控。剑桥国际She is a tough, no-nonsense manager.她是一位强硬的、做事直截了当的经理。牛津商务She is no shirker of a tough decision.她不是那种规避作出强硬决定的人。剑桥国际She's a tough-talking businesswoman (= one who uses strong and determined language).她是一个说话强硬坚决的女企业家。剑桥国际The group has taken a militant position on the abortion issue and is refusing to compromise.这个团体对人工流产问题采取强硬态度,拒绝妥协。剑桥国际The president is conventionally hawkish on foreign policy.总统通常在对外政策上十分强硬。剑桥国际There has been a hardening of government policy since the invasion.自从侵略以后政府的政策变得强硬化了。剑桥国际This hard attitude may have led to his undoing. 可能就是这种强硬的态度导致了他的垮台。译典通Tough economy measures in every area of the company should halve the losses.公司在各方面采取的强硬节约措施应可使亏损减半。牛津商务Tough measures need to be taken to protect the environment.必须采取强硬的措施来保护环境。剑桥国际Without realistic sanctions, some teachers have difficulty keeping order in the classroom.没有切实可行的强硬措施,有些教师很难维持课堂秩序。剑桥国际




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