

单词 强盗
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔Godforsaken〕a band of Godforsaken robbers 一伙罪恶的强盗英汉大词典〔ambush〕highwaymen ambuscading a stagecoach; 强盗们袭击了一辆驿车;美国传统〔armed〕an armed robber 带有凶器的强盗文馨英汉〔assimilate〕assimilate a conqueror to a robber 把征服者比作强盗英汉大词典〔assimilate〕to assimilate a conqueror to (或with) a robber把征服者比做强盗21世纪英汉〔band〕a band of robbers 一伙强盗文馨英汉〔batten〕robber barons who battened on the poor靠剥削穷人来养肥自己的强盗贵族21世纪英汉〔brigand〕a notorious brigand who hijacked trains劫持火车的臭名昭著的强盗外研社新世纪〔bumble〕a bumbling robber/man 笨手笨脚的强盗/男人韦氏高阶〔cheap〕a cheap gangster. 可鄙的强盗美国传统〔cops-and-robbers〕play cops-and-robbers 做“警察捉强盗”游戏英汉大词典〔desperate〕a desperate robber 胆大妄为的强盗英汉大词典〔facemask〕wore a facemask while diving; a skier's facemask; armed robbers who wore facemasks. 开车时带面罩;滑冰者的面罩;戴着面具的持械强盗美国传统〔game〕a game of cops and robbers 警察抓强盗的游戏牛津高阶〔heister〕a bank heister 抢银行的强盗英汉大词典〔interest〕a game of cops and robbers 警察抓强盗的游戏牛津高阶〔live〕a real live robber 真强盗文馨英汉〔loot〕thieves’ loot.强盗的掠夺物。牛津同义词〔nest〕a robbers' nest 强盗窝英汉大词典〔one-armed bandit〕a young woman feeding coins into a one-armed bandit向独臂强盗里塞硬币的年轻女人外研社新世纪〔pad〕a gentleman (或knight, squire) of the pad 剪径强盗英汉大词典〔play〕decided to play along with the robbers for a while. 决定暂时与强盗合作美国传统〔profiteer〕a new social class composed largely of war profiteers and gangsters. 主要由战争投机商和强盗组成的新的社会阶层柯林斯高阶〔profiteer〕a new social class composed largely of war profiteers and gangsters主要由战争投机商和强盗组成的新的社会阶层外研社新世纪〔robber baron〕the vast wealth accumulated by America's robber barons from industry and transport. 美国的强盗资本家从工业和交通业上积累的巨大财富柯林斯高阶〔robber〕a bank robber 抢劫银行的强盗朗文当代〔sandbag〕to sandbag a robber用沙袋把强盗击昏21世纪英汉〔tackle〕run, tackle, and throw a robber 追上去把强盗揪住并摔倒英汉大词典〔unarmed〕an unarmed spotter plane; unarmed robbery. 不配备武器的弹着观察机;被缴械的强盗美国传统




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