

单词 引人
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ATTENTION〕With all the competition, a website really has to give away something good to get people's attention. 面对这么多的竞争,网站真的不得不送出一些好东西来吸引人们的注意。朗文写作活用〔Ate〕The goddess of criminal rashness and consequent punishment.埃特:引人草率行事并受到惩罚的犯罪女神美国传统〔INTERESTING〕In his latest novel, Martin Amis gives us an engrossing tale of human trauma. 马丁·埃米斯在他最近出版的小说中讲述了一个人类精神创伤的故事,引人入胜。朗文写作活用〔INTERESTING〕Sergei Rebrov scored the goal that finally ended an enthralling match. 谢尔盖·雷布罗夫射入一球,终于结束了这场引人入胜的比赛。朗文写作活用〔INTERESTING〕What she reveals in this novel is a spellbinding tale of her life in China. 在这部小说中她讲述的是自己在中国生活的引人入胜的故事。朗文写作活用〔a certain je ne sais quoi〕Although the sculpture had flaws, it also had a certain je ne sais quoi that made it very appealing.尽管这个雕塑有缺陷,但自有其妙不可言之处,非常吸引人。韦氏高阶〔aerial〕Patterns that are invisible on the ground can be the most striking part of an aerial photograph.地面上看不出来的图案可能会成为航拍照片中最引人注目的东西。柯林斯高阶〔amenity〕The quality of being pleasant or attractive; agreeableness.怡人:使人愉快或吸引人的性质;使人愉快美国传统〔analysis〕He gave me a fascinating analysis of the sport's history.他给我分析了这项运动的历史,真是引人入胜。牛津搭配〔appealing〕That's an appealing idea.那个想法很吸引人。外研社新世纪〔arrest〕His work always arrests one's attention.他的工作总会引人注意。外研社新世纪〔arrest〕The mountains are the most arresting feature of the glen.群山是该峡谷最吸引人的特色。朗文当代〔attraction〕The beautiful beaches are the island's main attraction (=most popular place, activity etc) .美丽的海滩是这个岛最吸引人的地方。朗文当代〔attractively〕Prices are attractively low.价格低廉, 很吸引人。外研社新世纪〔attractively〕The attractiveness of the schemes depends almost entirely on tax relief.该方案之所以吸引人几乎全倚仗其税费减免政策。柯林斯高阶〔backroom〕The meeting place used by an inconspicuous controlling group.密室:被某些不引人注意的控制集团使用的会见地点美国传统〔bizarre〕The game was also notable for the bizarre behaviour of the team's manager.这场比赛也因球队主教练的怪异举动而引人注目。外研社新世纪〔catch phrase〕A phrase in wide or popular use, especially one serving as a slogan for a group or movement.吸引人的词句:广泛使用的或流行的用语,尤指用作集团或运动的口号的用语美国传统〔centre〕The pictures on loan from the Art Museum were the centre of the exhibit.向美术博物馆借来的几幅画成为展览会中引人注目的中心。英汉大词典〔church〕There's an interesting organ in the church.教堂里有一架引人注目的管风琴。牛津搭配〔cinematic〕This is a great cinematic experience: engrossing, at times exciting.这是一次特别棒的电影体验:引人入胜, 有时又十分刺激。外研社新世纪〔compelling〕He remains a compelling figure in politics.他在政治上仍是一个引人注目的人物。英汉大词典〔confess〕Occasionally people confess to crimes they haven't committed just to get attention.偶尔人们会承认自己并未犯过的罪行,那只是为了引人注意。朗文当代〔costume〕Even from a distance the effect of his fox costume was stunning.即使是从远处看, 他的狐狸装扮也十分引人注意。外研社新世纪〔counteroffer〕He made a very attractive counteroffer.他做了一项很吸引人的反提议。文馨英汉〔desirable〕A desirable person or thing.引人注意者:引人注意的人或事美国传统〔display〕An advertisement or headline designed to catch the eye.夸张的广告:为引人注意而设计的广告或大标题美国传统〔entice〕Our special offers are intended to entice people to buy.我们的特价优惠是为了吸引人们购买。朗文当代〔enticingly〕They laid out their stall enticingly.他们把货摊布置得很吸引人。外研社新世纪〔environs〕The town and its environs are inviting, with recreational attractions and art museums.那座小镇及其周边地区建有休闲胜地和艺术馆,很吸引人。柯林斯高阶〔event〕The flat monotonous plains stretch away. A single tree becomes an event.单调平坦的旷野一望无际。孤零零的一棵树就成了引人瞩目之物。英汉大词典〔everything〕He has got a new book in mind. It has everything: rich people, a poor but beautiful girl, romance, adventure, etc.他准备写一部新书,故事里有各种吸引人的内容:富人、一个贫穷但美丽的姑娘、风流韵事、冒险经历等等。英汉大词典〔exterior〕The film includes some striking exteriors.这部电影有一些引人注目的外景美国传统〔fascinate〕To be irresistibly charming or attractive.迷人:非常有魅力,极度吸引人美国传统〔fascinating〕Renoir's later life is equally fascinating.雷诺阿的晚年生活同样吸引人。牛津搭配〔feature〕Jon featured in one of the show's most thrilling episodes.乔恩主演剧中最引人入胜的剧集之一。柯林斯高阶〔first〕There was nothing especially attractive about him at first sight.他乍看起来并没有什么特别吸引人的地方。麦克米伦高阶〔focus〕The eye will automatically focus on the small group in the foreground.视线会自动集中到最引人注目的那个小群体上。牛津搭配〔freshness〕This gives the early part of the novel freshness and charm.这便使得小说开头部分十分新颖并引人入胜。外研社新世纪〔furbish〕To restore to attractive or serviceable condition; renovate.刷新,恢复:更新恢复到原来吸引人或实用的状态;整修一新美国传统〔gasser〕Slang Something highly entertaining or remarkable.【俚语】 出类拔萃的事物:一极极有趣或引人注目的事物美国传统〔gest〕A notable adventure or exploit.引人注目的壮举或伟绩美国传统〔gripping〕Craig Thomas's gripping tale of espionage克雷格·托马斯引人入胜的间谍故事外研社新世纪〔grip〕The story grips.这故事引人入胜。英汉大词典〔humor〕His humor is one of his most attractive qualities.他的幽默感是他最吸引人的品质之一。韦氏高阶〔ill-shapen〕Unattractive, deformed, or distorted in shape; misshapen.难看的:不吸引人的,畸型的,形状怪异的;奇形怪状的美国传统〔impress〕She's bright, ambitious, and eager to impress.她聪明,有抱负,渴望引人注目。韦氏高阶〔interesting〕Chess can be an extremely absorbing game.国际象棋有时就是一场引人入胜的游戏。牛津高阶〔interest〕The interest of the painting lies in its unusual use of light.这幅画吸引人之处在于其独特的用光技巧。牛津搭配〔knee-high〕She was wearing a pair of dramatic black knee-high boots.她穿了一双引人注目的齐膝高的黑靴子。外研社新世纪〔limelight〕He was now one of the city's notables — but he preferred to remain out of the limelight.他现在成为该城的名人之一,但他宁可像过去一样避免引人注目。英汉大词典〔lure〕Something that tempts or attracts with the promise of pleasure or reward.诱惑物:以允诺给予满足或奖励的方式诱惑或吸引人的东西美国传统〔manipulate〕A clever writer manipulates his characters and plot to create interest.聪明的作家通过巧妙地处理作品中的人物与情节来引人入胜。英汉大词典〔moment〕The film has its moments.这部电影有其吸引人之处。外研社新世纪〔nonconformist〕Victoria stood out as a dazzling non-conformist.维多利亚以令人惊叹的打破陈规者的形象而引人注目。柯林斯高阶〔physically〕I don't find him physically attractive.我不觉得他外表吸引人。牛津高阶〔profile〕Football is a high profile business.足球是一个引人注目的产业。柯林斯高阶〔profile〕The star has a high profile in Britain.那位明星在英国非常引人注目。朗文当代〔punch〕It's a well-constructed crime story, told with speed and punch.这篇描写犯罪的故事构思精巧,情节紧凑,引人入胜。牛津高阶〔ravishingly〕The film is ravishingly photographed.这部影片拍得引人入胜。外研社新世纪〔raw〕Recorded almost live, there's a certain seductive rawness about the whole thing.整个作品几乎是实况录制,有一种引人入胜的真实感。柯林斯高阶〔reading〕Your report made fascinating reading.你的报告读起来引人入胜。朗文当代〔reason〕His travel articles are always, for one reason or another, fascinating.由于这样或那样的原因,他的旅游文章总是很吸引人。麦克米伦高阶〔repelled〕She was very striking but in some way I felt repelled.她非常引人注目,但我觉得她有些讨厌。柯林斯高阶〔revolve〕Objects continuously revolve in space inspiring wonder and amazement.天体在太空中不停旋转, 引人惊奇。外研社新世纪〔risible〕Eliciting laughter; ludicrous.引人发笑的;荒唐可笑的美国传统〔set apart〕Her high height sets her apart from her sisters.高高的个子使她在其姊妹中分外引人注目。21世纪英汉〔shallow〕He's physically attractive, but shallow.他外表吸引人,但是内心肤浅。剑桥高阶〔showy〕A peony is a showy flower.牡丹是一种引人瞩目的花。英汉大词典〔sidle〕He was sidling into the bar, trying to be inconspicuous.他偷偷溜进那家酒吧, 尽量不引人注意。外研社新世纪〔sightly〕Pleasing to see; visually appealing.悦目的:看起来令人愉快的;在视觉上吸引人的美国传统〔signally〕To a conspicuous degree; notably.非凡地,显著地:达到引人注目的程度地;显著地美国传统〔spellbinding〕I found his description of life in Ancient Rome absolutely spellbinding.我发现他对古罗马生活的描述确实引人入胜。英汉大词典〔steal〕The magician's assistant stole the show with her comic antics.魔术师的助手以她滑稽的动作引人注 目美国传统〔sticky〕A sticky site lets the visitor bounce around for long periods of time.吸引人的网站会使得访客在上面浏览很长一段时间。外研社新世纪〔sugared〕Made more appealing or pleasant.更加味美可口或吸引人的美国传统〔take〕They just want attention. For instance, take the way they wear their hair.他们只是想引人注意,他们理的发型就是个例子。韦氏高阶〔tickle〕The comedian tickled the crowd with his jokes.滑稽演员讲笑话引人发笑。英汉大词典〔unlovely〕Not deemed visually attractive.不可爱的:未被认为在视觉上吸引人的美国传统〔winning〕There was something very winning about this young man.这青年的身上有一种非常吸引人的东西。英汉大词典〔within〕The motives that attract people to work within a social service are variable.吸引人们到社会福利部门工作的动机各不相同。柯林斯高阶〔wood〕The chapel has some interesting works in wood and marble.教堂里有一些引人注目的木质和大理石结构。牛津搭配Bette is always good for a laugh.贝蒂总是引人发笑。剑桥国际He gave a fascinating lecture which was followed by a slide show of his latest Arctic expedition.他作了一次引人入胜的演讲,随后是关于他最近一次北极探险的幻灯片放映。剑桥国际His integrity stood out in relief from the corruption of certain officials. 某些官员腐化堕落,相形之下他的廉正更引人瞩目。译典通I always find programmes about hospitals compulsive viewing.我一向认为有关医院的电视节目引人入胜。剑桥国际In the opera ‘The Magic Flute’, the Queen of the Night makes a grand entrance in Act I (= her entrance attracts everyone's attention).在歌剧《魔笛》中,夜晚女神在第一幕上台时十分引人注目。剑桥国际Rachel had told me she wasn't going to the party, but when I arrived she was there, (as) large as life (= behaving in a way which made her presence obvious) and the centre of attention.雷切尔对我说她不去晚会,可我到时她正在那儿,千真万确,而且最为引人注目。剑桥国际She courts (=tries to get) publicity by inviting journalists to extravagant parties.她邀请新闻记者参加奢华的晚会,企图引人注意。剑桥国际She found my idea so intriguing that she used it for her first book.她觉得我的主意如此引人入胜,以致她将它用在她的第一本书里了。剑桥国际The 20th century has been remarkable for its inventions. 20 世纪由于其发明而引人瞩目。剑桥国际The increasing visibility of the nation's poor and homeless has forced the government into taking action.该国越来越引人注目的穷人和无家可归者问题已经迫使政府采取行动。剑桥国际The music was hypnotic, contemporary, spiritually provocative and never churchy.这种音乐具有催眠性、现代性,在精神上引人深思,但是决无宗教气氛。剑桥国际The prime minister's unwillingness to brook dissent has been particularly noticeable of late.最近,首相不愿采纳不同意见的行为格外引人注意。剑桥国际The salesman banged a drum to attract a crowd. 推销员击鼓以吸引人群。译典通The security men just melted (away) into the background until they were needed.保安人员隐藏在不引人注意的地方,直到需要他们的时候。剑桥国际The woods beckon. 树林吸引人们。译典通Their investigation produced a number of noteworthy conclusions.他们调查后得出了许多引人注意的结论。剑桥国际They were housed in a striking white building made of massive concrete slabs / slabs of concrete.他们住在由大块水泥板建造的一幢引人注目的白色大楼里。剑桥国际This used to be an attractive seaside town, but now it's become very touristy (= unattractive because a lot of tourists visit it as it has many things for them to see and do and buy).这里过去是个引人入胜的海滨城镇,但是现在变成了一个人满为患的地方。剑桥国际




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