

单词 很多人
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CROWD〕I don't go to football games because I don't like big crowds. 我不去看足球比赛是因为我不喜欢很多人挤在一起。朗文写作活用〔DISAPPROVE〕A lot of people now think that killing animals for food is wrong. 现在有很多人认为把动物杀了吃是不道德的。朗文写作活用〔LIVE〕These days people often live together before getting married. 现在很多人都是先同居后结婚。朗文写作活用〔about〕There's a lot of flu about (= many people have it) at the moment.目前这一带很多人患流感。剑桥高阶〔barge in〕We can't have a lot of people barging in.我们不允许很多人闯进来。21世纪英汉〔body〕A substantial body of opinion (= a large group of people with the same opinion) is opposed to any change.很多人反对作任何变动。剑桥高阶〔caring〕Many of the caring professions are badly paid.护理行业中很多人报酬都很低。朗文当代〔chance〕They were crammed so tight that many stood no chance of escaping.他们被紧紧地挤在一起, 很多人都没有逃脱的机会。外研社新世纪〔collateral〕Many people use personal assets as collateral for small business loans.很多人把个人财产用作小额商业贷款的抵押品。外研社新世纪〔come〕We expect to come up against a lot of opposition to the plan.我们预料这个计划会遭到很多人的反对。牛津高阶〔commercially〕There's a feeling among a lot of people that music has become too commercial.很多人都觉得音乐变得过于商业化了。柯林斯高阶〔consult〕It was no secret that he consulted for many people and organizations.他给很多人和机构提供过咨询服务, 这不是什么秘密。外研社新世纪〔desire〕Many people desire wealth.很多人都渴望拥有财富。韦氏高阶〔despite〕Despite repeated assurances that the product is safe, many people have stopped buying it.尽管已反复保证了该产品的安全性,很多人还是不再购买。剑桥高阶〔despot〕He was a successful basketball coach, but many people regarded him as a petty despot.他是个成功的篮球教练,但很多人视他为小霸王。韦氏高阶〔dicriminalize〕Marijuana is so common in the U.S. that many want to decriminalize it.抽大麻在美国相当普遍,以致很多人提议对此免刑或减刑。21世纪英汉〔dirty〕Many people think that the race has been a dirty event for years.很多人认为参加这一比赛的运动员多年来一直使用禁药。朗文当代〔dispossess〕The new regime dispossessed many people of their land.新政权剥夺了很多人的土地。韦氏高阶〔doubt〕No doubt many will regard these as harsh words, but regrettably they are true.固然会有很多人认为这些话过于刻薄,但是遗憾的是这些都是真话。柯林斯高阶〔dunk〕Many people dunk their foods in coffee, tea or milk.很多人在咖啡、茶或牛奶里蘸东西吃。柯林斯高阶〔education〕Many people lack the education and training that is needed for these jobs.很多人缺少从事这些工作需要的教育和培训。牛津搭配〔epidemic〕Poverty in this country has reached epidemic proportions .这个国家很多人处于贫困之中。剑桥高阶〔eventual〕There are many who believe that civil war will be the eventual outcome of the racial tension in the country.有很多人相信,该国种族关系的紧张最终将导致内战。柯林斯高阶〔excuse〕Many people might have excused them for shirking some of their responsibilities.很多人可能已经原谅了他们逃避责任的行为。柯林斯高阶〔existing〕The existing laws covering libel in this country are thought by many to be inadequate.很多人认为,这个国家现行的有关诽谤罪的法律很不完善。剑桥高阶〔extreme〕Many thought that the punishment was too extreme for the crime.很多人认为对那条罪行的处罚过重。韦氏高阶〔failing〕Like many in Russia, she blamed the country's failings on futile attempts to catch up with the West.像俄罗斯很多人一样, 她认为国家的错误就在于徒然地竭力追赶西方。外研社新世纪〔failing〕Like many in Russia, she blamed the country's failings on futile attempts to catch up with the West.像俄罗斯很多人一样,她认为国家的错误就在于徒然地竭力追赶西方。柯林斯高阶〔festive season〕For many of us, the festive season can be one of the most stressful times of the year.对我们很多人来说, 圣诞期间可能是一年中压力最大的时候。外研社新世纪〔firingsquad〕Many died in front of the firing squad.很多人死在行刑队的枪口下。牛津搭配〔flying〕Quite a lot of people are still nervous about flying.很多人现在仍旧害怕乘飞机。朗文当代〔follow〕A large number of people followed Chairman Mao.很多人拥护毛主席。外研社新世纪〔guess〕My guess is that there won't be many people there today.我猜今天那里不会有很多人。朗文当代〔hand-to-mouth〕Low wages mean a hand-to-mouth existence for many people.低收入对很多人来说意味着紧巴巴的生活。剑桥高阶〔heartland〕For many, the essence of French living is to be found in the rural heartlands.很多人认为法国生活的精髓只有深入乡村腹地才能找到。外研社新世纪〔hoodwink〕Many people are hoodwinked by the so-called beauty industry.有很多人被所谓的美容业欺骗了。外研社新世纪〔influence〕I have rather a large influence over a good many people.我对很多人都有相当大的影响力。柯林斯高阶〔innovation〕Many people feel bewildered by the speed of technological innovation .很多人对技术革新的速度感到不知所措。朗文当代〔intercession〕Many claimed to have been cured as a result of the Madonna's intercessions.很多人声称他们被治愈是圣母马利亚代他们祈祷的应验。柯林斯高阶〔interpretation〕It is difficult for many people to accept a literal interpretation of the Bible.很多人觉得难以接受对圣经的字面诠释。剑桥高阶〔jump on〕A lot of people jumped on me about that.很多人就那件事情指责我。外研社新世纪〔know〕Lots of people know her as a very kind woman.很多人认为她是个非常善良的女人。外研社新世纪〔lead〕Many others followed his lead.很多人以他为榜样。外研社新世纪〔light-hearted〕There have been many attempts, both light-hearted and serious, to locate the Loch Ness Monster.有很多人或随意或认真地尝试过,想要找到尼斯湖水怪。柯林斯高阶〔many〕There were not very many people present.没有很多人在场。英汉大词典〔minute〕At this very minute there are many people who are starving.现在这时刻就有很多人在挨饿。文馨英汉〔new〕Despite his six years in politics, he was still regarded by many as the new kid on the block.尽管他已经从政六年,但很多人仍把他视为初出茅庐。牛津高阶〔number〕There must be any number of people in my position.一定有很多人处在我这种境况。柯林斯高阶〔official〕The official explanation is that he hurt himself accidentally, but many people suspect that he was injured in a fight.官方解释说他是意外自伤,但是很多人都怀疑他是在打斗中受的伤。韦氏高阶〔pacification〕Many died in the years before pacification.很多人在事情平息的几年前就死去了。韦氏高阶〔passing〕His passing will be mourned by many people.将有很多人哀悼他的离世。外研社新世纪〔pithily〕Many of them made a point of praising the film's pithy dialogue.他们中很多人特别赞扬了影片精炼的对白。柯林斯高阶〔pithy〕Many of them made a point of praising the film's pithy dialogue.他们中很多人特别赞扬了影片精炼的对白。外研社新世纪〔plenty〕Plenty of people have come.来了很多人。英汉大词典〔pool〕During winter, many people swim and the pool is crowded.冬天里, 很多人来游泳, 游泳池里很拥挤。外研社新世纪〔pray〕Many were secretly praying for a compromise.很多人在暗中祈求和解。柯林斯高阶〔predict〕Many people predicted that the store would fail, but it has done very well.很多人曾经预言这家商店会倒闭,但它却经营得很红火。韦氏高阶〔prettiness〕Her prettiness had been much admired.她的美貌得到很多人的称赞。外研社新世纪〔protest〕Many people have protested at the cuts in state benefits.很多人都对削减国家福利提出了抗议。牛津搭配〔prove〕This information has proved useful to a great many people.对于很多人来说, 这一信息派上了用场。外研社新世纪〔publicity〕Their divorce has attracted a lot of publicity.他们的离婚引起了很多人的注意。文馨英汉〔repulsive〕Many people find slugs repulsive.很多人觉得鼻涕虫让人恶心。朗文当代〔retailing〕There may be many job losses in retailing.零售业可能会有很多人失业。朗文当代〔run〕Many people don't care who runs the country.很多人对由谁统治国家无所谓。朗文当代〔salvation〕The church's message of salvation has changed the lives of many.基督教中耶稣拯救灵魂的教义改变了很多人的生活。柯林斯高阶〔scratch your head〕A lot of people must be scratching their heads about which way to vote.一定有很多人在冥思苦想应该把票投给哪一方。剑桥高阶〔sexism〕Many people thought the ad was sexist.很多人认为这个广告存在性别歧视。韦氏高阶〔shake〕A lot of people think that they're not going to get a fair shake from the courts.很多人认为他们在法庭上不会受到公平的审判。柯林斯高阶〔shop〕Many people now shop online.现在很多人在网上购物。韦氏高阶〔sicken〕Many of them sickened and died.他们中的很多人都患病身亡。柯林斯高阶〔splendent〕Admired by many; illustrious.被很多人羡慕的;杰出的美国传统〔spur〕Redundancy is the spur for many to embark on new careers.裁员促使很多人另谋职业。外研社新世纪〔stampede〕The crowd stampeded and many were crushed or trampled underfoot.人群争先恐后地奔逃,很多人被压伤或踩踏。柯林斯高阶〔stoke〕The leaflets stoked up fears of an invasion.那些传单引起很多人对侵略的恐惧。朗文当代〔strangle〕There is a great deal of fear that the new restrictions might strangle the country's economy.很多人害怕新的限制措施会抑制国家的经济发展。剑桥高阶〔strike〕The word 'cancer' still strikes terror into many hearts.“癌症”这个词仍然使很多人心生恐惧。朗文当代〔substantial〕A substantial number of people commute to work each day.很多人每天上班都是坐公共汽车往返的。韦氏高阶〔suffering〕The war will cause widespread human suffering.战争会给很多人带来苦难。剑桥高阶〔suppose〕Her new book is supposed to be (= generally people think it is) very good.很多人都认为她的新书写得非常好。剑桥高阶〔susceptible〕Many people were lightly dressed and therefore susceptible to burn injuries.很多人穿得很少, 因此很容易烫伤。外研社新世纪〔swagger〕His swaggering self-confidence irritates many people.他趾高气扬的自负神态激怒了很多人。剑桥高阶〔there〕Were there many people at the meeting? 有很多人参加会议吗?朗文当代〔toe〕She trod on a lot of toes when she joined the company. () 她进公司时得罪了很多人。牛津搭配〔top-end〕Many people are upgrading their mobiles to top-end models.很多人不断将手机升级到最高端的款式。牛津高阶〔torture〕Many died under torture, others committed suicide… 很多人被酷刑折磨致死,另一些人则选择了自杀。柯林斯高阶〔troubled〕But these are troubled times and many people fear for the future.但现在处于乱世, 很多人对未来忧心忡忡。外研社新世纪〔trouser〕Many people think that ex-ministers are trousering £25,000 in fees simply for going to a few board meetings a year.很多人认为前任部长们一年仅参加几次理事会就轻而易举地捞取了 25,000 英镑的报酬。柯林斯高阶〔unrealistically〕There are many who feel that the players are being completely unrealistic in their demands.很多人都觉得这些球员的要求是完全不现实的。柯林斯高阶〔unsettled〕A lot of people wake up every day with a sense of being unsettled and disturbed.很多人每天起床的时候都感到无法集中精力、心烦意乱。柯林斯高阶〔upset〕This decision is likely to upset a lot of people.这个决定很可能会让很多人感到不高兴。牛津搭配A great number of people arrived late.很多人迟到了。剑桥国际Fear of failure is an inhibiting factor for many people (=makes them unwilling to do something).担心失败对于很多人来说是一种抑制因素。剑桥国际Many of us disagree with the changes that are happening.我们很多人对眼下发生的变化不满意。剑桥国际Many people are attracted by the prestige of working for a top company.很多人被为著名公司工作的魅力所吸引。剑桥国际Many people believe factory farming is inhumane.很多人认为工厂化农业是不人道的。剑桥国际Many people depend on agriculture for their livelihood.很多人靠农业为生。牛津商务She has been criticized for attempting to put a political spin on what has been for many people a personal tragedy.对很多人来说这是一个个人悲剧,而她却企图对此发表政治看法,为此受到了批评。剑桥国际Skiing used to be the prerogative of the rich, but now a far wider range of people do it.滑雪过去是富人的特权,但现在很多人可以玩了。剑桥国际The ferocity of the attack has shocked a lot of people.这次袭击之猛烈使很多人感到震惊。剑桥国际There is no famine at present, but the omens for the winter are not good and many people will face starvation.目前没有饥荒,但是冬天的预兆不好,很多人会面临饥饿。剑桥国际




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