

单词 强有力
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BRAVE/NOT BRAVE〕What we need is a strong leader, someone who is bold enough to make tough decisions. 我们需要一位强有力的领导人,一个敢作艰难决定的人。朗文写作活用〔DEFEND〕Pacheco gave a vigorous defense of the state's affirmative action laws. 帕切科为该州的积极行动法作了强有力的辩护。朗文写作活用〔NEED/NECESSARY〕The country is crying out for strong leadership. 国家急需强有力的领导。朗文写作活用〔PROVE〕There is strong evidence to suggest that the Great Barrier Reef will have disappeared in 20 years time. 强有力的证据表明,澳大利亚大堡礁将在20年内消失。朗文写作活用〔TURN〕The blades of the helicopter whirled powerfully overhead. 直升机的螺旋桨叶在头顶上强有力地旋转着。朗文写作活用〔ably〕He has very ably demonstrated what a complex issue this is.他强有力地证明了这是个多么复杂的问题。外研社新世纪〔argument〕The committee presented strong arguments against building a new school.委员会摆出了强有力的理由,反对建新学校。韦氏高阶〔asset〕Her direct and forceful manner is considered an asset in political circles.她那种直率、强有力的作风在政界被视为一种优点。外研社新世纪〔campaign〕The party campaigned vigorously in the north of the country.该党在本国北部展开了强有力的竞选运动。牛津高阶〔centralize〕We believe in a strong centralized state.我们认为建立强有力的集权国家是对的。外研社新世纪〔cogency〕The film makes its points with cogency and force.影片强有力地阐明了主旨。外研社新世纪〔combine〕Their system seems to combine the two ideals of strong government and proportional representation.他们的体制似乎是强有力的政府和比例代表制的完美结合。柯林斯高阶〔conviction〕They need strong evidence to secure a conviction.要想定罪,他们需要强有力的证据。牛津搭配〔demiurge〕A powerful creative force or personality.强有力者:强有力的创造力量或人物美国传统〔demonstration〕This is a powerful demonstration of what can be achieved with new technology.这强有力地证明了使用新技术所能取得的成就。麦克米伦高阶〔dynamic〕Profits have doubled under his dynamic leadership.在他的强有力的领导下,利润翻了一番。麦克米伦高阶〔effective〕Long prison sentences can be a very effective deterrent for offenders.判处长期监禁可对违法者起到强有力的威慑作用。牛津高阶〔elbow〕The President needs a strong political adviser at his elbow.总统身边需要一位强有力的政治顾问。英汉大词典〔endorsement〕This is a powerful endorsement for his softer style of government.这是对他较温和的执政风格强有力的支持。柯林斯高阶〔fierce〕She's a fierce competitor.她是一个强有力的竞争者。韦氏高阶〔firm〕What this country needs is firm leadership.这个国家需要的是强有力的领导层。朗文当代〔forceful〕He gained a reputation as a forceful member of the party.他获得如许名声: 是说话强有力的党员。朗文当代〔forceful〕The opposition leader led a very forceful attack on the government in parliament this morning.反对党领袖今天上午在议会对政府发起了强有力的抨击。剑桥高阶〔game〕The world No. 9 had to raise his game to see off a strong challenge from Dale.这位世界排名第九的选手必须有更出色的表现才能击退戴尔强有力的挑战。柯林斯高阶〔government〕We need strong government to take the country through this crisis.我们需要靠强有力的政府管理使国家渡过这次危机。牛津搭配〔grip〕The church no longer has a strong grip on the population.教会再也不能强有力地控制民众了。麦克米伦高阶〔groundswell〕There is undoubtedly a groundswell of support for the idea of a strong central authority.支持强有力的中央集权的呼声无疑在高涨。外研社新世纪〔groundswell〕There is undoubtedly a groundswell of support for the idea of a strong central authority.毋庸置疑,拥护强有力的中央集权的呼声越来越高。柯林斯高阶〔hand〕A strong hand reached out and caught hold of her arm.一只强有力的手伸过来抓住了她的胳膊。牛津搭配〔hard-hitting〕Effective; forceful.有效的;强有力的美国传统〔imbalance〕Vigorous action is needed to address global imbalances.需要采取强有力的行动来解决全球失衡问题。牛津搭配〔inducement〕A large, open market is a strong inducement to foreign investment.一个开放的大市场会强有力地刺激外国投资。外研社新世纪〔interlocking〕The fish has strong jaws and sharp interlocking teeth.这种鱼有强有力的颚和相互咬合的尖利牙齿。剑桥高阶〔leadership〕It's a crisis that requires strong leadership.处理这次危机要求有强有力的领导才能。牛津搭配〔leadership〕Strong leadership is needed to captain the team.担任这个队的队长需要强有力的领导才能。牛津高阶〔leadership〕What most people want to see is determined, decisive action and firm leadership.大多数人希望看到的是果决的行动和强有力的领导作风。柯林斯高阶〔leadership〕What this country needs is the exercise of strong leadership! 这个国家所需要的是实施强有力的领导!韦氏高阶〔lobby〕The Prime Minister has to face powerful colonial lobbies in parliament.首相不得不面对议院内强有力的殖民利益院外活动集团。英汉大词典〔management〕A stronger management is needed.必须有一个更强有力的管理部门。英汉大词典〔management〕The project needs stronger management.这一项目需要更强有力的管理。牛津搭配〔man〕It's a powerful indictment of the horrors of war and man's inhumanity to man.这是对战争的恐怖以及人与人之间非人行径的强有力控诉。牛津搭配〔message〕This is sending a strong message about the importance of climate change.这是在发出强有力的信息:气候变化十分重要。牛津搭配〔mount〕They mounted a powerful attack on the government.他们对政府发动强有力的攻击。文馨英汉〔nearness〕That victory put the Ukrainians beyond the reach of their nearest challengers, Dynamo Moscow.本场胜利使乌克兰人甩开了最强有力的对手,莫斯科迪那摩队。柯林斯高阶〔opponent〕She is a formidable opponent in the race for senator.她是参议员竞选中一位强有力的竞争者。韦氏高阶〔ordain〕There is strong support here for the tough economic reforms ordained in the federal capital, Prague.这里的人们坚决支持由联邦首都布拉格下令进行的强有力的经济改革。剑桥高阶〔permanganate〕Any of the salts of permanganic acid, all of which are strong oxidizing agents.高锰酸盐:任一种高锰酸类盐,它们都是强有力的氧化剂美国传统〔play〕Play up your strongest arguments in the opening paragraph.在第一段中要突出最强有力的论据。朗文当代〔potent〕Possessing inner or physical strength; powerful.强有力的:具有内在的或身体力量的;强壮有力的美国传统〔potent〕Surprise remains the terrorists' most potent weapon.突袭仍是恐怖分子最强有力的武器。剑桥高阶〔powerfully〕Ballack struck the free-kick powerfully at Rost.巴拉克一记强有力的任意球射向罗斯特。外研社新世纪〔powerful〕The aardvark uses its powerful claws to dig for food.食蚁兽用它那强有力的爪子挖食。韦氏高阶〔presumption〕There is a strong presumption against changes in the common law.有强有力的根据反对修改普通法。牛津搭配〔project〕He just hasn't been able to project himself as the strong leader.他根本没能表现出一个强有力的领导者的样子。柯林斯高阶〔put/place your faith in sth/sb〕Some people put their faith in strong leaders rather than sound policies.一些人相信强有力的领导者,而不是健全的政策。剑桥高阶〔put〕To lay out the facts of a situation to (another) in a forceful, candid manner.直率地摆明情况:以一种强有力的、直率的态度向(另外的人)摆出形势的实际情况美国传统〔racist〕He has a hard core of support among white racists.他得到了白人种族主义者强有力的支持。柯林斯高阶〔redoubt〕From these redoubts, the army carried on vigorous resistance against the aggressors.从这些棱堡,军队对侵略者进行了强有力的抵抗。英汉大词典〔reinforce〕This report strongly reinforces the view that the system must be changed.这份报告强有力地证实了必须进行制度改革的观点。牛津搭配〔resound〕The room began to resound with his powerful voice.房间开始回荡起他强有力的声音。外研社新世纪〔retreat〕A successful executive retreat can be a powerful tool for addressing changing business conditions.成功的高级管理人员静修可以成为应对不断变化的商业环境的强有力工具。牛津搭配〔serious〕The team is a serious contender for the championship.这支队是强有力的冠军争夺者。韦氏高阶〔shipping〕The Greeks are still powerful players in world shipping.希腊人依然是世界航运业强有力的竞争者。外研社新世纪〔spurt〕To make a brief intense effort.突然加速努力:进行简短的强有力的努力美国传统〔stigma〕There is a strong argument for remaining an unmarried mother. There's no stigma attached any more.有强有力的理由来支持未婚妈妈。这再也不是什么丢脸的事了。柯林斯高阶〔storm〕To blow forcefully.强有力地吹美国传统〔strong-minded〕Having a vigorous, independent mind.有主见的:有强有力的、独立的思想的美国传统〔strongly〕The testimony presented offered a strong case for acquitting her on grounds of self-defense.当庭的证词为裁定她是正当防卫而无罪提供了强有力的证据。柯林斯高阶〔strong〕The testimony presented offered a strong case for acquitting her on grounds of self-defense.当庭证词为判定她属正当防卫而无罪提供了强有力的证据。外研社新世纪〔strong〕We will need strong policies if our economic problems are to be solved.要解决我们的经济问题,需要采取强有力的政策。剑桥高阶〔support〕The bill won strong support in London.该法案在伦敦赢得了强有力的支持。麦克米伦高阶〔turn-off〕This system may provide a powerful tool for adults who find computers a turn-off yet need to learn to use them.这个系统可能会成为那些对电脑没兴趣但又需要学的成年人强有力的工具。剑桥高阶〔tycoon〕A wealthy and powerful businessperson or industrialist; a magnate.巨头:富有的、强有力的商人或工业家;大亨美国传统〔unite〕Party members will unite behind a stronger candidate.政党成员们将团结在更强有力的候选人周围。麦克米伦高阶〔virility〕Masculine vigor; potency.刚强有力;男性性交能力美国传统〔weapon〕Group pressure is the most powerful weapon we have.团队的压力是我们最强有力的武器。麦克米伦高阶〔whirlpool〕A magnetic, impelling force into which one may be pulled.磁力:一种可能会使物体拉进去的磁性的、强有力的力量美国传统〔wrist〕He has wrists of steel.他有一副钢铁般强有力的手腕。英汉大词典〔wrist〕Strong fingers encircled her tiny wrists.强有力的手指箍着她那细小的手腕。牛津搭配〔youth〕The show sends a strong message to the youth of America.这场演出向美国的年轻人传达出一条强有力的讯息。韦氏高阶Dynamite is a powerful explosive. 炸药是一种强有力的爆炸物。译典通For him this is a no-lose campaign--he will become either vice president-elect or a much stronger presidential contender for the next election.对他来说这是一次有利无弊的竞选----他要么当选为副总统,要么成为下一届竞选中更强有力的总统竞争者。剑桥国际He has a cast-iron (=very strong) alibi--he was in hospital the week of the murder.他有强有力的不在现场的证据----发生谋杀的那一周他在住院。剑桥国际He is a potent ruler. 他是一个强有力的统治者。译典通He was a good strong leader, she said, who deserved his party's unreserved support.她说,他是一个很好的强有力的领导人, 值得全党一致的支持。剑桥国际Her husband's strength acts as a foil to her impetuousness.她那强有力的丈夫更突出了她的冲动急躁。剑桥国际His caustic/cutting/savage (= cruelly clever) wit comes through strongly in his writing.他的辛辣风趣强有力地体现在他所写的文章中。剑桥国际McDonald built up a strong queenside attack/defence.麦克唐纳德布了强有力的后翼攻击/防御。剑桥国际She is viewed (= considered) as a strong candidate for the job.她被认为是那份工作强有力的人选。剑桥国际She's an extremely powerful runner.她是个非常强有力的赛跑运动员。剑桥国际Some people put their faith in strong leaders rather than sound policies.一些人更加信任强有力的领导,而不是健全的政策。剑桥国际Strong and effective leadership might have made the team more successful.强有力的领导可能会使队伍更成功。剑桥国际The concert hall resonated with the power of the tenor's last notes.音乐厅中回荡着男高音强有力的余音。剑桥国际The decision has been made to deploy (= put into position ready to be used) extra troops/more powerful weapons.已作出决定,要部署额外的部队/更多强有力的武器。剑桥国际The farmers’smouldering resentment has finally developed into a powerful protest movement.农民们郁积的愤恨最终发展成一股强有力的抗议运动。剑桥国际The film has some very powerful visual imagery.这部电影具有一些极为强有力的视觉形象。剑桥国际The group flourished under her firm leadership.在她强有力的领导下该集团得到迅速发展。剑桥国际The opposition leader led a very forceful attack on the government in parliament this morning.今天上午反对党领袖在国会上挑起了对政府强有力的攻击。剑桥国际The pictures were an eloquent reminder of the power of the volcano.这些照片强有力地提醒人们火山的巨大威力。剑桥国际We need a mayor who is tough enough to clean up this town (=remove illegal or dishonest activity from it).我们需要一个强有力的市长能清除这个城市的违法犯罪活动。剑桥国际




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