

单词 对合
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHEAP〕There's a special ticket that means you can see six concerts, which is definitely good value for money. 有一种特别的票可以让你看六场音乐会,绝对合算。朗文写作活用〔ENTER〕The bill would have cut off government aid even to legal immigrants. 这个议案甚至削减了对合法移民的政府补助。朗文写作活用〔JOB〕You are advised to seek professional legal advice if in any doubt about the contract details. 如对合同细则有任何疑问,应该寻求专业法律咨询。朗文写作活用〔RESULT〕The company is interested in the merger: many positive things could come of it. 该公司对合并很感兴趣:许多有建设性的事都因合并而产生。朗文写作活用〔SATISFIED/NOT SATISFIED〕Marshall was not content with the draft of the contract. 马歇尔对合同草案不满意。朗文写作活用〔UNSUITABLE〕They were both strong, vital people, but they made an ill-matched couple. 他们两个都是坚强、充满活力的人,但却是一对合不来的夫妻。朗文写作活用〔be worth your/its weight in gold〕Boys who can sing like that are worth their weight in gold to the choir.唱得那么好的男孩对合唱队来说是非常有价值的。剑桥高阶〔cap〕The law would cap legal immigration.这部法律将对合法移民加以限制。韦氏高阶〔detail〕They're still arguing over the details of the contract.他们仍在对合同的细节争执不休。牛津搭配〔disquisition〕Amanda launched into an authoritative disquisition about contracts.阿曼达开始对合同问题作权威性的阐述。外研社新世纪〔expense〕You can claim back the tax on legitimate business expenses.你可以索回对合法营业支出所课的税。牛津搭配〔legally〕What I did was perfectly legal.我所做的绝对合法。柯林斯高阶〔legitimate〕Is his business strictly legitimate? 他的生意是否绝对合法?牛津高阶〔object〕Robson strongly objected to the terms of the contract.罗布森强烈反对合同中的条款。朗文当代〔query〕Give us a ring if you have any queries about the contract.如果你对合同有任何疑问,请给我们打电话。朗文当代〔reservation〕I have certain reservations regarding several of the clauses in the contract.我对合同中的几项条款持保留意见。牛津搭配〔teacher〕There is a growing need for qualified teachers of Business English.对合格的商务英语教师的需求日益增长。牛津高阶〔term〕She objected to the terms of the contract.她反对合约的条款。韦氏高阶〔underwrite〕To insure against losses totaling (a given amount).承保:对合计(给定数量)的损失进行保险美国传统〔waste〕Agreat deal of time was wasted arguing over the details of the contract.许多时间被浪费在对合同细节的争论上。麦克米伦高阶〔well-known〕Our argument against the merger is well known to the company.我们反对合并的理由在公司已人人皆知了。麦克米伦高阶He seemed quite interested in sharing the house to start with, but he pulled back from it when it was time to sign the lease.他开始似乎对合住房子很感兴趣,可是到了签字时却改变了主意。剑桥国际Shareholders gave a cautious thumbs up to the merger.股东对合并表示谨慎同意。牛津商务She fell out of favour with (= She was no longer liked or supported by) her union over a dispute about contracts.在对合同发生争执之后,她不再受到她的组织的青睐了。剑桥国际The court issued a temporary injunction against the takeover.法院对合并颁布了一项临时禁制令。牛津商务They claimed that the actions of the other party to the contract had voided (= removed the legal force from) the agreement.他们声称对方对合同采取的行动已经使得协议失去效力。剑桥国际




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