

单词 已作出决定
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔die〕The decision has been made and is irrevocable.木已成舟:已作出决定,无法反悔美国传统〔franchise〕It was decided that all men in the armed forces should qualify for the franchise.已作出决定,军队中的所有男性都应有选举资格。牛津搭配〔then〕Call again next week. They should have reached a decision by then.下星期再来电话。到那时他们应该已作出决定了。牛津高阶The decision has been made to deploy (= put into position ready to be used) extra troops/more powerful weapons.已作出决定,要部署额外的部队/更多强有力的武器。剑桥国际The government has ruled that the refugees must be deported.政府已作出决定,难民必须被驱逐出境。剑桥国际They have come to a decision. 他们已作出决定。译典通Tony has made up his mind to buy a sports car, and as far as he's concerned, finding the money to pay for it is just a detail.托尼已作出决定,要买一辆跑车,而对他来说,搞钱付款只是小事一桩。剑桥国际




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