

单词 小玩意儿
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BUY〕It's just a little thing I picked up when I was in Kathmandu. 那不过是我在加德满都时碰巧买到的小玩意儿。朗文写作活用〔attach〕The gadget can be attached to any vertical surface.这小玩意儿可以粘在任何垂直表面上。柯林斯高阶〔bauble〕A small, showy ornament of little value; a trinket.小玩意:花哨的小玩意儿;小玩具美国传统〔doodad〕An unnamed or nameless gadget or trinket.小玩意:叫不出名目或没有名目的小装置或小玩意儿美国传统〔doodah〕The car has all the latest electronic doodahs.这辆车配有各种最新的电子小玩意儿。柯林斯高阶〔doohickey〕An unnamed gadget or trinket.小玩意:叫不出名目的小器件或小玩意儿美国传统〔doohickey〕I can't figure out how to operate that doohickey.我搞不懂怎么开动那个小玩意儿。英汉大词典〔equip〕They are obsessed with trying to equip their vehicles with gadgets.他们痴迷于给自己的汽车装配各种小玩意儿。外研社新世纪〔gadgeteer〕A person who designs, builds, or delights in the use of gadgets.爱摆弄小玩意儿的人:设计、制造或喜爱使用小巧机械的人美国传统〔gaud〕A gaudy or showy ornament or trinket.俗不可耐的小玩意儿:一种炫丽或耀眼的装饰品或小饰物美国传统〔gewgaw〕A decorative trinket; a bauble.小玩意儿:装饰用的小摆设;美观的便宜货美国传统〔gimcrack〕A cheap and showy object of little or no use; a gewgaw.华而不实:便宜而花哨的东西,几乎或根本没用;小玩意儿美国传统〔gimmick〕An innovative or unusual mechanical contrivance; a gadget.小新发明:一种创新的和特别的机械发明;小玩意儿美国传统〔good〕This gadget isn't much good.这小玩意儿没多大用处。牛津高阶〔great〕This gadget's great for opening jars.这小玩意儿开广口瓶挺好。牛津高阶〔jigger〕Informal An article or a device, the name of which eludes one.【非正式用语】 小玩意儿:一种名称不为人所知的物品或设备美国传统〔just〕This gadget is just the thing for getting those nails out.这小玩意儿用来起那些钉子正合适。牛津高阶〔knack〕A knickknack.小玩意儿美国传统〔knick-knack〕The shelves were covered with ornaments and useless knick-knacks.架子上满是装饰品和一些无用的小玩意儿。剑桥高阶〔knickknack〕A small ornamental article; a trinket.小装饰物;小玩意儿美国传统〔novelty〕A Christmas cracker usually contains a paper hat, a joke, and a novelty.圣诞节彩包爆竹中通常装有纸帽、笑话和新颖的小玩意儿。剑桥高阶〔novelty〕At Easter, we give them plastic eggs filled with small toys, novelties and coins.复活节时,我们给他们分发塑料彩蛋,里面装着小玩具、新颖的小玩意儿和硬币。柯林斯高阶〔odds and ends〕She spent the day sorting through a box full of odds and ends.她花一天工夫整理装满小玩意儿的箱子。牛津高阶〔pitchman〕A hawker of small wares, as on the streets or at a carnival.摊贩:街头或狂欢节上卖小玩意儿的商贩美国传统〔shelling〕I collect shells and interesting seaside items.我收集贝壳和海边有趣的小玩意儿。柯林斯高阶〔shell〕I collect shells and interesting seaside items.我收集贝壳和海边有趣的小玩意儿。外研社新世纪〔that〕It's just a gimmick. That said, I'd love to do it.这只是个小玩意儿。虽然如此,我很想做。英汉大词典〔thing〕It's one of those gadget things, isn't it? 这是那种小玩意儿,不是吗?麦克米伦高阶〔toy〕He bought a new TV and a few other toys.他买了一台新电视和其他一些小玩意儿。韦氏高阶〔trifle〕He had no money to spare on trifles.他没有闲钱买些小玩意儿。柯林斯高阶〔trifle〕I brought a few trifles back from India - pieces of jewellery and fabric mainly.我从印度带回了几样小玩意儿——主要是些首饰和布料。剑桥高阶〔trifle〕I want you to accept this trifle.我要你收下这个小玩意儿。英汉大词典〔waste〕He always wasted his money on useless gadgets.他总是把钱浪费在那些没用的小玩意儿上。韦氏高阶〔whatnot〕A minor or unspecified object or article.小玩意儿:小的或不可名状的物品美国传统〔whatnot〕It's a new firm. They make toys and whatnot.这是家新的公司。他们制作玩具和别的小玩意儿。牛津高阶〔whatsit〕Try and undo the screw to get the whatsit off.试着松开螺丝,把那个小玩意儿拆下来。朗文当代〔what〕What's this gadget for? 这个小玩意儿是干什么用的?朗文当代〔widget〕The secret is a little widget in the can.奥秘在于易拉罐中的一个小玩意儿。柯林斯高阶〔worldly〕The boy got out his worldly wealth — bits of toys, marbles and trash.那男孩把他的全部家当搬了出来——几件小玩意儿、几粒弹子以及一些破烂。英汉大词典I bought some novelties on the boardwalk. 我在海滨人行道上买了一些新颖的小玩意儿。译典通I brought a few trifles back from India -- bits of jewellery and material mainly.我从印度带回几样小玩意儿----主要是一些饰物和布料。剑桥国际She likes those clever little gadgets. 她喜爱那些做得很巧妙的小玩意儿。译典通They sell toys, books and novelties.他们出售玩具、书籍和小玩意儿。牛津商务




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