

单词 当啷
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SHAKE〕Just then we heard the rattle of a key in the lock. 就在那时,我们听到了丁零当啷的开锁声。朗文写作活用〔SHAKE〕The windows were rattling in the wind. 窗户被风吹得当啷作响。朗文写作活用〔SOUND〕I heard the rattle of a key in the door, and knew David was home. 我听到门上有钥匙在丁零当啷地响,就知道是戴维回来了。朗文写作活用〔SOUND〕The train's carriages clanked and rattled as it crept into the station. 列车徐徐驶进车站,车厢发出当啷响。朗文写作活用〔SOUND〕Then I heard the clanking of the metal gates outside, followed by footsteps on the path. 接着我听到外面铁门当啷一声,随后小路上响起了脚步声。朗文写作活用〔bang〕I could hear her in the kitchen banging about (= doing things noisily).我能听见她在厨房里弄得当啷乱响。剑桥高阶〔clank〕A pan rattled and clanked.平底锅当啷当啷地响。外研社新世纪〔clank〕Streetcars now clanked along the snowy streets.有轨电车当啷当啷地沿着积雪的街道驶过。外研社新世纪〔clank〕The radiator hissed and clanked.散热器发出咝咝声和当啷声。韦氏高阶〔clank〕The train clanked in.火车当啷当啷地进站。英汉大词典〔clash〕She clashed the cymbals.她当啷一声敲响铙钹。牛津高阶〔clash〕The golden bangles on her arms clashed and jingled.她手臂上的金手镯丁零当啷地响。柯林斯高阶〔clash〕The saucepans clashed as he piled them into the sink.他把那些煮锅堆放进水槽时,锅子相互碰撞当啷作响。剑桥高阶〔clatter〕He dropped the knife and it clattered on the stone floor.他一失手,刀子当啷一声掉到石头地面上。牛津高阶〔clatter〕The knife clattered noisily to the floor.刀子当啷一声掉到了地板上。牛津搭配〔clatter〕They clattered the dishes in the sink.他们当啷当啷地在水槽里洗盆子。英汉大词典〔dray〕There was a great clatter of hooves and chains as a dray arrived in the yard.院子里驶来了一辆大马车, 马蹄和缰链碰撞发出很大的当啷当啷的响声。外研社新世纪〔jangle〕He jangled the keys in his pocket.他把兜里的钥匙弄得丁零当啷乱响。牛津高阶〔jangle〕Jane took out her keys and jangled them.简掏出钥匙丁零当啷地晃着。柯林斯高阶〔jangle〕The shop bell jangled loudly.商店的钟发出丁零当啷的巨大响声。牛津高阶〔jar〕The bell jarred in the necromancer's hand, becoming suddenly shrill and raucous.铃铛在巫师的手中丁零当啷地响着, 声音突然间变得尖厉刺耳。外研社新世纪〔limp〕His hand went limp and the knife clattered to the ground.他的手一软,刀子当啷一声掉到地上。牛津高阶〔rattle〕He came up the drive, rattling a bunch of keys.他从私家车道上走过来,手里当啷当啷地晃着一串钥匙。麦克米伦高阶〔rattle〕The wind blew hard.The doors and windows rattled all night.狂风大作。门窗丁零当啷地响了一夜。21世纪英汉〔tinkle〕A coin fell tinkling on to the pavement.一个硬币当啷一声掉在人行道上。英汉大词典I heard the clank of buckets as the farm workers went to milk the cows.我听到农场工人去挤牛奶时牛奶桶发出的当啷声。剑桥国际My bike chain was clanking in an alarming way as I pedalled along.我骑车时,自行车的链条发出吓人的当啷声。剑桥国际The bell jangled. 铃叮铃当啷响了。译典通The door opened with a heavy clang. 门当啷一声打开了。译典通The gate shut with a dull clank.随着一声沉闷的当啷声,大门给关上了。剑桥国际The heavy iron door clanked shut behind me.沉重的铁门当啷一声在我身后关闭了。剑桥国际Whenever their team scored a goal, they leapt up and down and clanked their beer cans together.每当他们支持的球队进了一个球,他们就欢欣跳跃,用啤酒罐当啷碰杯。剑桥国际




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