

单词 小病
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ILL/SICK〕She's a bit of a hypochondriac - always looking up her minor illnesses in a medical book. 她有点像疑病症患者,总是为了一点小毛小病就去翻查医学书。朗文写作活用〔ILLNESS/DISEASE〕Minor illnesses such as colds are usually best left to get better by themselves. 像感冒这种小病一般最好让它自己好起来。朗文写作活用〔ILLNESS/DISEASE〕Patients who often complain of minor ailments might have something more important on their minds. 经常述说患有各种小病痛的人可能在为某种更严重的病而担忧。朗文写作活用〔In this regard/respect〕The problem usually goes away on its own, but in this case you may need to see a doctor.这种小病通常会不治而愈,但是你这种情况可能需要去看医生。韦氏高阶〔PROTECT〕Vitamin C provides some protection against minor illnesses. 维生素C可以在某种程度上保护人们免患小病。朗文写作活用〔TALK〕Michele sat there chattering about her minor ailments to anyone who would listen. 米歇尔坐在那里,对任何愿意听的人唠叨着她的小病痛。朗文写作活用〔afoot〕She is afoot again, after her short illness.小病之后,她又起床活动了。英汉大词典〔bug〕He caught some kind of bug from the other kids at school.他在学校被别的孩子传染上了一种小病。韦氏高阶〔bug〕I picked up a bug last weekend.上个周末我生了一场小病。朗文当代〔bug〕Was your illness any serious or did you just have a bug or something? 你得的是重病还是只不过是小毛小病? 英汉大词典〔bug〕You must have picked up a bug on holiday.得小病麦克米伦高阶〔course〕With minor ailments the best thing is often to let nature take its course.对于小病,往往最好是听其自然。牛津高阶〔cure〕People who visited the shrine were miraculously cured of their ailments.到过圣地朝圣的那些人身上的小病小痛都奇迹般地治愈了。外研社新世纪〔hearty〕I was pleased to see him hearty again after his recent brush with sickness.我很高兴地看到他从前段时间的小病中恢复过来, 身子骨硬实了。外研社新世纪〔illness〕Badly fed children suffer a lot of minor illnesses.饮食不良的孩子常常闹些小病。牛津搭配〔ill〕Don't visit doctors too often for minor ills.别为了一些小毛小病动不动就去看医生。英汉大词典〔ill〕Many elderly patients die because, with a reduced immunity, winter ills too readily become pneumonia.很多老年病人死亡是由于免疫力降低使冬季的小病极易变成肺炎。外研社新世纪〔indisposition〕A minor ailment.不舒服:微恙或小病美国传统〔lump〕Rashes, boils and lumps caused by insect bites or parasites can be more than a passing problem.由昆虫叮咬或寄生虫导致的皮疹、疖子及肿块可能并不是能扛过去的小病。外研社新世纪〔lurgy〕I've caught some kind of lurgy.我有点小病。牛津高阶〔lurgy〕It's the dreaded lurgy! 就是那种吓人的小病!牛津高阶〔minor〕Sarah had been plagued continually by a series of minor illnesses.萨拉一直小病缠身。柯林斯高阶〔palliate〕To relieve the symptoms of a disease or disorder.减轻:减轻疾病或小病的征兆美国传统〔palliative〕Relieving or soothing the symptoms of a disease or disorder without effecting a cure.治标的,不治本的:用以减缓疾病或小病的征兆的,不受影响治疗美国传统〔parvo〕A parvovirus.细小病毒,小脱氧核糖核酸病毒美国传统〔pip〕Slang A minor, unspecified human ailment.【俚语】 小病,微恙:人类的小病或无以名状的毛病美国传统〔pitch〕The drug has been pitched as a treatment for many ailments.广告宣传这种药能治许多小病。韦氏高阶People under a lot of stress may experience headaches, minor pains and sleeping difficulties.承受很多压力的人会有头疼、小病痛和失眠。剑桥国际




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